10 Tips and recipes to rid stretch marks


Stretch marks are visible lines on the skin surface, with an off-color hue. Stretch marks are mainly found in the abdominal wall, but can also occur over the thighs, upper arms, buttocks and breasts. Sometimes stretch marks can cover large areas of the body. While pregnancy is the main cause behind stretch marks, other reasons can be sudden gain or loss in weight, rapid growth, heredity factors, stress and changes in physical conditions.


stretch marks


The skin consists of three main layers: Epidermis (the outer layer), Dermis (the middle layer) and Subcutaneous or Hypodermic (the deepest layer). Stretch marks form in the dermis or middle layer of the skin when the connective tissue is “stretched” beyond the power of its flexibility due to rapid expansion or contraction of the skin. As skin is stretched, the collagen is weakened and its normal production cycle is interrupted and damaged. This ultimately results in fine scars under the top layer of the skin. Initially the marks look pink or red, but over time a thin, silvery line appears on the skin surface and a stretch mark is born. Stretch marks appear on the skin surface when someone grows quickly, or puts on weight quickly.


Anti oxidants to repair stretch marks

Anti oxidants are compounds well known for keeping skin young. These compounds have properties which repairs our skin fast and helps you to get rid of wrinkles and stretch marks. Eat foods rich in anti oxidants or apply a stretch marks removal cream for lessening your marks. Catechin polyphenols in green tea, polyphenols in apples, flavonoid in dark chocolate, lycopene in tomato, gluthathoine in yogurt are good antioxidants to treat stretch marks. Other foods like berries, pomegranate, eggs are also very helpful. One can also apply these fruits and vegetables to your cracked skin so that it heals fast. Good quantity of anti oxidants in body will not only help you to get rid of stretch marks but will also keep skin firm.


Healthy Food

Eat food rich in Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Zinc and omega fatty acid to help l the stretch marks. Fish, eggs, oranges, broccoli, spinach, almonds, lentils are foods one must have to provide body with essential nutrients to heal the cracks fast. Also drink water according to your body requirement, everybody is different, to keep body hydrated and moisturized.  Junk food should be avoided in this process.



Exercise provides more blood and oxygen to skin that helps to give extra nutrients and vitamins that repair the cracked skin. Remember to exercise more for the region or part of the body where you have more stretch marks. Usually the stretch marks are on chest thighs and stomach, so chest push ups and pull ups are good. Similarly for stomach crunches are good and for thighs cycling, swimming and sit ups are helpful. One can also massage the area where you have cracked skin. Take a cold pack and slowly rub in on your marksa. Follow this method daily to quickly remove stretch marks.


Ointments to get rid of stretch marks

Now a days many creams are available in the market that claim to lighten stretch marks from skin. Although we have not tried any such cream or not asked any person who has used such creams, but these companies claims to give postive results. You can ask a dermatologist for getting a quick solution to your problem.

Cucumber on White


Cucumbers are various nutrients and skin lightening compounds that lighten the stretch marks. It provides a lot of moisture that leads to growth of new cells that repair the affected  skin. Take the smaller cucumber and cut in into slices. Now take one slice and rub it slowly over the stretch marks for 5 minutes. Let it stay for 15 minutes, till then have some rest. Now remove the cucumber slice and wash the affected skin with warm water, apply an oil or a rich moisturiser . Cucumber helps to relax our skin cells and following this method daily will lighten your stretch marks quickly.



Avocado is a great source for folic acid. Folic acid is widely used in stretch marks removal creams and is very good in healing damaged and cracked skin. Avocado also provides a lot of moisture to skin, hence extracts of avocado are widely used in moisturizing creams. To prepare a natural stretch marks removal cream make a paste of avocado. Now apply it to skin and let it rest for 20 minutes. Now remove it using warm water,and proceed with an oil or a rich moisturizer.  Follow this technique daily to get rid of stretch marks naturally. This will not only heal the skin but also make it soft and more flexible. You can add some lemon drops to avocado paste for getting better and more effective results.


Aloe vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is rich in anti oxidants, moisture, vitamins and has powerful healing properties that help to treat stretch marks, wrinkles and various other skin problems. Since it is antiseptic , it can also be used to heal burns, rashes and cuts. Due to its nutritional skin benefits, it is widely used in skin care products. Apply aloe vera gel to your stretch marks and let it dry for 15 minutes, apply an oil or a rich moisturizer. This therapy will soothe your stretch marks and make skin soft and beautiful. Antioxidants in this gel repairs skin cells and stimulates the generation of new skin that quickly removes stretch marks.



Potato contains starch, vitamins, minerals and skin lighting enzymes which makes it one of the best remedy for removing stretch marks. Potato speeds up the process of production of new skin cells that fill the cracks in skin. Crush one potato and extract its juice or cut in into big slices. Apply the juice or gently rub slice to your effected skin. I recommend you to apply the juice and cover it with cotton. Let it remain for fifteen minutes and then rinse it. Allow the skin to absorb the nutrients from potato so that it speeds up the process of healing stretch marks.

lemon and honey

Honey and Lemon

Honey and lemon juice treatment is also very effective to get rid of stretch marks. While honey is full of predigested sugar and moisture, lemon contains vitamin C and citric acid that lighten the skin marks. Vitamin C also builds collagen in body that repairs and lightens the dark spots and stretch marks. Add few drops of lemon juice to honey and cover your affected skin with it. Give time to the skin so that it absorbs the moisture, vitamin C and other compounds. Follow this process daily and within weeks your stretch marks will start fading.


Natural Oils

Natural oils like coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil contains vitamin E and lots of anti oxidants that helps to deal with various skin problems including stretch marks. Massage any one of these oils to your marks daily for 10 minutes. Giving more time will soothe your skin problem and repair your cracked skin faster. For better and quick results mix aloevera gel to one of the natural oil, apply it to skin and leave it overnight.


Apply a Mixture of Coconut Oil and Vitamin E Oil

Coconut oil’s unique composition, including a variety of powerful antioxidants and fatty acids, makes it an outstanding source of nourishment for the skin when applied topically. It also contains lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid whose only other natural occurrence is in mother’s breast milk- dermatologists suggest that coconut oil does for the skin what mother’s milk does for growing infants.

As both coconut oil and vitamin E are readily available at supermarkets, blend the two to reap maximum benefits. Apply the oil to clean, dry skin twice daily and allow to absorb. Store unused oil in a cool, dark container for future use.

Add Vitamin E- and Zinc-Rich Foods to Your Diet

Eating vitamin E rich foods is beneficial for the same reasons as its topical application- vitamin E is outstanding at protecting against free radicals and nourishing skin cell membranes. Vitamin E rich foods include sunflower seeds, almonds, leafy greens, asparagus, and papaya among others.

Zinc is necessary for the production of collagen, which gives skin it’s elasticity, as well as an essential part of the functioning of enzymes that repair damaged tissue in the body. Foods rich in zinc include sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, oats, yogurt,seaweed, oysters, etc.

Use a Homemade Scrub and Create Your Own at Home Spa

In The Green Beauty Guide, Julie Gabriel suggests a mixture of salt, honey and glycerin to get rid of stretch marks. Stir together 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon glycerin in a small container; then massage onto skin for a few minutes and rinse. Afterward, wash with a gentle cleanser, moisturize (with the oil blend from above) and pat dry. Store unused scrub in the refrigerator and use within 48 hours.


Egg Treatment

Egg is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals that help to get rid of wrinkles and stretch marks. Apply the egg white to your skin, let it dry and wash it after 10 minutes. This remedy is helpful for healing stretch marks easily.

happy face

Milk Cream

Milk cream is the great source for many vitamins and minerals that helps to nourish our skin cells. Apply the milk cream directly to your skin, leave it for 30 minutes. Giving more time will help the milk cream to erase your stretch marks rapidly. Follow this method daily and within one month you will get positive results and your stretch marks will be less visible.

Paint - Yellow

Orange Juice

Orange juice is rich in vitamin C that works best for treating stretch marks and lightening skin tone. Mix little turmeric and olive oil to orange juice and rub it over your stretch marks two rimes a day. Follow this technique to fade your stretch marks quickly.


Natural Beauty Treatments for Rosacea


Herbal Remedies for Rosacea

Rosacea generally results in enlarged blood vessels, generally focusing on the face, particularly the nose, and often takes the appearance of flushed or red skin. Rosacea may be brought about by stress, excessive temperatures or food sensitivities, among other causes. In addition to conventional treatment choices, you might have the ability to get relief from flareups and  reduce this condition over time with certain home remedies for rosacea. Before using any natural alternative, though, ask your primary care physician so as to steer clear of allergic reactions or unexpected side effects.

Eat healthy. Nutritional deficiencies may exacerbate rosacea.
◦ Eliminate foods containing trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup, sugar, and common allergens, such as corn, dairy, gluten, and peanuts, which are known to trigger rosacea flare-up.
◦ Eat lots of whole grains, almonds, and dark leafy greens, which contain anti-inflammatory B vitamins.
◦ Eat fruits and vegetables, such as prunes, pomegranates, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, zucchini, cherries, apples, beets, kale, spinach, broccoli, and onions, which are rich in antioxidant,and bioflavonoids to strengthen arteries and veins and prevent them from dilating to cause rosacea.
◦ Eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as wild-caught salmon, halibut, and sardines, three times a week.

About Rosacea By Jessica Wu

Rosacea is a type of acne that occurs only in adults. It usually appears in people with fair skin, and it tends to be hereditary. It often begins with easy flushing or blushing and later produces pink bumps, pimples, and pustules on the nose, cheeks, and chin. In addition to redness, people can get enlarged capillary veins, especially across the nose and cheeks.

People with Rosacea often also have overactive oil glands and large pores. If left untreated, this condition can develop into pustules and pimples, and eventually large cysts. In addition, Rosacea can lead to distortion of the shape of the nose.

Treatments for Rosacea are varied, and often combined for more effective results. An initial option is the prescription of topical antibiotics such as Metrogel and oral antibiotics such as Tetracycline, Doxycycline, or Minocycline. Aurora Laser treatments can improve the background redness associated with Rosacea, while a Diode laser can collapse the larger veins that appear on the face. For the oiliness and acne, a Jessner peel containing Salicylic Acid can help unclog oil glands and reduce redness and pustules.

As a general lifestyle guideline, it’s essential for people with Rosacea to avoid anything that causes the skin to flush, including hot or spicy foods and drinks, saunas and Jacuzzis, and alcohol.

What Causes Rosacea According To Paula Begoun

One of the main reasons there have been problems finding a cure for rosacea is that no one knows, or at everyone doesn’t agree on, exactly what causes it. Many researchers think there’s a genetic component to the development of rosacea. Others believe that elevated levels of an inflammatory peptide called cathelicidin or high levels of an enzyme known as KLK5 in the skin’s uppermost layers play a role.

Another theory is that a mite commonly found on human skin, Demodex folliculorum, triggers the inflammation that leads to rosacea. Research has shown that those with rosacea tend to have a finer layer of superficial blood vessels in their facial skin, and these vessels are hypersensitive to internal and external factors.

Last, some researchers believe that those with rosacea have a much thinner, more delicate surface barrier. Think of the skin’s layers like the layers of an onion: On rosacea skin, the barrier is akin to the onion’s paper-thin skin; on skin without rosacea, there are more layers (literally, thicker skin) offering enhanced barrier protection.

Regardless of the cause, there are plenty of factors that can make rosacea worse! Basically, anything that causes a rush of blood to the face is an issue. All of these are triggers:

  • Sun exposure
  • Wind
  • Hot climates
  • Heavy or strenuous exercise
  • Emotional stress
  • Certain cosmetic ingredients
  • Topical steroid creams and other topical medications that can thin the skin
  • Spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine (especially from hot beverages like coffee)

Who Gets Rosacea

Rosacea is a condition that shows up in adults, usually between the ages of 30 and 60. It affects all segments of the population, but is most common in people with fair skin tones, especially those who tend to blush easily. In fact, it’s thought to affect as much as 30 to 50 percent of the Caucasian population! Women are diagnosed with rosacea more frequently than men, but men tend to experience more severe symptoms, such as a swollen, distended nose area and more broken capillaries.


Essential Oils and Herbs for Rosacea

Several treatments for rosacea symptoms are possible, including laser therapy. Other forms of symptom treatment include using moisturizers for sensitive skin, taking herbal supplements and/or the topical application of essential oils. Always consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before embarking on a new treatment.

Lavender herb and essential oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is extracted from the flowers and leaves of the plant through steam distillation. A favorite essential oil for all skin types, lavender essential oil is particularly beneficial to rosacea skin. It calms the skin and has anti-inflammatory properties.


Rose Hip Oil

Like borage oil, rose hip oil has a high concentration of the essential fatty acid, GLA. Essential fatty acids are necessary to the creation and maintenance of healthy cellular membranes, through which nutrients pass into the cells. Rose hip oil is used on rosacea as an antiseptic and to regulate sebum production.

 evening Primrose

Evening Primrose

Evening primrose oil is extracted from the plant’s seeds, which are high in GLA content. It is offered as an herbal supplement, as well as a topical oil. Evening primrose oil helps to normalize the barrier functions of the skin, maintains hydration and offers both astringent and calming effects.


Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil is extracted by steam distillation from the flowers of the plant. The oil contains azulene, which offers superior calming effects. When used for rosacea, the oil soothes the skin and relieves inflammation.

Try Chamomile  cold compresses. Steep a handful of pure chamomile or several chamomile tea bags in three cups of boiling water for 10 minutes, then refrigerate. When you need a cold compress, dip a cotton cloth in the chamomile and apply it to the affected area until you feel relief. Chamomile may also be used as an ointment or cream applied to skin.



Borage Oil

Borage oil is extracted from the seeds of the Borago officinalis plant. It is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid. The body does not naturally produce essential fatty acids and must take them from food sources. Borage oil can be taken as an herbal supplement or applied topically to the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties are helpful for rosacea; borage oil also reduces reddening. It is also an effective emollient and promotes healthy skin.



Apply a skin cream containing Feverfew to the affected area. Feverfew reduces inflammation by inhibiting 5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase, resulting in decreased platelet aggregation. Extracts of feverfew contain parthenolide, a potent skin sensitizer. In a recent study by Sur et al, a parthenolide-depleted extract of Feverfew (PD-Feverfew) was made and used to test for its effectiveness in treating inflammatory skin conditions, and found that it reduced inflammatory markers and reduced skin redness induced by vasodilation (similar mechanism as in rosacea), suggesting that parthenolide-depleted feverfew might be an appropriate herbal remedy for rosacea.

green tea

Green Tea

Use Green Tea. In addition, apply green tea infused face cream twice daily to affected areas of the skin. Green tea contains epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin-3-gallate, and epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which have anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and photoprotective properties, the latter especially useful rosacea, of which sun sensitivity is a hallmark. Green tea extract may also reduce the disruption of the skin barrier seen in rosacea. If you cannot find green tea infused cream, you can try the cold compress method described for chamomile above.



Apply a gel containing Licorice  to affected areas of the skin twice daily. Glycyrrhizinic acid has also been shown to improve dermatitis. In a study by Saeedi et al (2003), 2% glycyrrhizinic acid gel significantly reduced erythema, edema, and itching in patients with atopic dermatitis over the 2-week treatment period.



Tea Tree Oil

Apply Tea Tree Oil to affected areas of skin. Tea tree oil has both antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It may kill germs resistant to methicillin, vancomycin, and other antibiotics. Tea tree oil contains over 100 components, mostly monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and their alcohols, such as terpinen-4-ol, which is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

Use tea tree oil with caution, as it may cause side effects including allergic contact dermatitis,[systemic contact dermatitis, erythema, and systemic hypersensitivity reactions, as well as conditions such as linear immunoglobulin A disease

Light-Based Treatments for Rosacea

Some of the best and most effective treatments for rosacea involve using light to target the blood vessels that cause the “red mask” and broken capillaries of rosacea. Special lasers or intense pulsed light (IPL) machines target capillaries and diffuse redness in the upper layers of the skin. These light-based treatments cause the walls of blood vessels to heat up, which damages them, causing them to be absorbed by the body as part of its natural defense.

The catch? Repeated treatments (typically 4–6 spaced a few weeks apart) are required for the redness to disappear completely, and most people will need a maintenance treatment at least once per year. Despite the need for repeat treatments and the expense involved, light-based treatments can make a remarkable difference in keeping rosacea and its symptoms under wraps, often for extended periods of time.

Hit the road, rosacea. Lose the red-faced flare-ups and bothersome bumps. Get rid of red. Move ahead with confidence.
  • Rosacea
  • Dry/Very Dry Skin
  • Calms redness and inflammation
  • Hydrates and protects sensitive skin
  • 5 products: Skin Recovery Cleanser, Skin Recovery Toner, 1% BHA Lotion*, Skin Recovery Lotion SPF30, Skin Recovery Moisturizer

paulas choice


53 Uses for Coconut Oil

coconut oil banner

So, What Is Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is an edible oil, like olive or macadamia oil, extracted from the kernel or meat of mature coconuts. The oil is made up of around 90% saturated fat, 6% monounsaturated fat, and 3% polyunsaturated fat. Unlike other highly saturated and unsaturated fats, coconut oil is mostly made up of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). The saturated fat content makes coconut oil very heat-stable and enables a long shelf life.  It is well-known for its healing, anti-inflammatory properties and its metabolism-boosting medium chain tryglycerides. It has many uses from dietary, medical and industrial applications.


Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many benefits, from being directly associated with specific positive health effects to acting as an aid in certain body functions. I’ve read through dozens of papers, articles and blog posts and collated the following list of known/claimed benefits.Helps relieve symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. I’ve have also seen a lot of reports of coconut oil health benefits from those suffering from hypothryroidism, as coconut oil helps boost metabolism and raise body temperatures to promote thyroid health. Restricting carbohydrates and increasing coconut oil in the diet has also led many to report losing weight with coconut oil. Candida sufferers also report health benefits with coconut oil as research now confirms, and those suffering from various skin diseases are also seeing tremendous health benefits by applying coconut oil directly on the skin. The benefits of coconut oil for healthy hair are also well known, and other healthy benefits of coconut oil included fighting off bacterial infections and viruses. Coconut oil is also increasingly being seen to benefit athletes and fitness trainers giving them an advantage in sustaining energy levels longer without drugs or stimulants.


coconut-benefits big chart

How Does It Work?

Have you ever heard of lauric acid? It’s a compound with amazing health promoting properties. It contains anti fungal, antibacterial, antiviral properties that boost the immune system. Coconut oil fat is nearly 50% lauric acid, which is converted by the body into monolaurin and makes coconut oil effective in treating many bacterial and fungal infections such as candida, athlete’s foot, measles, influenza, and hep C. Another source of monolaurin is human breast milk, go figure!
Another reason coconut oil has so many benefits is because unlike most other fats and oils, it is comprised of  medium-chain fatty acids, (MCFA’s), which are smaller fat molecules metabolised in the liver and immediately absorbed and converted into energy, kind of like glucose but without the insulin spike.  Other fats and oils are made up of long chain fatty acids, or long-chain triglycerides, which are larger molecules that are difficult for your body to break down and are mainly stored as fat. The MCFA’s in coconut oil actually boost your metabolism and help your body use fat for energy, which can lead to weight loss, Type 2 diabetes risk reduction, increase in energy, accelerated healing and improved immunity.  When it comes to your skin, coconut oil is very hydrating and keeps skin’s connective tissues strong, which prevents sagging and wrinkles.


Types Of Coconut Oil

Refined coconut oil

• Made from dried coconut, also known as copra; the standard end product made from dried kernel (meat) is RBD oil, which stands for refined, bleached and deodorised. The reason the oil has to undergo this process is that the dried copra is not fit for consumption and the oil needs to undergo processes to filter our impurities and to make it more stable; it’s a pretty common way to mass-produce coconut oil.
• Because it’s refined it’s fairly tasteless and doesn’t smell like coconut; it can withstand higher cooking temperatures before it reaches its smoke point; great for deep-frying foods without the flavor of coconut.
• It’s not as great as the virgin, completely raw coconut oil but still has the same beneficial medium chain fatty acids; from what I read, it’s very close in its nutritional value to virgin coconut oil so it’s more about the extraction method and what chemicals have been applied.
• Most of the coconut oils available in grocery stores and vitamin stores are refined unless they specifically state otherwise; not all refined oils are created equal so try to get good quality, non-hydrogenated (yep, even coconut oil can be hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated but mainly in tropical, Asian countries), and refined using natural, chemical free process like steam or diatomaceous earth.
• Refined oil is great if you’re on the budget as it’s usually cheaper. It’s also good for things which require lots of oil like deep-frying, using it as a bath oil or in soaps, or using it as a body moisturizer.


Unrefined coconut oil

• Usually labelled as ‘virgin’ or ‘extra-virgin’, this coconut oil is made from the first pressing of fresh, raw coconut using mechanical means without the addition of any chemicals; depending on the extraction method, the flavor can be mild to very intense (more heat exposure during extraction, more coconut flavor in the oil).
• Good raw, unrefined, virgin coconut oil should have a very mild coconut flavor and scent.
• The difference between ‘virgin’ and ‘extra virgin’ is, well, pretty much none existent as far as I’ve researched, it’s more of a marketing trick to get you to pay more.
• Virgin, unrefined oil is more superior to refined coconut oil.


Extraction methods

Cold-pressed, expeller-pressed or centrifuged are methods of extracting oil from dry or fresh coconut and can be used for both refined and unrefined varieties. All methods can create a good, healthy oil. Expeller-pressed and cold-pressed don’t always mean ‘raw’ as sometimes these oils are heated to rather high temperatures during the extraction process, which is not a problem as coconut oil is a highly stable fat and will not go rancid. It does however mean that the flavor will be more coconutty. If you want a more mild and delicate coconut oil, look out for a centrifuged oil which is less likely to be exposed to heat during extraction.

Buying Coconut Oil

There are many brands and types of coconut oil and they vary in price depending on the source, production method, packaging and the marketing team. Super expensive doesn’t always mean the best, although it does often indicate the quality of ingredients and the purity. I always recommend to try a few brands and to find out as much as you can about the manufacturing process. Personally I really like Niulife coconut oil because the guy who started the company actually invented a natural expelling method they still use today and they are a fair trade and family owned business who make good products. However there are many great brands out there and regardless of where you are, here are a few things to look out for:

Color – white color when it’s solid and colorless when liquid, any discoloration might mean contamination and inferior quality.

Aroma and flavor – virgin, unrefined coconut oil should smell and taste like coconut but should not be overpowering and strong, if it smells roasted or smokey it means it’s been exposed to a lot of heat and it might not retain as many nutrients; and if it’s odorless and neutral tasting then it’s most likely refined and treated.

Price – the coconut oil in most stores can get quite pricey and doesn’t always mean superior product. It’s always a good idea to buy in bulk as the oil is stable and will last for at least 12 months. You can try a few different brands and make sure you like the smell and taste before you commit to buying a big batch. You can also share the shipping costs with friends and family and save even more money.

Storing Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can be stored out of the fridge, away from direct sunlight, for up to two years. It will stay liquid in temperatures above 25C (75F) and will turn into butter and solid texture in lower temperatures or if refrigerated. If the oil is solid and you need to use it in a liquid form, apply low level heat and it will transform very quickly.


How To Use Coconut Oil?

There are hundreds of ways you can use coconut oil – in cooking, as part of your skincare routine, as part of flu and cold treatment, or to rub on cuts and bruises. I’ve put together a few examples of how you can use it.
As far as how much coconut oil you should consume,  most recommend 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil for adults per day to achieve optimal results. It would be less for kids and those of you starting out with coconut oil or saturated fats in general. If you’ve been following a low fat diet and only now decided to transition to a higher fat intake, I would recommend to gradually build up the consumption of fat to avoid the initial diarrhea you might experience along the way.
Coconut oil as food
• I use coconut oil in cooking as it’s very heat-stable. I fry and deep-fry in it, rub it on my roast meats, stir-fries and sauces. It’s really good for Asian cooking as its flavor is very complimentary.
• It is a solid most of the time at room temperature or when refrigerated and is therefore a great substitute for butter or margarine and can be used for dips, spreads, in baking and desserts. Use 1 to 1 ratio when substituting other oils or butter for coconut oilIt can even be used to make mayonnaise, I would used a good quality refined coconut oil for that.
• Add a couple of teaspoons to smoothies, juices, tea or coffee.
• Refrigerate it and eat as is by scrapping some with a teaspoon. The taste is slightly sweet and subtle, it really is quite nice and doesn’t have that oily texture you might expect, more like white chocolate.
• Mix some coconut oil with cacao & honey for a quick energy boost before a workout.



You can get both edible and inedible coconut oils in stores.The edible form of coconut oil is usually refined,bleached and deodorized. Virgin coconut oil
is considered the best as it is low in carbs and forms a great source of nutrition.Coconut oil that has been derived from copra as the starting is usually unsuitable for consumption and can be applied externally only. So,if you are purchasing coconut oil, make sure you confirm that is suitable for consumption to prevent to unwanted issues.
For external uses, expeller pressed or other types of refined coconut oil will work, but for internal use, an unrefined virgin coconut oil is best. This book provides more information about the benefits of coconut oil and the difference in the types of coconut oil.

Hydrogenated Coconut Oil
In most cases, the coconut oil that is refined, bleached and deodorized is hydrogenated fully or completely. This practice is common in tropical areas as the melting point of coconut oil is about 76 degrees F. The coconut oil retains its natural solid state in colder conditions.One common issue with coconut oil is the hydrogenation process itself.
Coconut oil contains very little unsaturated oil which makes it hard to hydrogenate. Once it is hydrogenated, however, it contains traces of transfatty acids.


Coconut oil on a bamboo mat

53 Uses for Coconut Oil

1. Taken supplementally for daily energy
2. On the skin as a basic lotion
3. In homemade lotion bars for soft, smooth skin
4. In homemade deodorant or deodorant bars
5. In cooking as a great oil with a high smoke point. Great for baking, stir-frys or as a dairy free replacement to butter.
6. As an eye-makeup remover
7. As a cloth diaper safe diaper cream (just rub on baby’s bottom)
8. In making your own Remineralizing Toothpaste
9. To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy
10. To support healthy thyroid function
11. In homemade Mayo without the high PUFA vegetable oils
12. To help increase sun tolerance and avoid burning
13. As a naturally SPF 4 sunscreen
14. In homemade lotion recipes
15. To get rid of cradle cap on baby- just massage in to head, leave on for a few minutes and gently rinse with a warm wash cloth
16. Topically to kill yeast or yeast infections
17. As a delicious tropical massage oil
18. It’s high Lauric acid and MCFA content helps boost metabolism
19. A tiny dab rubbed on your hands and then through hair will help get rid of friz
20. As an intensive nighttime facial moisturizer
21. Mixed with equal parts sugar for a smoothing body scrub (use in the shower)
22. Rubbed on lips as a natural chap stick
23. Topically, can help skin heal faster after injury or infection
24. As an incredibly intensive natural conditioner- Rub into dry hair, put a shower cap on and leave for several hours
25. On feet to fight athlete’s foot or toe fungus
26. In place of Lanolin cream on nursing nipples to sooth irritation (also great for baby!)
27. Can help sooth psoriasis or eczema
28. With apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment for lice that actually works
29. In natural Homemade Sunscreen
30. In a filling and energy boosting Brain Powder Smoothie
31. Rub coconut oil on the inside of your nose to help alleviate allergy symptoms
32. There is some evidence that coconut oil helps digestion and may even kill intestinal parasites or yeast
33. Mix a tablespoon with a tablespoon of chia seeds for an all-day energy boost (do NOT take this at night!)
34. Can help improve insulin levels
35. Oil pulling with coconut oil and a drop of oregano oil helps improve gum health
36. Can help improve cholesterol ratios
37. Blend a tablespoon into hot tea to help speed recovery from cold or flu
38. In Homemade Natural Bug-Off Lotion Bars
39. As a replacement for vegetable oils in any recipe
40. After initial heat is gone, can help speed healing of sunburn
41. Is an immediate source of energy when eaten and isn’t stored as fat
42. As a natural personal lubricant that won’t disturb vaginal flora
43. As a naturally antibacterial skin cream
44. As a natural shave cream and after shave lotion
45. When used consistently on skin it can help get rid of cellulite
46. To season cast iron skillets
47. It’s anti-inflammatory properties can help lessen arthritis
48. Can reduce the itch of mosquito bites
49. Can help resolve acne when used regularly
50. Can be rubbed into scalp daily to stimulate hair growth
51. I’ve used in kids ears to help speed ear infection healing
52. A small amount can be rubbed into real leather to soften and condition (shiny leather only… test a small area first)
53. By itself as a great tanning oil


Is Coconut Oil REALLY Healthy?

How to Use Coconut oil:

There are hundreds of uses for coconut oil!

Dr. Bruce Fife – Benefits of Coconut Oil

4 Doctors on Coconut Oil & Dementia

How to take your daily dose of coconut oil

Beauty Tips – Inflammation

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For me, the best makeup is to first have healthy glowing skin. Otherwise it’s like a band-aid covering up something that is letting us know how our internal system is doing.

When I work with a client, my number one priority is to maintain and support a good skincare regimen from the inside out.
Inflammation is the reflection of the inner system.

Many skin care specialists believe inflammation is a key factor in premature skin deterioration and a majority of internal issues. Because the body’s basic response is to protect itself from irritation via inflammation, many people believe this response is a positive one. However, several scientists and skin care professionals from around the world advise people to avoid inflammation altogether. Bottom line: Anything that causes redness, over heating, swelling and any kind of irritation maybe detrimental to a person’s overall wellbeing.
There are a few upsides to inflammation: It is a sign of the body attempting to repair an affected area by bringing blood to the site; it helps to remove intruding agents from the site; and the additional white blood cells arriving at the site help to counteract the aggressor. Still, individuals should avoid inflammation at all costs.
In simplest terms, inflammation is the body’s immediate reaction to guard itself from some type of damage caused by an environmental external invader. Without the crucial process of inflammation, the body cannot restore itself in the face of damage.


Essentially, all inflammation starts in an acute phase. The body becomes damaged in some capacity due to a foreign agent, and it responds immediately to repair the damage. In many cases, this reaction goes undetected. Signs are so mild that they are even unnoticeable. Once the threat is gone, the body is able to go back to a non-defensive state—and the inflammation process turns off.


That’s why long lasting inflammation is being labeled the 21st century’s number one challenge. Unlike its short form, long lasting internal inflammation can occur undetected because it falls just below the radar of discomfort and visible swelling. You feel nothing, or you may experience vague, unexplained signs for which there are no conventional answers. And while you search for answers or even ignore the signs altogether, your body’s inflammation process carries on for weeks, months, or even years—which compromises your immune system.
In my opinion, wellness is the absence of inflammation. A possible key to optimal wellness is to detect long lasting inflammation and address its root concerns promptly and effectively.

12 foods that fight inflammation 2

The signs of inflammation are many and varied — it’s been linked to everything from bloating to joint pain to sinus congestion and skin rashes. Although a clinical assessment is the only way to determine for sure if you suffer from inflammation, the more of the following symptoms you experience, the more likely you have low-grade inflammation, says Mark Hyman, MD, author of The UltraSimple Diet (Pocket Books, 2007).
•  Bloating, belching, passing gas
•  Diarrhea or constipation
•  Fatigue, sluggishness
•  Itchy ears or eyes
•  Dark circles or bags under eyes
•  Joint pain or stiffness
•  Throat tickle, irritation or coughing
•  Stuffy noise, sinus trouble, excessive mucus
•  Acne, cysts, hives or rashes
•  Ruddy, inflamed-looking skin
•  Flushing
•  Water retention, skin puffiness
•  Craving certain foods
•  Compulsive or binge eating


raw-for-beauty antinflatory

The good news: Inflammation is fixable: “Our best tool to reverse inflammation isn’t a drug, but our diets,” says Barry Sears, PhD, a former research scientist at Boston University School of Medicine and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of the forthcoming Toxic Fat Syndrome. One of the best ways to snuff out inflammation is by heeding food sensitivities and intolerances. These are inflammatory responses that occur when the gut fails to break down certain foods.
The most notorious offenders are dairy, wheat, corn, sugar, soy, eggs,peanuts poor diet , mostly sugar,refined flours, processed foods, inflammatory fats such as transfats and unhealthy saturated fats,and STRESS is very inflammatory, Anger is inflamed thoughts . Keep a food diary to identify negative reactions (which may be delayed by hours or days after you’ve eaten), then root out food sensitivities by following an elimination diet for at least a week. (For more on that, see “False Fat” in the March/April 2003 archives.)
By eliminating the foods that irritate your body and eating more of those that help your body combat inflammation, you’ll get rid of a lot of bloating and water retention, produce fewer “weight-gain” hormones, and have more energy for activity, says Elson Haas, MD, medical director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin in San Rafael, Calif., and author of The False Fat Diet (Ballantine, 2001). That sounds like a slim-down strategy we can all live with.


Thankfully, the list of things that cause inflammation is relatively short:
• Poor diet–mostly sugar, refined flours, processed foods, and inflammatory fats such as trans and saturated fats
• Lack of exercise
• Stress
• Hidden or chronic infections with viruses, bacteria, yeasts, or parasites
• Hidden allergens from food or the environment
• Toxins such as mercury and pesticides
• Mold toxins and allergens




The Zone is not some mystical place or some clever marketing terms. It is a real physiological state in your body where the hormones that control silent inflammation are maintined in a zone that is not too high, but not too low. This requires treating food as if it were a drug to be taken at the right dose and at the right time. However, saying food is a drug is actually derogatory to food since your diet affects hormones that are hundreds of times more powerful than any drug. In many respects, food will be the most powerful drug you will ever take because you are using this drug at least three times a day for the rest of your life. Thus your diet can be your greatest ally or worst enemy because the hormonal rules for humans haven’t changed in the past 150,000 years, and they probably won’t change tomorrow.


Anti-Inflammatory Diet Tips From Dr. Andrew Weil

The Perricone Anti Inflammatory Diet