10 Tips and recipes to rid stretch marks


As per popular request, we are sharing the stretch marks post once again. So many people have this issue with their skin and here we have great tips and videos that definitely will help you. All you really need to do is have consistency, it works best when done on a routine basis. We wish you success in your project, and thank you for your amazing and consistent support, we do the work with the intention to make a difference and when we have your likes and shares it tell us we have done a great job.

From all of us at Isabel Beauty Blog



Stretch marks are visible lines on the skin surface, with an off-color hue. Stretch marks are mainly found in the abdominal wall, but can also occur over the thighs, upper arms, buttocks and breasts. Sometimes stretch marks can cover large areas of the body. While pregnancy is the main cause behind stretch marks, other reasons can be sudden gain or loss in weight, rapid growth, heredity factors, stress and changes in physical conditions.


stretch marks


The skin consists of three main layers: Epidermis (the outer layer), Dermis (the middle layer) and Subcutaneous or Hypodermic (the deepest layer). Stretch marks form in the dermis or middle layer of the skin when the connective tissue is “stretched” beyond the power of its flexibility due to rapid expansion or contraction of the skin. As skin is stretched, the collagen is weakened and its normal production cycle is interrupted and damaged. This ultimately results in fine scars under the top layer of the skin. Initially the marks look pink or red, but over time a thin, silvery line appears on the skin surface and a stretch mark is born. Stretch marks appear on the skin surface when someone grows quickly, or puts on weight quickly.


Anti oxidants to repair stretch marks

Anti oxidants are compounds well known for keeping skin young. These compounds have properties which repairs our skin fast and helps you to get rid of wrinkles and stretch marks. Eat foods rich in anti oxidants or apply a stretch marks removal cream for lessening your marks. Catechin polyphenols in green tea, polyphenols in apples, flavonoid in dark chocolate, lycopene in tomato, gluthathoine in yogurt are good antioxidants to treat stretch marks. Other foods like berries, pomegranate, eggs are also very helpful. One can also apply these fruits and vegetables to your cracked skin so that it heals fast. Good quantity of anti oxidants in body will not only help you to get rid of stretch marks but will also keep skin firm.


Healthy Food

Eat food rich in Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Zinc and omega fatty acid to help l the stretch marks. Fish, eggs, oranges, broccoli, spinach, almonds, lentils are foods one must have to provide body with essential nutrients to heal the cracks fast. Also drink water according to your body requirement, everybody is different, to keep body hydrated and moisturized.  Junk food should be avoided in this process.



Exercise provides more blood and oxygen to skin that helps to give extra nutrients and vitamins that repair the cracked skin. Remember to exercise more for the region or part of the body where you have more stretch marks. Usually the stretch marks are on chest thighs and stomach, so chest push ups and pull ups are good. Similarly for stomach crunches are good and for thighs cycling, swimming and sit ups are helpful. One can also massage the area where you have cracked skin. Take a cold pack and slowly rub in on your marksa. Follow this method daily to quickly remove stretch marks.


Ointments to get rid of stretch marks

Now a days many creams are available in the market that claim to lighten stretch marks from skin. Although we have not tried any such cream or not asked any person who has used such creams, but these companies claims to give postive results. You can ask a dermatologist for getting a quick solution to your problem.

Cucumber on White


Cucumbers are various nutrients and skin lightening compounds that lighten the stretch marks. It provides a lot of moisture that leads to growth of new cells that repair the affected  skin. Take the smaller cucumber and cut in into slices. Now take one slice and rub it slowly over the stretch marks for 5 minutes. Let it stay for 15 minutes, till then have some rest. Now remove the cucumber slice and wash the affected skin with warm water, apply an oil or a rich moisturiser . Cucumber helps to relax our skin cells and following this method daily will lighten your stretch marks quickly.



Avocado is a great source for folic acid. Folic acid is widely used in stretch marks removal creams and is very good in healing damaged and cracked skin. Avocado also provides a lot of moisture to skin, hence extracts of avocado are widely used in moisturizing creams. To prepare a natural stretch marks removal cream make a paste of avocado. Now apply it to skin and let it rest for 20 minutes. Now remove it using warm water,and proceed with an oil or a rich moisturizer.  Follow this technique daily to get rid of stretch marks naturally. This will not only heal the skin but also make it soft and more flexible. You can add some lemon drops to avocado paste for getting better and more effective results.


Aloe vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is rich in anti oxidants, moisture, vitamins and has powerful healing properties that help to treat stretch marks, wrinkles and various other skin problems. Since it is antiseptic , it can also be used to heal burns, rashes and cuts. Due to its nutritional skin benefits, it is widely used in skin care products. Apply aloe vera gel to your stretch marks and let it dry for 15 minutes, apply an oil or a rich moisturizer. This therapy will soothe your stretch marks and make skin soft and beautiful. Antioxidants in this gel repairs skin cells and stimulates the generation of new skin that quickly removes stretch marks.



Potato contains starch, vitamins, minerals and skin lighting enzymes which makes it one of the best remedy for removing stretch marks. Potato speeds up the process of production of new skin cells that fill the cracks in skin. Crush one potato and extract its juice or cut in into big slices. Apply the juice or gently rub slice to your effected skin. I recommend you to apply the juice and cover it with cotton. Let it remain for fifteen minutes and then rinse it. Allow the skin to absorb the nutrients from potato so that it speeds up the process of healing stretch marks.

lemon and honey

Honey and Lemon

Honey and lemon juice treatment is also very effective to get rid of stretch marks. While honey is full of predigested sugar and moisture, lemon contains vitamin C and citric acid that lighten the skin marks. Vitamin C also builds collagen in body that repairs and lightens the dark spots and stretch marks. Add few drops of lemon juice to honey and cover your affected skin with it. Give time to the skin so that it absorbs the moisture, vitamin C and other compounds. Follow this process daily and within weeks your stretch marks will start fading.


Natural Oils

Natural oils like coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil contains vitamin E and lots of anti oxidants that helps to deal with various skin problems including stretch marks. Massage any one of these oils to your marks daily for 10 minutes. Giving more time will soothe your skin problem and repair your cracked skin faster. For better and quick results mix aloevera gel to one of the natural oil, apply it to skin and leave it overnight.


Apply a Mixture of Coconut Oil and Vitamin E Oil

Coconut oil’s unique composition, including a variety of powerful antioxidants and fatty acids, makes it an outstanding source of nourishment for the skin when applied topically. It also contains lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid whose only other natural occurrence is in mother’s breast milk- dermatologists suggest that coconut oil does for the skin what mother’s milk does for growing infants.

As both coconut oil and vitamin E are readily available at supermarkets, blend the two to reap maximum benefits. Apply the oil to clean, dry skin twice daily and allow to absorb. Store unused oil in a cool, dark container for future use.

Add Vitamin E- and Zinc-Rich Foods to Your Diet

Eating vitamin E rich foods is beneficial for the same reasons as its topical application- vitamin E is outstanding at protecting against free radicals and nourishing skin cell membranes. Vitamin E rich foods include sunflower seeds, almonds, leafy greens, asparagus, and papaya among others.

Zinc is necessary for the production of collagen, which gives skin it’s elasticity, as well as an essential part of the functioning of enzymes that repair damaged tissue in the body. Foods rich in zinc include sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, oats, yogurt,seaweed, oysters, etc.

Use a Homemade Scrub and Create Your Own at Home Spa

In The Green Beauty Guide, Julie Gabriel suggests a mixture of salt, honey and glycerin to get rid of stretch marks. Stir together 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon glycerin in a small container; then massage onto skin for a few minutes and rinse. Afterward, wash with a gentle cleanser, moisturize (with the oil blend from above) and pat dry. Store unused scrub in the refrigerator and use within 48 hours.


Egg Treatment

Egg is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals that help to get rid of wrinkles and stretch marks. Apply the egg white to your skin, let it dry and wash it after 10 minutes. This remedy is helpful for healing stretch marks easily.

happy face

Milk Cream

Milk cream is the great source for many vitamins and minerals that helps to nourish our skin cells. Apply the milk cream directly to your skin, leave it for 30 minutes. Giving more time will help the milk cream to erase your stretch marks rapidly. Follow this method daily and within one month you will get positive results and your stretch marks will be less visible.

Paint - Yellow

Orange Juice

Orange juice is rich in vitamin C that works best for treating stretch marks and lightening skin tone. Mix little turmeric and olive oil to orange juice and rub it over your stretch marks two rimes a day. Follow this technique to fade your stretch marks quickly.



Click the links below for great stretch marks products.

Eminence Organics Mimosa Champagne Massage Oil 8.2oz

Eminence Organics Mimosa Champagne Massage Oil

Eminence Organics Mimosa Champagne Massage Oil is a luxurious way to give your skin a health-enhancing, beautifying experience. With ingredients that shower the skin with moisture and infuse it with antioxidants and vitamins, you’ll love the way your skin looks and feels when you massage it in.


Mad Hippie Full Line

Mad Hippie Full Line

The entire Mad Hippie advanced skincare lineup for one low price! Includes Face Cream, Eye Cream, Cream Cleanser, Exfoliating Serum, and Vitamin C Serum.


Mad Hippie 3-Pack

Mad Hippie 3-Pack

Get three essential Mad Hippie products for one low price! Kit includes the Face Cream, Eye Cream, and Vitamin C Serum.


Eminence Organics Biodynamic Echinacea Recovery Cream 1oz

Eminence Organics Biodynamic Echinacea Recovery Cream

Eminence Organics Biodynamic Echinacea Recovery Cream (1oz) restores balance to problematic skin types with an infusion of moisture, vitamins, and healing agents that revives and rejuvenates tired complexions. Perfect for treating oily, acne-prone skin, this facial treatment cream reduces the redness associated with active acne lesions and promotes the skin’s natural healing process to quicken recovery from breakouts.

The Face Never Lies


Hello and thank you once again for all your support and likes, it is so important to us and the ratings, it is what keeps us going.

This weeks post is about an ancient physiognomy, that has been practiced for thousands of years in many cultures. This Science takes you deep into the times of your gestation from the first moment of implantation to now. When I lived in China I was introduced to face reading and I became fascinated with how much they knew about my health and personality and how they described my mother’s wellbeing and diet! This post is easy and fun to read and understand, we wish it finds you in health, happiness and ideal abundance, from all of us at isabelsbeautyblog.com


Not one person has a perfectly proportioned body or head, what is perfect anyway?

Each one of us are different, it depends on the nourishment while in our mothers’s womb, her nourishment and of her ancestors.

Facial proportions according to macrobiotic oriental medicine, can tell us a great deal about a person’s constitution, their condition at birth. We divide the face into three sections, as we see in the diagram bellow.


Picture of three sections


The three sections of the face and the development of the corresponding major systems of the body

During the first seven days after conception the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube towards the womb where implantation occurs, the organism increases rapidly in size for the next 21 days. These first 21 days account for the main development of the top section of the face. If harmful chemicals or drugs are consumed during this period there will be negative consequences for the person. Birth marks are usually caused in this period.

During the next 63 days the middle section of the face does its principal development. At 91 days, all of the structures are generally formed. The bottom section of the face develops most during the remaining 189 days before gestation.


Bay in the womb and DNA 10-29-14

The three systems of the embryo keeps continuously developing. The development of each system takes place as follows. The first three months the nervous system progresses very fast. During the second three months, the circulatory system and the organs used in filtering the blood and balancing  go through a period of fast development. In the final three months we see the the greatest development within the respiratory and digestive systems. The most Yang system ( nervous ) is developed at the edge of the embryonic spiral ( the most Yin part ). The digestive system, witch is hallow (Yin), develops at the center of the spiral (the most Yang position). In between these two systems, making balance, is the circulatory system.

Since pregnancy lasts nine months, we pass only three seasons in the womb.

Following traditional patterns of eating, there are four basic shapes that correspond to the four orders of seasons during pregnancy.


Pear Shape Face


keath urban a face

Type A:




Oblong Shape Face

Bace B 10-30-14

Type B:





Inverted Triangle Shape Face

Face C -10-30-14

Type C:






Round Shape Face


Type D:




Type A is steady and practical.

Type B is more romantic, emotional, sentimental, idealistic.

Type C tends to be a thinker, intellectual.

Type D is active, a doer.

As far as physical food is concerned, if we take in an excess of food or more yin foods, our internal force is expansive, in the other hand if we take in little food or more yang food, our internal force is more concentrated. One example is when we can see the operation of the internal force in the features of the face. Some people’s eyes are more indented (yang internal force), some are more protruding (yin). Long narrow eyes are there more yang; wide eyes (with more vertical force),  more Yin. A long nose, specially one that protrudes, is yin; a flat nose is more yang. Horizontally expanded nostrils indicate a yang constitution.

A large, well defined jaw is another important sign of a yang constitution.



The Eyebrows

Meat eater eyebrow 10-28-14


Another example of how food helps to shape the human face. Lets talk a bit about the eyebrows, the shape of the eyebrows are determined by the underlying bone structure. It is an indication of the individual’s constitution. If a mother eats more yang food especially meat while she is pregnant, the baby’s eyebrows will be slanted down towards the middle of the face. Vegetarian people have eyebrows that are curved down towards the outside. In Chinese culture it is believe that long eyebrows are a sign of happiness and longevity. Thickness shows strong vitality; thin eyebrows a sign of low vitality.

       Yang Eyebrows (meat eater)


meat eater eyebrow 10-29-14



Yin Eyebrows (vegetarian)






Lets talk about lips for a moment, different parts of the lips show the condition of different parts of the digestive system. The upper lip corresponds to the stomach, the top part of the lip to the upper stomach  (where the strong hydrochloric acid is released), the middle part of the lip to the middle part of the stomach (weaker acid), and the lower part of the lip and the corners represent the duodenum (The exit of the stomach, connected to the liver, gall bladder and pancreas). The lower lip shows the condition of the intestines.



Lips 10-28-14



If the digestive tract is expanded, flaccid (yin), then the lips are swollen. An outward swelling of the lower lip shows a tendency to constipation. Dark spots or sores on the lips show ulceration and stagnation of blood in the digestive system. Such spots and sores occur on the same side of the mouth as the side of the digestive system in which then irritation is present. These are some of the different characteristics of lips in many good books and videos in Youtube for references. It is fascinating how much you can tell about your health and personality from what your face has to say. Enjoy reading and viewing the video, they offer so much good information. The book that served as reference is well done and the name of it is Your Face never lies by Michio Kushi.


Pink scarlet lips 10-29-14



According the blog to Leading Personality


Thick lips show available pleasures. If the lower lip is slightly thicker that person loves to be well received, loving character but undecided. If it also has a split chin it reveals laziness and selfishness.

Pursed lips show courage and decisive character. Small lips reveals sometimes a cold and cruel nature.

Pale tight lips accompanied by a square jaw shows avarice, dirt, cruelty, brutality, selfishness, someone with whom we can’t be proud than in business.

When upper lip covers part of the lower lip reveals good character, loving person, love for pleasure and entertainment – if lips are thin, a little generosity and more selfishness.

Heart shaped lips shows independence and confidence, seductive and sensual,  the need for love and kindness is also important for these persons.

Lower lip pronounced outside reveals talent, satirical, cynicism and sarcasm.

Preferable are thick lips then thin lips. Mouth with corners pointing down shows deep thought and melancholy.



 Joey Yap Face Reading



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Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar and flowers 9-20-14

For centuries, apple cider vinegar has been used for many purposes: cleaning, polishing, cooking, salad dressings, skin and hair treatments and to relive just about any ailments and many more uses. One of the claims to its fame is that apple cider vinegar aids to loosing weight, another claim is given to aid with arthritis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, healthier skin, controlling blood sugar, constipation and many other attributes.

As its shown to be an effective natural antibiotic and antiseptic that works on germs and bacteria.

Apple cider vinegar is a product of double fermentation. This is a process in which sugars in a food are broken down by bacterias and yeast. In the first stage of fermentation, the sugars are generally turned into alcohol. The word vinegar originates from the French, meaning “Sour Wine”, Vinegar can be made from all sorts of products, like fruits, vegetables and grains – Apple Cider vinegar comes from apple scraps or pulverized apples.


You probably seen it in the supermarkets, the bottles containing a cloudy sediment at the bottom. These sediments are known as the “ Mother of Vinegar “ and are mostly composed of bacteria from acetic acid. The main ingredient in apple cider vinegar, or any vinegar is acetic acid, part citric, malic and lactic acids.

Vinegars can be made from almost any fermentable carbohydrate source, including wine, molasses, dates, sorghum, apples, pears, grapes, berries, melons, coconut, honey, beer, maple syrup, potatoes, beets, malt, grains, and whey to mention a few.

The use of vinegar with a variety of plants or essential oils for cosmetic purposes can be traced back to the Romans and was fashionable during the 19th century as vinegar de toilette.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/apple-cider-vinegar-skin-tip.html#ixzz3DtJqRutT

Hippocrates know as the father of modern medicine, used apple cider vinegar as a health tonic.

Christopher Columbus sailed with 55 gal. drums aboard his ships to fight scurvy.

Apple Cider vinegar is said to speed up metabolism and found that vinegar also burns fat faster.

acid alkaline

Alkaline Acid Balance – Despite being an acidic solution, apple cider vinegar has an alkalinizing effect on the body.

Some alternative practitioners recommend using apple cider vinegar to restore alkaline acid balance. The theory behind the alkaline diet is that our blood is slightly alkaline (with a normal pH level of between 7.35 and 7.45) and that our diet should reflect this pH level. Proponents of the alkaline-acid theory believe that a diet high in acid-producing foods leads to lack of energy, excessive mucous production, infections, anxiety, irritability, headache, sore throat, nasal and sinus congestion, allergic reactions, and increased risk of conditions such as arthritis and gout.

Despite being an acidic solution, some proponents of apple cider vinegar believe it has an alkalinizing effect on the body. As such, they recommend one to two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water as a daily health tonic.



Acetic Acid inhibits the activity of several carbohydrate- digesting enzymes, including amylase, sucrase, maltase, and lactase. As a result, when vinegar is present in the intestines, some sugars and starches temporarily pass through without being digested, so they have less impact on blood sugar.

  • improves insulin sensitivity during a high-carb meal by 19-34% and significantly lowers blood glucose and insulin responses.
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bedtime can reduce fasting blood sugars by 4%
  • Numerous other studies show that vinegar can increase insulin sensitivity and significantly lower blood sugar responses during meals.


More mother vinegar 9-2-14

Make sure you get the raw Apple Cider vinegar to get the most benefits from it. Apple Cider vinegar which is unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized with plenty of the MOTHER VINEGAR. The mother is made up of living nutrients and bacteria. This is were most of the health benefits come from. It doesn’t have a great look, but is the the most nutritious and has many of the bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

The ingredients of raw Apple Cider vinegar: potassium, pectin, malic acid,acetic acid, and ash ( ash creates alkalinity in the vinegar and helps maintaining a healthy alkaline state)


great skin for tittle 9-1-14

Apple Cider vinegar for the Skin: Dr Frank Lipman great site to visit

According to http://www.drfranklipman.com

There are several key attributes to ACV for maintaining beautiful skin, and exfoliation is one of them. Exfoliating is a key element for keeping youthful healthy skin. There are several ways to exfoliate, and one of them is by “digesting” dead skin cells, which the acids in ACV do. This mild cell turnover is widely used as a skin treatment to improve, soften, and smooth skin texture. The new skin layer, once revealed, is more vibrant, youthful, and healthy.

With a pH similar to skin, AVC helps restore and balance your skin’s pH and acid mantle. This too is key to healthy, beautiful skin. The acid mantle is the combination of sebum (oil) and perspiration on the skin’s surface. This barrier protects the skin and makes it less vulnerable to environmental damage (smog, sun and wind), less prone to dehydration, and also inhibits the growth of foreign bacteria and fungi (enabling skin to be healthier and have fewer breakout and blemishes. Acne, allergies and other skin problems become more severe as the skin becomes more alkaline).”Mild” soaps are often alkaline (pH 9.5-11), and remove the natural acid protection as well as extract protective lipids (fats) from the skin. Washing with soap can increase this alkaline state and make the skin even more vulnerable to irritation and infection. Most people are cleansing with products that are breaking down their acid mantle and causing increased skin issues. Balancing your pH is an imperative part of maintaining healthy skin.


Hair after apple cider vinegar 9-20-14



Hair rinse: Apple cider vinegar gets rid of residue build-up on hair, leaving it soft and shiny. Mix ¼ cup apple cider vinegar with 2 cups water. Apply after shampooing.

Dandruff:  Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar to 3 parts warm water, apply to scalp. Use a hair toner/dye bottle or any bottle that has a pointy tip that will allow you to get the liquid directly on your scalp.  

Deodorant: Since ACV helps adjust the skin’s pH level, it helps to eliminate odor-causing bacteria. For underarms use a cotton ball to apply, for feet: Add ½ cup ACV to a bowl of water; soak feet.

Acne: Mix 1 part ACV, and 3 parts Rooibos tea and apply to blemishes. You can add a drop of Tea Tree Oil or Oregano oil as well.

pH balancing toner: Mix 1 part ACV with 4 parts water for your base.

For acne/oily skin replace water with roobois tea.

For dry skin replace water with chamomile tea or cucumber-infused water (leave several slices of cucumber in the water overnight).

For aging skin replace water with green, black or white tea.

Skin perfecting mask: 1 teaspoon deep sea mud, 1 teaspoon rose water, ¼ teaspoon ACV, 1/8 teaspoon yogurt, 1/16 teaspoon nutritional yeast, 1 teaspoon kombucha. Mix all ingredients together. To balance the texture, you can add more mud or yogurt (to thicken) or kombucha or water (to thin). (If you cannot find deep sea mud or rose water locally you can either eliminate them from the mask replacing the mud with arrowroot and the rose water with plain water. If don’t want to do the swaps I suggested you can purchase deep sea mud and rose water online at www.sumbody.com).

And last but not least, if you have achy, swollen hands and feet: Rub them with a little apple cider vinegar.








Autumn and The Lung in Traditional Chinese Medicine


Here we are sharing Lung health according to ancient Chinese Medicine, we wish this research and tips will help you and family stay healthy, and happy through the season.

There is a slight nip in the air. The days are starting to get shorter and just as the squirrels have gotten down to the business of storing nuts for the winter. Fall is the beginning of the yin cycle when the daylight lasts less than twelve hours. It’s a time of harvest when we gather the colorful fruits and vegetables for winter storage. Pumpkins and squashes are our symbols of bounty. We also store wood for the fire and get out our warm clothes for the colder, darker days of winter.

Lung & Large Intestine Organ System

The Protector
The Lung Organ System energy is descending and is associated with the distribution of Wei Qi outward to your muscles and skin in their nourishment and protection. It is associated with the emotions of grief and sadness, the element metal, the color of white or metal luster, the season of fall, bodily fluids that lubricate, the Wei Qi or immune protection and the Large Intestines. The Lung Organ System opens into the sinus and nasal passages and is directly related to respiratory and circulatory energy especially of water. The Lung Organ System is responsible for the mixing of air [Gong Qi] and food [Gu Qi] received by the Spleen creating Essential Zong Qi.

The Lung’s task is that of making a boundary between the inner and the outer world. The inner environment needs to be protected by a clear boundary which both defends and defines the person. Across this boundary vital materials can be taken in and waste materials excreted. The most vital and obvious material that the Lung takes in is oxygen; but as we shall see, the Lung, in Chinese medicine, is more than the respiratory system. The Lung has to do with boundary, breath and renewal.

The skin is like an outer lung and the pores are seen as the ‘doors of Qi’. The skin also breathes and exchanges substances with the outer environment. Its healthy functioning is seen as an aspect of Lung function. Beneath the skin the protective energy known as Wei Qi is said to circulate, defending the body against invasion from pathogenic forces.


fall alandscape 10-3-14


The Lung’s paired Organ, the Colon, is concerned with release and elimination. The Lung and Colon together are related to immunity, the strength of the protective boundary. Pathogens most easily enter through the respiratory and digestive systems and the Lung and Colon are responsible for maintaining the integrity of these systems so that they are not penetrated by invaders. According to Chinese medicine, the body’s defensive energy is directly dependent on the strength of the Lung and Colon.Another organ that the Lung works with is the Spleen. After receiving food nutrients from the Spleen, the Lung mix them with the air you breath to create healthy QI. It then sends the healthy Qi to the rest of the Organs and throughout the entire body. The remaining impure Qi is expelled through the nose, your pores, and the large intestine.

When is Lung imbalance, it means your Lungs ability to distribute and regulate internal water flow by turning some of the Qi into moisture. After receiving nutrients from the Spleen , the Lungs transform this form of QI into a fine mist that permeates the body from head to toe, inward toward the center of your body and outward to the surface of your skin. It produces the soft, dewey, and lustrous appearance that your skin craves, when this delicate balance is of is like a plant without water.

lungs in a blue body9-24 14


The Lung’s physical expression as the boundary between the organism and its environment is expressed at the psychological level as a sense of one’s personal boundary. A clear psychological boundary enables us to know who we are, to meet another and to establish clear relationship. When the sense of boundary is strong we can receive experience through the boundary and communicate outwards through it; the boundary is flexible and responsive, opening to receive ‘good’ influences and closing to screen out ‘bad’ influences. It enables us to say ‘yes’ to what we want and ‘no’ to what we don’t want.

Whereas the Spleen is archetypally related to the mother, the Lung is archetypally related to the father. Traditionally it is the father who teaches a sense of self-value and helps us to leave home and find our place in the world. Good fathering teaches boundary, and helps with individuation and separation from the mother. The Lung is therefore concerned with feelings of self-esteem and respect for both ourselves and others. Knowing who we are, believing in our self-worth and taking our place in the world are all part of the realm of the Lung.

Finally, the Lung’s role as boundary-keeper may be metaphorically extended to the boundaries we keep in our own home. Well-maintained fences, sensible security, clean windows and a well-kept exterior are domestic expressions of Lung energy.

Physically weak Lung energy


Lung complementary organ : large Intestine

The lungs govern the desire for structure and boundaries, so a lung type’s personality is also well defined and structured. The lung types keep their emotions in check and they intellectualize their feelings, they are usually contain and controlled.
Skin issues Nourish the Lungs

Skin issues Nourish the Lungs

The role of the lung for healthy skin:

Healthy lungs are personified in glowing skin, due to Lung’s primary responsibility, which is to nourish and maintain healthy pore size, skin and proper breathing among many other rolls

Eastern medicine has an expansive concept of the role of the Lung. The believe is that the Lungs are responsible for all parts of the body that “Breath”. This includes the skin, the largest organ of the body, with pores that cover us from head to toe. Consequently when the Lungs are healthy your skin is soft and dewy and your pore size is even.When the Lungs are weak, your skin changes texture and quality. I becomes thick or thin, dull or blemish, dry or oily.Damage to your Lungs can happen in many ways. Weather conditions, especially overexposure to wind, cold, and heat aside from pollution like cigarette smoke etc. Excessive sadness or grief,due to the combination of emotional turmoil and too many tears, affects the Lungs and it can have a profound impact on Lung types.
As with all organs, the imbalance of one organ can impact the Lungs. Spleen dampness or Kidney weakness are the conditions most likely to interfere with Lung Qi. by the same token,a weakness in theLungs can negatively impact the large intestine, wish is why Lung types are prone to bowel issues.
Wester medicine believe we are all born with a skin type – normal, oily, dry, a combination of oily and dry, or sensitive.that it  is yours for life and doesn’t change much. Eastern medicine see it different. Chinese doctrine says we are all born with normal skin.When skin becomes oily, dry, or a combination of both, or is sensitive is not destiny or skin condition we just pick up, is most likely due to Lung Qi imbalance.
The skin, as part of the Lung system, can be nourished by rubbing with a good cotton towel or dry brushing these will help maintain the skin’s health and support the immune system. Wearing natural fibbers will allow the skin to breathe freely; going naked from time to time when weather and circumstances allow will also help the skin to breathe. Moderate sunbathing will nourish the skin, although overexposure may be damaging.

Among the outside factors that affect Lung Qi environmental conditions, such as weather changes, pollution, excessive lifestyle, such as poor diet or too much drinking,fluctuating hormones, specially around menstruation.

If you have gone through, or are currently going through, a great deal of grief, sadness or loss and has not been able to “cut off” or resolve the connection you may have weakened Lung or Protective Wei Qi. Disharmonies associated with weak Lung Qi may appear as shortness of breath, chronic lung illnesses [or a chronically low general immune system] and a chronic cough. An important raw formula that helps in replenishing the Lung Qi Depletion would be the Immune & Energy Enhancement Formula.

Emotionally there is likely to be constraint and sadness, perhaps a hiding within one’s boundary. There may be lack of self-esteem, harsh judgment of both self and others and failure to respect or understand one’s own and others’ boundaries. Dignity may turn to false pride, leaving a person feeling alone and separate. It may be hard to claim a place in the world.

Related Lung & Large Intestine Disharmonies

Research the below Disharmonies on our Chinese Medicine Search

• Chronic cough
• Spontaneous sweating
• Dry throat/nasal passage
• Mental and physical fatigue
• Low immune
• Unresolved sadness/grief
• Dry, flaking skin
• Shortness of breath
• Edema of the body and extremities [water retention]
• Night sweats
• Constipation
• Fungal skin problems

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, our lungs are one of the most important parts of our body to protect when preventing a cold. They are considered the most superficial organ in the body, and are thus most vulnerable to insult from the outside environment.

The lungs are thought to be most active in the fall, and also play a large part in our body’s defense systems. Nourishing the lungs by incorporating certain foods into your diet and avoiding others when you are sick may help you get over colds and flus faster – especially if infections tend to settle in your lungs.

The lungs control the circulation of an energy called Wei-Qi, (pronounced “way chee“) or defensive Qi, which is responsible for protection against infections like colds and flus. The defensive Qi travels throughout the body just under the skin surface, keeping you warm and preventing illness. Nourishing the lungs and Wei-Qi at this time of year may help you avoid colds and flus or bronchitis.

Foods that complement the Lung

White moistens lungs
Common white color foods include white beans, winter melon, pear, white radish, white fungus, lotus root, lily, wild rice, rice, tofu, cauliflower, bamboo shoots, yam, jicama and so on.


winter melon




white radish








Foods that nourish Wei-Qi
One classic food to nourish the lungs are pears – also known as the singer’s fruit. Pears help to keep the lungs clear and moist, useful during a dry cough. Warm drinks help nourish the lungs – try a warming concoctions like shredded ginger root steeped into a tea sweetened with honey and a bit of lemon. Other warming foods for the lungs include onions, garlic, horseradish, radish, mustard, cabbage and turnip. Many of these foods have a pungent quality that is thought to help protect the lungs.

Raw or lightly cooked is best, try including onion and garlic at the end of cooking a homemade soup. Eating veggies that are dark green or orange may offer protection to the lungs thanks to their high content of vitamin A. Other foods that help protect the lungs include carrots, broccoli, pumpkin and squash, kale, parsley, turnip and nettle tea. Marshmallow root tea and fenugreek are also excellent nourishing foods.

Unless you have wind cold in your Lungs, it is especially important to avoid foods and beverages that are drying and will rob your body of moisture, is best to avoid

Alcoholic beverages ( although cooking with wine is okay because it acts as a carrier to expedite the effects of other ingredients )


Caffeinated drinks in general

Spicy foods


Lung function Possible symptoms of imbalance
Govern Qi and respiration Congestion and pain along the respiratory systemShortness of breath, cough, dyspnoeaLack of vitality, tirednessWeak voice
Control dispersing and descending Water accumulation (oedema) especially in upper body or under the skinThickening of fluids and accumulation of phlegmDryness in the skin or anywhere in the respiratory systemCough, breathlessness, oppression in the chestConstipation/ Urinary retention
Rule the Exterior of the body Allergic reactions (particularly respiratory and dermatological)Low immunity, tendency to catch coldsDry, rough skinSneezingItching and skin rashesNo sweating/spontaneous sweating
Open into the nose and manifest in the body hair Blocked nasal passages, sinus problemsImpaired sense of smellNose-bleedsImpaired thermo-regulationLoss of body hair
House the Corporeal soul Chronic sadness, depressionInability to “engage” or feel emotionsLow self-esteem/feeling of self-worthFear of change and extreme attachment to people, things or situations


Foods to Eat When You Are Sick
Foods that help dry dampness in the lungs are often bitter. These may include lettuce, celery, turnip, rye, asparagus, vinegar, papaya and chamomile tea. Also try miso soup with green onions and root vegetables.

Foods that may promote mucous formation and dampness are the ones you should try and avoid especially if you have a runny nose or productive cough. These include dairy products, heavy meat products, tofu, soy, pineapple, salty foods and very sweet foods.

Citrus fruits and spinach should also be avoided as these are cooling foods that can promote dampness. Foods high in processed sugar are also thought to create phlegm. Try avoiding these when you get sick to recover faster!

Healthy Lung Habits
Use a scarf or collar to cover the front and back of your neck when you go outside, and make sure to have your lower back covered. These two areas are called our ‘wind gates’, where wind has a chance to enter and cause cold and flu symptoms in the lungs. Avoid drafts and wind.

  • Let go of pre-conceived ideas and prejudices that serve no purpose in your life: Just as we need to de-clutter our environment and our inner space, clearing out mental waste such as culturally acquired ideas that hold no truth but which stop us from engaging with people and situations is important for good health and the renewal of our energy.
  •  Seize the moment: The Lung energy fuels our ability to be in the moment and is nourished by our enjoyment of the present. As children, we tended to inhabit our bodies powerfully and to experience each moment fully. As we grow up, many of us lose this ability so as adults staying in the moment needs to be achieved through deep breathing and accessing a grounding calm that allows us to engage with what is happening now. Activities that help us “be in the body” as opposed to trapped inside the mind such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong or Yoga can also provide us with tools that help us achieve this.
  • Detach yourself: The Lungs have the ability to constantly renew our energy through a combination of elimination of what is no longer needed and a continuous intake of potentially new energy. This implies an ability to recognise what needs to be discarded and a willingness to allow it to go. Understanding that everything in life – things, ideas, situations, people – is transient enables us to go smoothly from one stage of life to the next. When we are reluctant to accept this reality, we may remain in grief and pain until we make room for new things to come.




Chinese Herbs for Strengthening Lungs



Huang Qi (Astragalus Root)


Tian Men Dong

Tian Men Dong





Licorice root

 Licorice Root



Reishi Mushroom



Herbal Lung Cleanser from Traditional Chinese Medicine regimen TCM way to keep healthy the organ

Chinese Herbal Medicine Formula for the Lungs and Grief