Drinking water for beauty and wellness




About Water, facts, tips and more 



water five glases


Hello and thank you from all of us at Isabel’s Beauty Blog. Your support is well appreciated, it helps us continue to research and invite new contributors. We take the time to bring you quality information, products and authorities in the subjects we post. We wish for you, family and friends to enjoy and share, your choices with others.
Here on week 321, we are sharing facts on water, the post would have been too long if we wrote all the information we gathered, so with that being said, we decided to do a few posts on this subject from the point of view of a few experts.

Personally, I learned what my body water requirements are. I was doing a movie in Beaufort SC, and it was summer. We were working six days a week, very long hours and I became unconscious of the amount of water I was over drinking!!! In addition to perspiring, I ended up very ill due to a loss of Electrolytes, WOW what a lesson that was, I was really bad off for three days with a very close chance of kidney failure, believe me, I went onto research and I am very aware nowadays of my consumption of water. For the most part, I always drink lukewarm water never cold, I learned through Traditional Chinese Medicine that the Spleen does not like cold, and that is the ruler of weight, good old cellulite, and it is the one in charge of multiple major roles in the body, like a filter for blood as part of the immune system. Red blood cells are recycled in the spleen, and platelets of white blood cells are stored there, so I personally don’t want to upset this amazing organ, so I am conscious not to consume cold foods in general. I personally have deep consideration for my body and this organ.

I want to share a little bit about electrolytes:

Electrolytes are certain nutrients (or chemicals) present in your body that have many important functions — from regulating your heartbeat to allowing your muscles to contract so you can move. The major electrolytes found in the body include calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphate, and chloride, as you see is important to maintain a balance of electrolytes.
What are electrolytes


 Wishing you health, happiness and wealth from all of us at IsbelsBeautyBlog.com


According to: Paul Pitchford from HEALING WITH WHOLE FOODS

Water is the most abundant nutrient in the body, comprising two-thirds of the body’s mass, for the most part, nobody teaches that to us. People make efforts to obtain unadulterated food but neglect to find water of similar quality. Every type of water has its own unique quality. Rainwater tastes lighter, well water is more mineralized, river, lake, and spring water each have their own qualities.

One of the most important principals regarding our personal water consumption I believe is listening to the wisdom of our body, and drinking accordingly to our own thirst. So often we are told drink 8 glasses of water a day and other recommendations that perhaps are not for every individual constitutions or needs, not to mention any reference to the quality of water and the temperature of it when consumed.

If large amounts of water are ingested for reasons such as hard work or internal heat, is best done at least thirty minutes before or one hour after meals. Otherwise, digestive enzymes and secretions are diluted, and food nutrients are not effectively extracted. When water is taken with meals it is best to drink small amounts and warm perhaps a warm tea is a great idea.

The optimal water intake varies widely, every person’s requirement is different. Thirst is an important indicator of the need for water, this not always a conscious choice, is very important to listen to our boys so we don’t over or under-do it.


Key Factors that Influence Personal Water Needs


Water requirements are lessened by:


Sedentary lifestyle

Consumption of fruit, vegetable, and sprouted foods

Cold deficient conditions

Cold and damp climates

Water requirements are increased by

Physical activity

Consumption of more meat, eggs, or salty foods

Fever, heat, or excess conditions

Dry, hot, or windy climates and many other variants

Major properties of water






and dispersing


Too much water from any source can cause coldness sensation, actual dehydration, loss of minerals, weakness in digestion and loss of energy in the whole body. Chinese healing traditions states that an excess of water depletes the Digestive Fire of the spleen-pancreas and hinders the kidney-adrenals ability to provide warmth energy (yang qi). This applies especially to cold water and cold foods (salads, fruits, etc)

On the other hand, insufficient water consumption causes toxicity of the body as well as constipation, tension, tightness, overeating, inflammation, dryness, and kidney damage.

When drinking water it is recommended to drink slowly, this helps the body to absorb it better and retain electrolytes.

The amount of water intake will significantly influence long-term health so be conscious about it.


 Water composition in different parts of the human body



Photo courtesy to soulutionsfitness.ca







Water is responsible for dissolving most nutrients, minerals, and substances in the biological processes of the human body. It transports the required amount of essential nutrients to different parts of the body and also provides a moist environment for our ear, nose and throat tissues. Water also plays a vital role in flushing waste and toxins out of bodies.


water-body blue 11-14-14






How much water should you drink every day?


This question looks very simple but there are no easy average answers. Over the period of time multiple recommendations are available to this question:

Before answering this question, let’s see what are the factors involved in calculating the daily intake of water:

  1. The climate, where do you live for example altitude, tropic, etc
  2. What is the nature of your work
  3. How is your health status
  4. How active are you
  5. Does your activity make you perspire?
  6. Are you an athlete
  7. Do you have health issues
  8. Do you consume fruits and vegetables that contain water?

After considering the above points and whatever common sense adds, there isn’t a specific formula available at this moment which can fit everyone. Multiple research and studies have been produced on this subject with different recommendations over the period of time. Here are some of them:

Daily Water Requirements:  Drink 50-75% of your body weight in Ounces (Oz).

Sedentary people: 50%

Active people: 75%

See example for a person with 150 Pound



Sedentary People Active People
Body WeightFor example take 150 Pound 50% of 150 = 75 Ounces(2.2 Liters or 9 Cups) 75% of 150 = 112.5 Ounces(3.3 Liters or 14 Cups)
Hot or humid weather +16 Oz(½ Liter or 2 Cups) +16 Oz(½ Liter or 2 Cups)
Strenuous Exercise +16 Oz(½ Liter or 2 Cups) +16 Oz(½ Liter or 2 Cups)
Total per day 107 Oz(3.2 Liters or 13 Cups) 144.5 Oz(4.3 Liters or 18 Cups)


Note: This is only an estimate. This may vary person to person, always take in consideration the content of water that is in the food you consume.


How to Read the Signs for Your Body’s Water Needs

Water and the body


According to Dr Mercola



Once your body has lost between one to two percent of its total water content, it will signal its needs by making you feel thirsty but not before that. Using thirst as a guide to how much water you need to drink is a good way to ensure your individual needs are met, day-by-day do not wait a long period of time after you get the signal or you start to do damage and always try to drink water no sodas which dehydrate you more, juices contain too much sugar which also dehydrates.

However, by the time your thirst mechanism kicks in you may already be a bit dehydrated. Most studies show that about 2/3 of us are dehydrated and need to drink more water.

This is particularly true for the elderly. Therefore, it’s also wise to learn some of the other, more subtle, signals your body sends, indicating you need to drink more water. As noted in the featured article, this includes:

  • Fatigue and/or mood swings
  • Hunger even though you’ve recently eaten
  • Back or joint aches
  • Dull, dry skin and/or pronounced wrinkles
  • Infrequent urination; dark, concentrated urine, and/or constipation


The Color of Your Urine Is an Important Marker



Besides listening to your thirst, a good rule of thumb is to look at the color of your urine. You should be drinking enough water to turn your urine a light-colored yellow.

Dark-colored urine is a sign that your kidneys are retaining fluids in order to maintain your bodily functions, which includes detoxification. As a result, your urine will seem highly concentrated and dark in color. You may also urinate less frequently, for the same reason and accumulate more toxins.

Since your thirst mechanism tends to become less efficient with age, older adults need to pay more careful attention to the color of their urine to ensure adequate water intake.

Bear in mind that riboflavin (vitamin B2, which is also found in most multi-vitamins) will turn your urine a bright, almost fluorescent yellow this is also true of B vitamins in general. So if you’re taking supplements containing B2, it may be more difficult to judge by the color of your urine.

The Frequency of urination can also be used to judge your water intake. A healthy person urinates on average about seven or eight times a day. If your urine is scant or if you haven’t urinated in several hours, that too is an indication that you’re not drinking enough.


Symptoms of Chronic Dehydration


What Is Dehydration?



Sports drink is one of the highly commercialized beverages today – from its TV advertisements to its popular athlete endorsers – as mainstream media makes it look like drinking it will keep you healthy and well-hydrated. Beverage companies advertise that sports drink will help replenish the electrolytes in your body during exercise or outdoor activities, but the truth is the ingredients of your favorite sports drinks will not hydrate and benefit you, and may even be detrimental to your health.

A typical sports drink contains high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and artificial sweeteners. It has two-thirds of the sugar content of soda and is 30 times more erosive to your teeth than water. High-fructose corn syrup could cause negative health impacts like preventing the natural production of your body’s human growth hormone (HGH). It also contributes to almost all chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Aside from sports drinks, there are also other sweetened beverages that you don’t benefit much from, like sodas. These are also equally unhealthy for your health, as just a 20-ounce bottle of cola gives you 16 teaspoons of sugar in high-fructose corn syrup. Diet soda makes no difference either because a study revealed that diet soda drinkers have a 70 percent increase in waist size than those non-diet soda drinkers in a 10-year period.

Commercial fruit juices are another sweetened drink that you must avoid because they do not have any hydrating properties and are actually loaded with sugar. For example, Minute Maid’s 15.2-ounce bottle actually contains 49 grams of sugar.

What’s more, most processed fruit juices are made with little resemblance to what an actual fresh fruit juice would be. Commercial fruit juices are pasteurized and their oxygen is removed to preserve them for a long time, making the juices less nutrient-dense. Store-bought fruit juices with an expiration date of 60 days or more is a sign that it is heavily processed, so I encourage you to boycott these kinds of beverages.


Indicators of dehydration:

1. Bad breath. Saliva has antibacterial properties in it, but dehydration can prevent your body from making enough saliva.

When you’re not producing enough saliva in the mouth, you can get bacteria overgrowth and one of the side reactions of that is bad breath from chronic dehydration,” says John Higgins, MD, associate professor of cardiovascular medicine at the University of Texas in Houston, and chief of cardiology at Lyndon B. Johnson General Hospital.

The primary symptoms of dehydration are thirst, dry skin, dark colored urine, and fatigue. But there are also a number of commonly overlooked signs that may suggest you’re suffering from more or less chronic dehydration. Such signs include:

  • Digestive disturbances such as heartburn and constipation
  • Confusion and/or anxiety
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Premature aging
  • High cholesterol
  • Skin breakouts among many other



Dehydration Is a Common Problem Among the Elderly


According to recent research, one in five seniors does not get enough water on a daily basis. Among those who do not have a caretaker, that number is even higher—one in four. And seniors with dementia are six times more likely to be dehydrated.

Dehydration also tends to be more common among people taking more medication. According to BBC News:2
“A 2013 analysis of death certificates by the [UK] Office for National Statistics had shown that 1,158 care home residents suffered dehydration-related deaths between 2003 and 2012.

But Dr. [Lee] Hooper said those figures were not clear-cut as patients often stopped eating or drinking towards the end of life. She also stressed that while care homes could sometimes do better, it was important to point out that identifying dehydration and solving its causes was complex.

‘The reasons older people do not drink enough are that as we age we lose our sense of thirst so they may not be thirsty. [Or they] decide not to drink because of continence issues, because they don’t have as much social contact or because of frailty or forgetfulness.'”


Why I Do Not Recommend Bottled Water by Dr Marcola


While drinking water will help flush out toxins, the more unfiltered water you drink, the more pollutants you’re consuming… Most tap water contains an array of harmful contaminants, including fluoride, disinfection byproducts, chemicals, radiation, heavy metals, and pharmaceutical drugs. Additionally, be careful about bathing in unfiltered water as you can easily absorb more toxins by breathing in a hot shower than you can by drinking tap water all day long.

Last year, federal scientists reported finding traces of 18 unregulated contaminants in one-third of the water samples collected from 25 municipal utilities across the US, including perfluorinated compounds like PFOA.  So besides making sure you’re drinking enough, another very important consideration is the type of water you drink.

Many instinctively reach for bottled water, but there are many reasons to avoid this option. Drinking from plastic water bottles can pose serious health risks from industrial chemicals like bisphenol-A and bisphenol-S (BPA/BPS), as well as phthalates, which leach from the plastic itself into the contents of the bottle. BPA and BPS are estrogen-mimicking chemicals linked to reproductive defects, learning and behavioral problems, immune dysfunction, and prostate and breast cancer. Phthalates are also endocrine disruptors and have been linked to a wide range of developmental and reproductive effects, as well as liver cancer.

Bottled water also costs about 1,900 times the price of regular tap water, and may or may not have received any additional treatment. Studies have shown that 40 percent of bottled water is actually regular tap water with possibly no additional filtering treatment. While the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires large public water supply to test for contaminants several times a day, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires private bottlers to test for contaminants only once a week, once a year, or once every four years, depending on the contaminant.

One independent test performed by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in 2011 revealed 38 low-level contaminants in bottled water. Each of the 10 tested brands contained an average of eight chemicals. Disinfection byproducts (DBPs), caffeine, Tylenol, nitrate, industrial chemicals, arsenic, and bacteria were all detected. Fluoride is also usually present in both tap water and filtered bottled water.

Many bottled glasses of water actually make a point of adding fluoride back into the water, so if you are drinking bottled water, make sure it’s fluoride-free. Last but not least, plastic bottles also cause enormous environmental problems because of the sheer volume of plastic waste they create; the lack of adequate recycling capability for plastics; and the amount of oil required to manufacture them.



The Health Benefits of ‘Living Water’

The answer to all these health and environmental issues is to minimize or eliminate your use of plastic water bottles. The most economical and environmentally sound choice you can make is to purchase and install a water filter for your home which requires a certain amount of research, not all filters are made the same. And, in lieu of plastic bottles, use reusable glass water bottles instead which have a much smaller ecological footprint and have less harmful chemicals to damage your health.

The very best water, however, comes from a natural gravity-fed spring. We do not suggest drinking distilled water on a regular basis. It’s too acidic and is not recommended for extended use due to the fact that it will bind with minerals and pulls them out of the body. Although it can be beneficial for temporary detoxification purposes or specific conditions it is best to use it carefully. The ideal pH of your water should be between 6.5 to 7.5, which is neutral. What you want is pure water that is clean, pH balanced, and “alive.”

Mountain spring water is ideal. Not only does it have a healthy pH, but it’s also “structured” in a way that is not well understood. The previous interview with Dr. Gerald Pollack on this subject shows some very interesting facts. He’s one of the leading research scientists in the world when it comes to understanding the physics of water, and what it means to your health. His book, The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor, clearly explains the theory of the fourth phase of water, which is nothing short of ground-breaking.

The fourth phase of water is, in a nutshell, living water. It’s referred to as EZ water—EZ standing for “exclusion zone”—which has a negative charge. This water can hold energy, much like a battery, and can deliver energy, too. This is the kind of water your cells contain; even your extracellular tissues are filled with EZ water, which is why he believes it’s so important to drink structured water for optimal health.

I drink vortexed water nearly exclusively as I became a big fan of Viktor Schauberger, who did much pioneering work on vortexing about a century ago. Dr. Pollack confirms that by creating a vortex in a glass of water, you’re putting more energy into it, thereby increasing EZ. Water from deep sources, such as deep spring water, is an excellent choice as EZ water is also created under pressure. FindaSpring.com is an excellent resource that can help you find a natural spring nearby. As an added bonus, collecting spring water is usually free—you just need to bring your own jugs. I recommend using glass jugs instead of plastic, for all the reasons discussed earlier.



What’s In Your Water?


According to http://wellnessmama.com/8079/water-filter-options/

If you are drinking tap water, the answer to that question is about 300+ chemicals and pollutants, according to research from the Environmental Working Group. Among these many contaminants are:


  • Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs) such as pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals. These chemicals are found in most municipal water sources and even in well and other sources due to agricultural run-off and contamination. Research links certain VOCs to damage in the reproductive system, liver, kidneys and more.
  • Heavy Metals like lead and mercury are found in some water sources and have been linked to any health problems.
  • Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals are chemicals that may mimic or interfere with the normal hormones in the body and these chemicals are being found in increasing amounts in the water supply. From this testimony before a congressional committee on the issue: “Over the past fifty years, researchers observed increases in endocrine-sensitive health outcomes. Breast and prostatic cancer incidence increased between 1969 and 1986 ; there was a four-fold increase in ectopic pregnancies (development of the fertilized egg outside of the uterus) in the U.S. between 1970 and 1987 ; the incidence of cryptorchidism (undescended testicles) doubled in the U.K. between 1960 and the mid 1980s ; and there was an approximately 42% decrease in sperm count worldwide between 1940 and 1990 .” These chemicals are known to affect animals when they enter the water supply as well.
  • Fluoride:  This is perhaps the most controversial of the contaminants in water (if something like water contaminants can be controversial!) because it is purposefully added to the water and there is a much-heated debate about the benefits/harm of this. Anyone who listened to the HealThy Mouth Summit is well aware of the potential dangers of Fluoride thanks to Dr. Kennedy, but the short is: If fluoride has any benefit, it would be directed to the teeth, as drinking the fluoride has not been statistically shown to increase oral health at all. Additionally, fluoride has been linked to thyroid problems and other disorders when consumed internally.

So what are the options for those of us not interested in drinking a chemical cocktail every time we are thirsty?



Bottled Water:


Bottled water has started falling out of favor lately and with good reason. Mark’s Daily Apple did an in-depth analysis of why, but bottled water is not a good option for several reasons:

  • Chemicals from the plastic bottle itself can leach into the water
  • In most cases, the water itself is no different than tap water
  • Bottled water costs more in many cases that drinking tap water
  • Water bottles are a major source of consumer waste each year!

Verdict: Not the best option on price, taste, or health so I skip it. That being said, having a bottle of water is very convenient, and there are some great sustainable options. Glass and VitaJewel bottles are my personal favorites!


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Pitcher Water Filters


Pitcher water filters like Brita use Granulated Activated Charcoal to remove some contaminants. They are less expensive than other filter options upfront but require frequent filling (especially for large families) and cartridge replacement (making them more expensive in the long run). Since the carbon is not solid, it does not remove all toxins through these filters will improve the taste.

Pitcher filters will reduce chlorine, but are not effective at removing VOCs, heavy metals, endocrine disruptors or fluoride. This category also includes faucet mount external filters, which use the same technology.

Verdict: Better than nothing, but doesn’t remove the worst offenders and is somewhat costly to use compared to other options.


Reverse Osmosis (RO)


Reverse Osmosis filtration uses a membrane which removes many contaminants from water. It is usually paired with a Granulated Activated Charcoal filter to remove chlorine and many mounts under the sink and have a holding tank. The semipermeable membrane separates many contaminates (which usually have a larger particle size than water) from the water and rejects a large amount of water in the process.

The result is a waste of several gallons of water for every gallon filtered and many naturally occurring minerals (including calcium and magnesium) are also removed from the water. We used this type of filter for a long time but added trace minerals back into the water to replace the ones that are filtered out. It does remove a large number of contaminants but is not the best option, in my opinion.

Pros: Removes a large number of contaminants. Many unite are stored under the sink and have a simple spigot over the counter for getting the water. Does reduce arsenic, asbestos and heavy metals. Does remove fluoride.

Cons: Wastes more water than it produces. Does not reduce VOCs or endocrine disruptors. Requires adequate water pressure to work so it is not usable if the home water supply is cut off. Takes up to an hour to filter one gallon of water and filters need to be replaced regularly. Removes necessary minerals from the water.

Verdict: Certainly better than a lot of options out there and does remove fluoride, but not the best due to its waste of water and costly filters.



Distilled Water


The distillation process uses heat to cause the water to become steam. The steam rises and moves to a cooling chamber where it turns back into liquid, leaving behind many contaminants. This type of filtration reduces large particles like minerals and heavy metals but does not remove endocrine disruptors or VOCs since they vaporize at equal or lower temps than water and rise with the steam. It does effectively kill bacteria.

Pros: Removes a large number of contaminants. Does reduce arsenic, asbestos and heavy metals. Does remove fluoride.

Cons: Does not reduce VOCs or endocrine disruptors. Home distillation systems are often large and expensive.  Use a large amount of electricity and will not work in power outages. Removes necessary minerals from the water. Long-term use can cause mineral deficiencies in a big way, is not recommended.

Verdict: Better than bottled water, but definitely not the best option out there, especially for home situations.




Solid Block Carbon Filters



Recognized by the EPA as the best option for removing chemicals like herbicides, pesticides, and VOCs. Quality carbon block filters will remove chemicals, pesticides, bacteria, fluoride (with filter attachment), heavy metals, nitrate, nitrites, and parasites. Most are gravity-based and can safely transform any type of water into safe drinking water including rainwater, pond water, and even seawater (though these types of water will clog the filters much more quickly and are not ideal!) It will even filter water with food coloring to create clear water (yes, I tested it…)

This is the option that we use now and my only complaint is that it does take up counter space. The advantages are that it is gravity-based and will work even without electricity or running water. While these types of units can be more pricey than pitcher filters or other filters upfront, they seem to be the least expensive in the long run and require the fewest filter replacements (a big plus for me!). These types of filters also don’t remove naturally occurring minerals from the water, making it the best tasting filtered water option, in my opinion.

Using a filter calculator, I’ve determined that the specific system we use won’t need to be replaced for over 20 years with our current usage (though I’m guessing our usage will increase as the kids get older).

The most common type of this filter is the Berkey and it comes in many sizes for different uses. It can even be used camping to filter river water for drinking! (Tested this too and it saved one of my brothers-in-law from Giardia when other members of his group got it while camping)

Pros: Filters VOCs, heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, nitrates/ites, bacteria, parasites, and other chemicals. Very inexpensive per gallon cost and infrequent filter replacement. Great tasting water. Doesn’t require electricity or water pressure to work. Portable options can even be used while traveling.

Cons: Does require counter space and does have to be manually filled (not a big deal for us, we just fill at night and we have plenty of water the next day). More expensive upfront. Does not remove endocrine disruptors and there are some concerns with third-party testing with some brands.

Verdict: A good option, especially in places where under-counter or permanent systems are not an option.


Under Counter Multi-Stage Filters


After years of research and trying most of the options above at some point, we finally found and switched to an under-counter multi-stage water filter system that meets all of the criteria and exceeds them.  It filters water through a 14-stage process that utilizes most of the methods listed above, along with others like UV and adds minerals back in. During the filtration process, water goes through these stages:

Stage 1 – Five Micron Pre-Filter
Stage 2 – Internal Coconut Shell Carbon Filter (like Berkey)
Stage 3 – Reverse Osmosis Membrane (Purifier #1) (like regular RO but more efficient)
Stage 4 – Mixed Bed De-Ionization Purifier (Purifier #2)
Stage 5 – Mixed Bed De-Ionization Purifier (Purifier #3)
Stages 6 & 7 – Homeopathic Restructuring – Erasing Memory, Molecule Coherence
Stage 8 – Holding Tank – standard tank holds about 3 gallons of pure water. Other tanks are available.
Stage 9 – Ultraviolet Light – 14 Watt
Stage 10 – Reprogramming – Adding Natural Mineral Properties
Stages 11-12 – Far-Infrared Reprogramming
Stage 13 – Coconut Shell Carbon Post-Filtration
Stage 14 – Alka-Min (Alkalizing, Ionic Remineralization)

It removes fluoride, lead, chlorine, MTBE, chromium-6, nitrates, pesticides, pharmaceutical residues, water-borne illness and more.

Pros: Removes the widest range of contaminants. Very easy to use with no manual filling required. Spigot attaches near the sink for easy use. Water tastes great.

Cons: Must be installed under the sink. We had to hire a plumber for this, though we probably could have figured it out ourselves, I was just reluctant to try.



The Power of Water- Ed Begley Jr










10 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning




Why Drink Coconut Water? | Health Benefits of Coconut Water | The Healthy Grocery Girl® Show










Emerald – clear quartz

St. Hildegard declared nearly 1000 years ago: “All the green of nature is concentrated within the Emerald.” This lush crystal has been a source of fascination in many cultures and was considered a symbol of eternal life in ancient Egypt. Louis Pasteur said: “We drink 90 percent of our illnesses.” Your body needs a sufficient amount of freshwater for well functioning cleansing processes and stable health. It’s a natural way to help you lead a better life. Become vital!





Amethyst – chalcedony – petrified wood rose quartz – ocean chalcedony



Traditional Chinese medicine has developed over 5,000 years and recognizes health as a harmonious balance of five elements: Wood for growth, water for reflection, earth for grounding, metal for strength and fire for passion. Every person is a unique blend of these elements. Following this ancient philosophy, we have included one kind of gem for each element in this blend to reflect each attribute. Get your life in balance. Experience this ancient wisdom.




Aqua-Ionizer Deluxe 9 Plate Alkaline Water Ionizer and Alkaline Water Machine by Air Water Life  71hhzLiqGCL._SL1500_


  • Life Time Warranty-Vanguard Platinum Plate Coating Technology-9 Plate Alkaline Water Ionizer
  • (3.5pH-11.5pH) -860 ORP Alkaline Water, Fresh from your own Luxury Water Ionizer in your own home.
  • Takes HOT Water up to 165ºF – 7 Healthy Water Options –
  • Built-in Active Carbon Water Filter: Long-life, hi-tech filter purifies over 1,585 gals.



iSpring RCC7AK – Built in the USA, WQA Certified Reverse Osmosis 6 Stages 75GPD Under Sink Water Filter w/ Alkaline stage, Clear Housing, Designer Faucet



  • Purity It Refines with the Minerals It Restores – Restores natural minerals removed by RO to produce great tasting Mineral Water at 2 cents a bottle
  • Most Cost-Effective Technology – Rejects up to 99% of 1000+ pollutants such as chlorine, fluoride, lead, arsenic, pesticide, drugs, and fertilizer




Invigorated Living Premium Alkaline Water Pitcher Ionizer, 2 Long-Life Filters Included, Alkaline Filtered Water Purifier Machine, High pH Natural Filtration System, Removes Toxins, Enhances Immunity & Optimizes Health



  • UTILIZING OUR 7-STAGE ALKALINE WATER FILTERS CONSISTING OF MINERAL BALLS, ION EXCHANGE RESIN & ACTIVATED CARBON – the pH level of drinking water is increased, the water is purified removing chlorine, odors and heavy metals while inhibiting bacterial growth. Our filter system filtrates 90% of all lead, zinc, copper, and pollutants in tap water giving it a more natural taste.
  • Imported
  • DRINKING ALKALINE IONIZED WATER CAN IMPROVE HEALTH – by removing heavy metals, chemicals, chlorine & chloramine from our water while increasing essential mineral uptake (iron, zinc, calcium, and other beneficial minerals). Metabolism can be improved aiding in weight loss.
  • ALKALINE WATER FILTRATION REMOVES FREE RADICALS, ELIMINATES TOXINS, & INCREASES IMMUNITY & ENERGY LEVELS – through powerful antioxidants & high negative ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential – a measure of the cleanliness of the water & its ability to break down contaminants. Most bottled and tap water has a positive potential, while alkaline water with its negative potential donates extra electrons to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals in the body).




2 Silver Alkaline Energy Flask Ionizer Water Bottles with Cases



  • The Pod is a portable water dispenser that converts regular water into alkaline and ionized water that anyone can drink anywhere, anytime.
  • The Pod uses 13 types of minerals in its filter including Tourmaline, Zeolite and Maifanshi stone.








Probiotics for wellbeing




From Health Ambition — www.healthambition.com


On week 320 we are sharing information on Probiotics. The immense benefits of our total wellbeing from the inside out. We say this with confidence, it will aid with so many issues from skin outbreaks all the way to your overall welfare, we encourage you to consume a good source of probiotics, and with this said probiotics are an essential ingredient to keep yourself in top shape, healthy gut healthy life.

We wish to thank all of you for the dedication and consistency of visiting our Blog. They are many Blogs out there but this one is ours, and we take it very seriously. Our drive and passion are focused on bringing you the best authority information that we can possibly find.

Thank you from all of us and please share and like if you do.


To visit: https://www.healthambition.com

Have you heard about kombucha yet? It’s one of the most fashionable beverages floating around the alternative health scene. People are raving over the vast number of health benefits linked to this ancient Chinese “immortal health elixir”.

Many claims are made ranging from fighting severe illness to preventing degenerative diseases, and so on we are not qualified to do so, so in this post, we will be sharing information we gather, please consult your health practitioner before you make any changes. With all the claims it’s no wonder so many are jumping on the kombucha bandwagon. But what are the kombucha tea health benefits? I’m going to share what we have gathered about this product.




What is Kombucha Tea?




In simple terms, kombucha is a fermented tea that is indeed the bottom line. Kombucha is made by mixing black or green tea with specific strains of bacteria, yeast, and sugar. Over the course of about a week, the bacteria and yeasts enzymes digest the components of whatever tea is used, giving it a more acidic flavor.

Throughout this process, a small mushroom-like substance forms and floats on top of the liquid. This particular substance is a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast or what is referred to as SCOBY. This is what gives kombucha its nickname ‘mushroom tea’. The SCOBY can then be used to ferment the new batch of kombucha.

During fermentation, small trace levels of alcohol are formed alongside gasses and various acidic compounds which are responsible for carbonating the liquid.

Quite a bit of research about the health benefits of kombucha has been carried out in the first half of the 20th century.

In the 1990s kombucha made its first appearance in the US. Research. However, a lot of Russian and German study was made available in English and which sparked enormous interest in the beverage.

Kombucha is a powerhouse of general wellness benefits – mainly due to fermentation and its raw organic ingredients. I think that the majority of people could benefit positively from drinking kombucha on a regular basis. The following are just some of the benefits it has on the body:


It’s Packed With Probiotics


Yes, that is correct probiotics, my friends. I’ve already written a number of articles on the magnitude of benefits probiotics have to offer. During kombucha fermentation, is a vast amount of probiotics that are produced.

Any type of probiotic food is a good thing to add to your diet, fermented food falls into this category. These healthy microorganisms do everything from aiding digestion to boosting immunity.




 Culture for Health how to make Kombucha from click below link






Recipes for making Kombucha 



Kombucha Recipe – 1-Gallon

Scale up or down depending on the size of your vessel and your needs



  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4-6 bags tea –  for loose leaf, 1 bag of tea = 1 Tsp
  • Kombucha Starter Culture – SCOBY
  • 1 cup starter liquid
  • purified/bottled water
  • tea kettle
  • brewing vessel
  • cloth cover
  • rubber band




  1. Boil 4 cups of water.
  2. Add hot water & tea bags to pot or brewing vessel.
  3. Steep 5-7 minutes, then remove tea bags.
  4. Add sugar and stir to dissolve.
  5. Fill vessel most of the way with purified water, leaving just 1-2 inches from the top for breathing room with filtered cold water.
  6. Add SCOBY and starter liquid.
  7. Cover with cloth cover and secure with the rubber band.
  8. Say a prayer, send good vibes, commune with your culture (optional but recommended).
  9. Set in a warm location out of direct sunlight (unless the vessel is opaque).
  10. Do not disturb for 7 days.

After 7 days, or when you are ready to taste your brew, gently insert a straw beneath the SCOBY and take a sip. If too tart, then reduce your brewing cycle next time you make it.  If too sweet, allow brewing for a few more days to let the mixture to sour a bit more.  Continue to taste every day or so until you reach your optimum flavor preference. Your own Kombucha Tea Recipe may vary from preparation to preparation.

Decant & flavor (optional).

Drink as desired! Start off with 4-8oz on an empty stomach in the morning, then with meals to help with digestion or as your body tells you it would like some more! Drink plenty of water as it is a natural detoxifier and you want to flush the newly released toxins out be your own judge.

What are Probiotics 



According to https://www.gastro.org


Probiotics are living microscopic organisms, or microorganisms, that scientific research has shown to benefit your overall health. For the most part, they are bacteria, but they may also be other organisms such as yeasts involved. In some cases they are similar, or the same, as the “good” bacteria already in your body, here we are referring, in particular, those in your gut. These good bacteria are part of the trillions of microorganisms that inhabit our bodies. This community of microorganisms is called the microbiota. Some microbiota organisms can cause disease. However, others like in the case of probiotics are necessary for good health and digestion.

The most common probiotic bacteria come from two groups, Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium, although it is important to remember that many other types of bacteria are also classified as probiotics are essential to keep these facts in mind. Each group of bacteria has different species, and each species has different strains. This is important to remember because different strains have a range of benefits for different parts of your body. For example, Lactobacillus casei Shirota has been shown to support the immune system and to help food move through the gut, but Lactobacillus bulgaricus may help relieve symptoms of lactose intolerance in many cases, a condition in which people cannot digest the lactose found in most milk and dairy products. In general, not all probiotics are the same, and they don’t all work the same way we leave it to your discretion.

Scientists are still sorting out exactly how probiotics work. They may:

  • Boost your immune system by enhancing the production of antibodies to specific vaccines.
  • Produce substances that may prevent infection.
  • May prevent harmful bacteria from attaching to the gut lining and growing there.
  • Send signals to your cells to strengthen the mucus in your intestine and help it act as a barrier against infection.
  • An inhibitor that can destroy toxins released by certain “bad” bacteria that can affect your wellbeing.
  • Produce B vitamins necessary for metabolizing the food you eat, warding off anemia caused by deficiencies in B6 and B12, and maintaining healthy skin and a robust nervous system.



According to https://1md.org/article/what-are-probiotics-1md


Some of the Most Important Probiotics Strains

Let’s look at some of the most important strains of probiotics and what they do best.

Lactobacillus acidophilus: L. acidophilus boosts immunity, and by that, it supports healthy digestion, particularly in people who have a difficult time digesting lactose.

Bacillus laterosporus: B. laterosporus has been proven to efficiently to resolve an array of harmful organisms and has been determined to rid candida in a short period of time.

Bifidobacterium breve: B. breve plays a crucial role in colon health and is considered one of the probiotics best able to activate dendritic cells, by boosting your immune system.

Bifidobacterium bifidum: Is one of the best-known probiotics, B. bifidum efficiently keeps unwanted bacteria out, it enhances your immune system, plays a crucial role in allergy response,( so many people can use help with this issue) and helps ease digestion.

Bifidobacterium lactis: B. lactis is genuinely one of the most versatile strains of probiotics. It helps your body digest lactose, as well as all types of sugars, fats, and macronutrients while reducing the effects of ulcerative colitis, minimizing the occurrence of diarrhea associated with antibiotic therapy, and supporting healthy cholesterol levels.

Lactobacillus salivarius: this is a potent antibacterial, L. salivarius is considered crucial for good oral health. In addition to controlling bacteria in your mouth and small intestines, it relieves the effects of asthma and allergies and lowers cholesterol levels.

Lactobacillus plantarum: L. plantarum has been proven shown to enhance lysine production. Lysine is an amino acid that supports hormone production, strengthens the immune system, and promotes calcium absorption.

Lactococcus lactis: There are plenty of benefits associated with L. lactis (26). The qualities include reducing inflammation and allergies,  strengthening the immune system (particularly in the elderly), improving cholesterol levels, and increasing blood glucose control in diabetics.

Lactobacillus gasseri: L. gasseri supports healthy digestion, promotes weight loss, combats obesity, and may lower glucose levels and improve glucose tolerance, which is of great importance for diabetics..

Lactobacillus brevis: L. brevis is another versatile strain that increases the production of the natural killer cells to boost your immunity, supports digestive health, it helps to enhance the effectiveness of antibiotics, has potent antimicrobial properties, and helps improve the condition of your gums and overall oral health. Recent studies indicate that it may help combat ulcers caused by H. pylori.

Bifidobacterium longum: B. longum lessens the symptoms of Celiac disease, IBS, and allergies, while also boosting cognitive function, alleviating anxiety and depression, lowering cholesterol levels, and relieving inflammation.





Health Benefits of Probiotic Foods 



According to neurologist Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride


“Every traditional culture, when you look at their regular diet, they ferment their foods. They fermented everything. You can ferment dairy, grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, meats, and fish. Everything can be fermented, and there were fermented beverages in every culture. 

Perhaps for a month or two, you were eating fresh cabbage, but then for the rest of the year, 10 months of the year, you ate your cabbage in a fermented form pretty much with each meal. Quite a significant percentage of all the foods that people consume on a daily basis were fermented. And with every mouthful of these fermented foods, you ingest trillions of beneficial bacteria. at the same time.”

Fermented foods have been consumed for over 5000 years, and even in the past 100 years, certain cultures have excelled on probiotic-rich foods.

Germans consumed sauerkraut, Indians drank lassi, Bulgarians consumed kefir, Asians cultures consumed kimchi, Russians consumed raw yogurt, and Kenyan’s consumed amasi.

Fermented foods give you way more units of probiotics and strains of probiotics than a supplement ever will this is an excellent point to keep in mind.  When Dr. McBride tested the fermented vegetables she made to a bottle of a good quality probiotic she found that her vegetables had trillions of probiotic units and over 30 strains which means her one serving of fermented vegetables was equal to an entire bottle of probiotics.

Dr. McBride also states that “Nature is exceptionally wise and populated all organic fruit and vegetables, our soils, and all plant matter with Lactobacilli. The fresh cabbage leaves, if it’s organically grown (not the one from harsh chemical farming), will be covered in Lactobacilli Lacto-fermenting bacteria. You don’t need to add anything it will ferment on its own. You just chop it up. Add some salt in the initial stages. (The salt is added in the initial step to stop putrefactive bacteria from multiplying.) Then as the Lactobacillus stop working and start reproducing, they produce lactic acid. That’s why they’re called Lactobacillus. That’s just lactic acid.

If you look at the research in lactic acid, it is one of the most influential antiseptics. It kills off lots and lots of harmful bacteria…. So as the lactic acid starts producing, it will kill off all those putrefactive and pathogenic microbes and preserve the food. It’s an excellent preservative… A good batch of sauerkraut can keep for five to six years without spoiling or rotting, as long as it is covered by its own juice.”

This process of fermentation does even more than preserve your food, it also makes the nutrients in the food more bio-available.  According to Dr. McBride, the amount of bio-available vitamin C in sauerkraut is 20 times higher than in fresh cabbage! Amazing right?

One of the other aspects that make the probiotic benefits in fermented foods so surprising is that they also kill off harmful bacteria!

The healthy bacteria, or probiotics, live longer than the unhealthy ones and actually help to end the harmful bacteria reign in the gut.  This decrease in ‘bad bacteria’ like candida and h. Pylori naturally benefit the body with less illness and diseases and lower rates of inflammation.

Prebiotics and Probiotics 2nd banner



Probiotic Foods


from http://draxe.com





Kefir – Is similar to yogurt, this fermented dairy or nondairy product is a unique combination of cow milk or even coconut milk and fermented kefir grains. Kefir has been consumed for well over 3000 years, and the term kefir was started in Russia and Turkey and means “feeling good” now that is a significant little bit of trivia. It has a slightly acidic and tart flavor and contains anywhere from 10 to 34 strains of probiotics.  Kefir is similar to yogurt, but because it is fermented with yeast and more bacteria the final product is higher in probiotics.



To make and maintain your own Kefir click this link – http://www.wikihow.com/Maintain-Kefir-Grains







Cultured Vegetables (Sauerkraut and Kimchi)


Made from fermented cabbage and other vegetables, sauerkraut is high in organic acids (what gives food it’s sour taste) which support the growth of good bacteria.  Sauerkraut is extremely popular in Germany and many other parts of the world today. Kimchi is a cousin to sauerkraut and is the Korean take on cultured veggies that are eaten with most of their food. Both of the fermented formulas are also high in enzymes which can aid digestion.







Is an effervescent fermentation of black tea that is started by using a SCOBY also known as a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast. Kombucha has been around for over 2,000 years originating around Japan. Many claims have been made about kombucha but it’s primarily health benefits include digestive support, increased energy and liver detoxification.

For information on Kombucha 

Check out this post at www.healthambition.com





 Coconut Kefir


This Kefir is made by fermenting the juice of young coconuts with kefir grains.  This dairy-free option for kefir has some of the same probiotics as traditional dairy kefir but is typically not as high in probiotics.  Still, it has several strains that are great benefits to your health. Coconut kefir has a great flavor and you can add a bit of stevia, water and lime juice to it and make a great tasting drink.







A popular dish that is consumed in Japan consisting of fermented soybeans.  Natto contains the extremely powerful probiotic bacillus subtilis which has been proven to bolster your immune system, it supports cardiovascular health and enhance digestion of vitamin K2. Also, Natto contains a powerful anti-inflammatory enzyme called nattokinase, so as you can see









Probably the most popular probiotic food is live cultured yogurt or Greek yogurt made from the milk of cows, goats, or sheep. Yogurt in most cases can rank at the top of probiotic foods if it comes from raw milk from fed grass-fed animals.  The challenge there is a large variation in the quality of yogurts on the market today.  It is recommended when buying yogurt to look for 3 things.  First, that it comes from a cow, goat’s or sheep milk, second, that it is grass-fed, and third, that it is organic.







This is a fermented beverage in Eastern Europe since ancient times.  It was traditionally made by fermenting rye or barley, but in more recent years has been created using beets, fruit along with other root vegetables like carrots. Kvass uses lactobacilli probiotics and is known for its blood and liver cleansing properties and has a mild sour flavor.





 Raw Cheese

Goat’s milk, sheep’s milk and A2 cows soft cheeses are unusually high in probiotics, including thermophillus, bifudus, bulgaricus and acidophilus.  Always buy raw and unpasteurized cheeses if you want to receive any probiotics at all.


Probiotic Breakfast Ideas



F = Fundamentals, S = Sourdough, CD = Cultured Dairy, and LF = Lacto-Fermentation.

All fermented foods are listed in italics.

Salsa (LF) with eggs Soaked, sprouted or sourdough muffins (F, S) with cultured butter (CD) and preserves (LF)
or fermented honey (LF)
Plain kefir or yogurt (CD) with fruit, fruit preserves (LF) or fruit chutney (LF), soaked nuts, dried fruit, and/or fermented honey (LF)
English muffin (S) egg sandwiches with raw cheese (CD) and mayonnaise (LF) Hard-boiled eggs with various condiments mixed in:
olives (LF), kraut (LF),
sour cream (CD), mayonnaise (LF), raw cheese (CD), salsa (LF), or cultured butter (CD)
Sauerkraut (F) or kimchi (LF) with scrambled eggs and any other breakfast fixings, like sausage or bacon
Smoothie with
plain kefir or yogurt (CD) with fermented honey (LF), coconut oil,
fruit, fruit preserves (LF), fruit chutney (LF), or fresh or frozen fruit
Sourdough crepes (S)
with fruit preserves (LF), fruit chutney (LF), fruit relish (LF), sour cream (CD), and/or fermented honey (LF)
Sourdough crepes (S)with scrambled eggs, sour cream (CD), salsa (LF), and/or guacamole (LF)
Toast with cultured butter (CD) Beet kvass (LF)
or other fermented beverage






Why we should be taking probiotics


































DIY Skincare Recipes




DIY Skincare Recipes 




On week 319 we are sharing recipes that are fun and you can enjoy making with friend and family. At our home, my husband and I love making potions, creams and folk remedies and we share with friends and family also we keep stock for presents. I grew up with a mother that show me many ways to create these products and I made a living for a while selling them, I showed my daughter and she grew up making them, selling them also, so much came from it, enjoy and share, thank you for your time and interest we truly appreciate it.

It is vital to be informed and careful about possible compound interactions before using any DIY recipes. Like anything, nature has its own contradictions as well. Please use your discretion and do a small test when in doubt, always remember to consult with your health practitioner, have fun and enjoy and like I said before please share.





Use of Turmeric to correct hyper-pigmentation


Mix a little amount of turmeric with cucumber juice or lemon. Apply this to the pigmented area of your skin.
Leave it for ten to fifteen minutes and wash off. Do this for a few days and gradually normal color of your skin will return. Lemon is a great astringent. Turmeric is an antiseptic and antioxidant that helps skin challenges such as this.



Anti-Wrinkle treatment for ideal skin

Milk-And-Tomato-JuiceWhisk the tomato juice with an equal amount of milk. Store this mixture in the refrigerator. Apply this pack routinely twice a day. Leave this on your face for 10 minutes. This works as one of the best natural home aid for Skin Care.



Honey and milk


For dull and dry skin: Honey and milk are soothing and nourishing for skin care. These are the things which come straight from the breakfast table.
 One can apply our traditional moisturizer to the skin. It not only lightens complexion but also helps keep skin healthy and moist, aside from the Lactic acid in the milk helps the skin with a light resurfacing. It is very effective for dull and dry skin. Ghee can also be used as a moisturizer. Both ghee and malai can be used as a night cream.





Ghee and Malai

Malai is an Indian cooking ingredient. It is made by heating non-homogenized whole milk to about 80°C (180°F) for about one hour and then allowing it to cool down. A thick yellowish layer of fat and coagulated proteins forms on the surface, which is skimmed off. The process is usually repeated to remove most of the fat. Malai has about 55% butterfat. Buffalo milk is thought to produce better malai because of its high-fat content. Buffalo milk with fat contents varying from 5 to 12% is heated and boiled and then allowed to cool up to 4 degrees Celsius for best results. Similarly, cow’s milk with milk fat from 3 to 5% is boiled and cooled to make malai.


The banana-honey face pack



Whisk together two tablespoons of honey, two teaspoons of glycerin, one egg white and one mashed banana to form a smooth consistency. Gently massage your face with this pack. The fingers should follow a circular movement while massaging your face.

Then coat your face with the remaining mixture. Leave it for fifteen minutes and wash off your face with water. This homemade face pack not only rejuvenates your skin but also give it a supple feel.

The banana-honey face pack: Whisk together two tablespoons of honey, two teaspoons of glycerin, one egg white (use pasteurized egg) and one mashed banana to form a smooth consistency. Gently massage your face with this pack. The fingers should follow a circular movement while massaging your face.
Then coat your face with the remaining mixture. Leave it for fifteen minutes and wash off your face with water. This homemade face pack not only rejuvenates your skin but also give it a supple feel.
Soften cuticles with honey: Whisk together three tablespoons of almond oil, 3 tablespoons of raw linseed oil and 3 tablespoons of honey. Use this mixture to massage your nails and fingers.





Cucumber and lemon juice for dark neck

Cucumber cleanses the skin and helps to soothe the skin and bring back the glow of the skin. Scrubbing the neck with cucumber removes the dead skin cells.
  Apply grated cucumber or cucumber juice on the dark neck.
Gently scrub the neck for a few minutes
  Wash it off after 15 minutes




Lemon Juice


Lemon Juice – 
The citric acid present in the lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent. If you have sensitive skin, you will have to dilute lemon juice for this purpose.  Apply lemon juice to the dark skin of the neck using cotton ball  Leave it there for 10-20 minutes and wash it off with water.
  Do not expose the skin to sunlight after applying lemon juice.




Avocado-Honey Moisturizer



According to: http://www.rd.com/slideshows/8-natural-recipes-for-amazing- skin-from-a-plastic-surgeon/#slideshow=slide2

Avocado-Honey Moisturizer
 A moisturizer is an anti-aging must. By helping your skin retain moisture and acting as a temporary filler for wrinkles, it makes your complexion look smooth. Dr. Ordon says that his patients love this recipe because it makes their skin look and feels dewy, and youthful.
 3 tablespoons of fresh cream 1/4 avocado
1 tablespoon honey
Place all three ingredients in a blender and puree into a smooth cream.  Apply it to your skin and leave on for at least an hour. Rinse off with warm water.




aloe_vera_and cornstarch

You may think cornstarch can only be used to thicken your gravy, but it’s also useful in easing itchy, dry skin, it works miracles for chicken pox or itchy rashes. Make a paste and apply to skin let it dry and remove with a wet warm cloth and apply Aloe Vera Gel. Sprinkle a handful in the bathtub and have a soak, if you can, do not rinse, pat dry and wait a few minutes before you apply moisturizer, I highly recommend Coconut Oil.




Oatmeal and vinegar mask

Adding oatmeal to your bath will soothe your skin. The oats are packed with vitamin E, a nutrient vital to healthy skin. Oatmeal is also used as a folk remedy for treating dry, chapped hands. Rub your hands with wet oatmeal instead of soap. Dry your hands with a towel, then rub them with dry oatmeal. Vinegar. Try this folk remedy for chapped hands: Wash and dry hands thoroughly, then apply vinegar. Put on a pair of soft gloves and leave them on overnight.





mayonnaise-brewers yeast


Mayonnaise straight from the jar will make hair soft and shiny. The egg nourishes brittle hair with protein, while the vinegar gives it body and bounce.

Try this mixture to regain supple hair: Mix one teaspoon powdered brewers’ yeast with four ounces of apple cider vinegar to create an after wash rinse. Pour it over wet hair and let stand at least a minute before rinsing. 
Dry skin

For a homemade scrub, mix ground oats and honey. Rub all over your face—especially your nose, make sure you scrub gently. The scrub part of the mixture will remove dry, scaly skin while the honey seeps in as a moisturizer. Rinse completely off and pat dry, and your skin will be glowing and baby soft. Only use this remedy once a week.

For super dry skin, use olive oil. Rub it in prior to a bath or shower. You may substitute peanut, sesame or sunflower oil.
A quart of milk in a hot bath is a luxury as well as a skin toner. It’s a trick nearly as old as time.





tea bags for eyes

Puffy, tired-looking eyes?

Used teabags make excellent eye cosmetic After dunked, drain it and place it over your closed eye (one for each) and hold it there for a few minutes. Redness, soreness, swelling and irritation will disappear like magic.




Bug Off Citrus Butter

Honey scrub 84003064

One way to keep pesky little critters fully controlled

1/2 cup Cocoa butter
1/2 cup Coconut oil
1/2 cup Shea butter
1/2 cup Sweet Almond Oil 1 tsp vitamin E oil

10 drops Citronella essential oil 5 drops orange essential oil

Place the Cocoa butter, Coconut oil, and Shea butter in a large glass jar or glass measuring cup.
Place inside a pan with about 2 inches of water. Heat over medium heat until everything melts completely, stirring gently with a wooden spoon or chopstick. Remove from heat and add the sweet Almond oil, essential oils, vitamin E, and citronella oil. Mix thoroughly.

Place the mixture in a sanitized jar.
Chill in your fridge for about an hour. The mixture should be firm, but not too hard. once the mixture is chilled, use your mixer or hand mixer to whip it to a smooth consistency.




Sweet Chai Tea Bomb



At last the soothing comfort of spicy Chai Tea for you for your bath!  You got to love it, don’t you agree? YumYum body. You can also use Green Tea powder. Clove Oil is very strong and can be too much for sensitive people so use very small amount.

You may not need the Witch hazel if the honey does its job, I use it in batches that seem too dry. I like the round bomb mold best for this recipe.

1 cup of Citric Acid
2 cups baking soda
3 tablespoons kaolin clay
1/4 cup organic brown sugar
3 tablespoons sweet Almond Oil
2 tablespoons Organic tea powder
2 tablespoons honey
10 drops or less for sensitive skin do a patch test when the full mixture is done
5 drops vanilla essential oil
Witch Hazel to bind

Place the dry ingredients in a glass bowl and work with gloved hands until there are no lumps.
Add the sweet Almond oil, honey, and the essential oils to a mixture, and blend with a whisk. Test the consistency with your hands. The mixture should hold together when squeezed. If it feels crumbly, spritz in some witch hazel to bind. Pack the mixture firmly into the mold Set aside for ten minutes then tap lightly on the back of the mold to release it, enjoy.




Banana, Strawberry, Kiwi, and Honey Face Mask 

Banana kiwie strawberry 81157042


When it comes to face masks for oily skin is this simple yet very nourishing natural solution.

Ingredients: 1 ripe banana, 3 Strawberries 1 tablespoon of honey, 10 drops of lemon juice and Kiwi slices for the eyes.

You should mix the banana and honey in a bowl. Then, add the lemon juice and combine them. Once the mixture is ready, apply it on your face and let it work its magic for about 15 minutes. In the end, rinse with lukewarm water and wipe your complexion with a washcloth.



Cucumber, Egg White, Lemon, and Clay Mask


This mask is just perfect for cleansing clogged pores. As its name suggests, you’ll need the following ingredients: 1 tablespoon of egg white, ½ teaspoon of clay, a few drops of lemon juice and 1 egg white.

Add all these ingredients together and mix them until a smooth paste is formed. Then, apply the mask on your face, but make sure to avoid the eyes area and leave it for about 20 minutes. Finally, rinse with warm water.




Strawberry and Yogurt Facial

 Bath and face mask 84003421

You should know that the yogurt will help exfoliate your acne prone skin.

Ingredients: 4 ripe strawberries, 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt

Firstly, wash thoroughly the strawberries, then use a fork to mash them. Add the plain yogurt and stir until it becomes smooth. Then apply this mixture on your face and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Use warm water for rinsing.




Homemade Juice Mask


Both lemon and strawberries have natural astringents that are perfect for fighting acne.

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 cup of strawberries, 2 egg whites, 3 teaspoons of honey and 4 drops of essential oil.

You should mash the strawberries with a fork until they form a smooth paste. Then, add the lemon juice, honey, and egg whites and mix them together. Apply the formed mixture on your face and let it stay for about 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and a warm cloth.




Oatmeal Face Mask


For this mask, you’ll need 1 tablespoon of honey, some oatmeal, and 1 egg yolk.

You should take a small bowl and mix there the egg yolk and honey. Then, add slowly some oatmeal so that you create a thick paste. Apply the mask on your face and neck and let it sit for about 15 minutes. In the end, rinse with warm water.




Apricot, Yogurt and Clay Mask


This is an amazing natural face mask because it nourishes your skin and regulates its oiliness. We recommend using it once or twice a week. You can easily create it with the following ingredients: ½ teaspoon of clay, 1 apricot and 1 tablespoon of yogurt.

Firstly, you should peel the apricot. Then add it into a blender and mash it. Add the yogurt and clay and blend them together until a paste is formed. Apply it carefully on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.




Turmeric and Yogurt Face Mask


Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of rice flour, ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder and ½ cup of plain yogurt.

Mix all these ingredients until they form a smooth paste and afterward apply the mixture on your face and let it sit for about 15-20 minutes. Then use a wet cloth for rinsing.



























Glass and Bamboo Tea Infuser Pot

Our chic, modern teapot features a removable glass infuser for brewing loose-leaf tea directly inside the pot without over-steeping. Place a tealight in the included bamboo stand to keep fresh tea warm for serving while protecting your tabletop. Perfect for tea lovers, it’s a great gift for any tea lover.





Capresso Electric Water Kettle

Our convenient and affordable Capresso Electric Water Kettle boils water extremely quickly for tea, coffee, hot chocolate or instant soup. Made of durable, heat-resistant German SCHOTT glass, this fast boiling kettle has a large capacity and an automatic shutoff feature. It’s perfect for home as well as on trips to anywhere with an outlet.




Human Touch and our internal connection to beauty




Human Touch



Welcome once again to our site we are very grateful for your time and all the shares and wonderful comments, we spend many hours researching the top quality content for you, enjoy and please continue to share with others so more people can benefit, thank you from all of us.

In week 317 we are sharing another miraculous aspect of our human qualities, and that is TOUCH. Why write about touch? Well, it is very simple. We touch ourselves all the time even unconsciously at night when we sleep, brushing our hair, and in so many ways we are in contact with ourselves through touch. With that said, doing the same action with awareness will add up a lot more benefit to it. Being a mother, wife, pet owner, and a human being, I am always using touch to communicate feelings. In Chile where I was born, we are very touchy, we hug and kiss when we meet and express our emotions through touch a lot, which when I moved here caused me a lot of rethinking before I touch someone. It is a different custom that is all. Touch does so much for living beings from a comforting, reassuring, warning, and encouraging behaviors. Touch creates secretion of hormones and so much more. When I became a makeup artist I realized that through touch I could do so much, so I took courses in Cranial Sacral, Polarity, and medical Qi Gong. There I realized the depth of just how a small amount of touch produces considerable changes, not only physically but in the emotional and etheric systems. I used it to support the actors and many times the members of the working team. I fell in love with the idea of offering an extensive service that covers more than one gift alone and I continue to learn the gifts of touch. Here is important research from authorities that are loving, caring people that share their views and knowledge on touch. Enjoy and use your heart’s intention when you touch and you to will make a huge difference.

Thank you once again. We have deep gratitude for all your support and visits from all of us at Isabel”s Beauty Blog.

Dacher Keltner, the UC Berkeley psychology professor and faculty director of the Greater Good Science Center, shares his insights from the new science of touch: compassionate communication, touch therapies, and proof that “to touch is to give life.”




According to http://www.isciencetimes.com/articles/6073/20130917/sensitive-human-touch-new-research-suggests-fingers.htm


Highly qualified Researchers from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden tested for years the depth of human tactile perception to get a feeling for how advanced human touch really is. In their Research, they found that human fingers can identify textures whose ridges are mere nanometers in size (also “nanometre”) is a unit used in measurements to measure length. One nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, so nanometers are certainly not used to measure long distances, it does not work for that. Instead, they serve to measure extremely small objects, such as atomic structures or transistors found in modern CPUs. It’s the first time this kind of data has been quantified, and the results are extraordinary.

“This means that, if your finger was the size of the Earth, you could feel the difference between houses from cars,” Mark Rutland, Professor of Surface Chemistry at the Royal Institute of Technology and one of the authors of the new study on human touch. “That is one of the most enjoyable aspects of this research. We discovered that a human being can feel a bump corresponding to the size of a very large molecule.” that is how amazing the human body really is.

If we consider that our skin is the largest organ we have, and for most people can be very sensitive and responsive through it, touch is of great importance to humans and many species of animals.

The warm feeling of a handheld it has so many emotional and physical ramification in our lives, the sensation of a soft cheek against ours, arms around shoulders in an embrace for a hello, a goodbye, or a conforming hug it can all go a long way toward expressing so many different feelings. But touch can actually give more than a momentary tingle touch can comfort and heal.



The somatosensory system, also known as somatic senses, touch or tactile perception, is a complex sensory system. It is considered one of the five traditional senses. It is made up of a number of different receptors, including thermoreceptors, photoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and chemoreceptors. It also comprises essential processing centers, or sensory modalities, such as proprioception, mechanoreception (touching), thermoception (perception of temperature), and nociception (sensation of pain). The sensory receptors cover the skin and epithelial tissues, skeletal muscles, bones and joints, internal organs, and the cardiovascular system.

Somatic senses are sometimes referred to as somesthetic senses, with the understanding that somesthesis includes touch, proprioception and (depending on usage) also the type haptic perception.

Processing primarily occurs in the primary somatosensory area in the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex: information is sent from the receptors via sensory nerves, through tracts in the spinal cord and finally into the brain.

The system works when activity in a sensory neuron is triggered by a specific stimulus such as pain, for instance. This signal then passes to the part of the brain attributed to that area on the body—this allows the stimulus to be felt at the correct location. The mapping of the body surfaces in the brain is called a homunculus and plays a fundamental role in the creation of body image. This brain-surface (“cortical”) map is not immutable, however. Dramatic shifts can occur in response to stroke or injury.

General somatosensory pathway

A somatosensory pathway will typically have three long neurons: primary, secondary and tertiary (or first, second, and third).

  • The first neuron always has its cell body in the dorsal root ganglion of the spinal nerve (if a sensation is in parts of the head or neck not covered by the cervical nerves, it will be the trigeminal nerve ganglia or the ganglia of other sensory cranial nerves).
  • The second neuron has its cell body either in the spinal cord or in the brainstem. This neuron’s ascending axons will cross (decussate) to the opposite side either in the spinal cord or in the brainstem. The axons of many of these neurons terminate in the thalamus (for example the ventral posterior nucleus, VPN), others terminate in the reticular system or the cerebellum.
  • In the case of touch and certain types of pain, the third neuron has its cell body in the VPN of the thalamus and ends in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe.


In the periphery, the somatosensory system detects various stimuli by sensory receptors, e.g. by mechanoreceptors for tactile sensation and nociceptors for pain sensation. The sensory information (touch, pain, temperature etc.,) is then conveyed to the central nervous system by afferent neurons. There are a number of different types of afferent neurons that vary in their size, structure, and properties. Generally, there is a correlation between the type of sensory modality detected and the type of afferent neuron involved. For example, slow, thin, unmyelinated neurons conduct pain whereas faster, thicker, myelinated neurons conduct casual touch.

The receptive field of a particular afferent neuron is given by the sensory receptors supplying it, and in turn from a particular region of the skin.

Spinal cord

In the spinal cord, the somatosensory system includes ascending pathways from the body to the brain. One major target is the postcentral gyrus in the cerebral cortex. This is the target for neurons of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway and the ventral spinothalamic pathway. Note that many ascending somatosensory pathways include synapses in either the thalamus or the reticular formation before they reach the cortex. Other ascending pathways, particularly those involved with control of posture are projected to the cerebellum. These include the ventral and dorsal spinocerebellar tracts. Another important target for afferent somatosensory neurons which enter the spinal cord are those neurons involved with local segmental reflexes.


Somatosensory cortex in the cerebral lobes

The primary somatosensory area in the human cortex (also called primary somatic sensory cortex or SI) is located in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe and makes up four distinct fields or regions known as Brodmann areas  The postcentral gyrus is the location of the primary somatosensory area, the main sensory receptive area for the sense of touch. Any individual neuron has its receptive field on the skin.

A relationship between the somatosensory cortical areas and their projection of the body was discovered by recording electrical activity in the human cortex after mechanosensory stimulation of different body parts during neurosurgical procedures. These data led to the construction of somatotopic maps in which a somatotopic arrangement was generated. Like other sensory areas, there is a map of sensory space called a homunculus at this location. For the primary somatosensory cortex, this is called the sensory homunculus. Areas of this part of the human brain map to certain areas of the body, dependent on the amount or importance of somatosensory input from that area. For example, there is a large area of cortex devoted to sensation in the hands, whereas the human back has a much smaller area. The somatosensory information involved with proprioception and posture also targets an entirely different part of the brain, the cerebellum.


The effect of touch depends, of course, upon the situation. A touch from someone can be relaxing or reassuring, off-putting or gentle, soothing or stimulating. Touch can also bond us together in ways that transcend words or in situations in which words may not help. Take babies, for instance. In one study it was found that fathers who gave their infants daily bedtime massages displayed more enjoyment and warmth with their child. In another, babies given a blood test were either swaddled in blankets or held, skin-to-skin, by their mothers. The babies being hugged had lower heart rates and cried 82% less than those left wrapped and lying in their cribs.

Touch’s comfort can extend to older kids, too. After receiving massage sessions, adolescents with ADHD expressed feelings of happiness, and their teachers noted a decrease in the adolescents’ fidgeting and off-task activities. Even self-massage has benefits, as proven by a study of people trying to deal with the cravings and anxiety associated with quitting smoking. When they felt the urge to smoke, test subjects were advised to rub their hands together or stroke their earlobes. Rubbed away with the tension was the urge to light up.

Some might argue that touch and massage just distract us from our aches or anxieties. But what to make of research that links massage therapy to decreased blood pressure in adults with hypertension or to the improved immune function in women with breast cancer? Some research suggests that people who are deprived of touch early in life may have a tendency toward violent or aggressive behavior later, and research in rats has found that rats with a strong mothering instinct (measured by licking and grooming their babies) were more likely have babies that showed a strong mothering instinct.

So, is touch simply a pleasant, soothing diversion? Is it mind over matter, or something more? No matter what the case, embrace the power of touch and invite it into your life:

• Go in for the rubdown. Even if you don’t have aches and pains, book a visit to a licensed massage therapist. You’ll leave more relaxed.

• DIY massage. If you’re shy about stretching out for a massage therapist, try self-massage techniques, like rubbing your hands together to warm them and then cupping them over your closed eyes. Feel the calm wash over you as your eyes and facial muscles relax.

• Conduct some hug research. When you greet a friend or family member, go in for an embrace rather than a handshake or nod. Sample a few different varieties of hugs – arms around the waist, hands on the shoulder blades. Linger in the hug a little and really relish the sensation of closeness.

• Touch is an all-ages activity. Babies can benefit from gentle touch and massage, but the need and desire for human contact don’t dwindle as we age. Remember older relatives and friends, especially those who live on their own or who have lost their husbands or wives.



From https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wired-success/201503/8-reasons-why-we-need-human-touch-more-ever

Physical contact distinguishes humans from other animals. From a warm handshake or sympathetic hug to a congratulatory pat on the back, we have developed complex languages, cultures, and emotional expression through physical contact. But in a tech-saturated world, non-sexual human touch is in danger of becoming rare, if not obsolete. Despite the benefits of digital advancement, it is vital to preserve human touch in order for us truly to thrive.

Humans become nearly unrecognizable in the absence of touch. Two hundred years ago, French scientists spotted a creature resembling a human running through the forests. Once captured, they determined he was 11 years old and had run wild in the forests for much of his childhood. Originally the child, “Victor,” was determined to be an idiot; French physicians and psychiatrists eventually concluded he had been deprived of human physical touch, which had retarded his social and developmental capacities.


Scientific research now correlates physical touch with the following important areas:


1 Decreased violence. Less touch as a child leads to greater violence. American developmental psychologist James W. Prescott proposed that the origins of violence in society were related to the lack of mother-child bonding. Child developmental research illustrates that the absence of physical bonding and healthy attachment between an adult and child may result in lifelong emotional disturbances.

2 Greater trust between individuals. Touch helps to bond people together. Daniel Keltner, the founding director of the Greater Good Science Center and professor of psychology at University of California, Berkeley, cites the work of neuroscientist Edmund Ross, who found that physical touch activates the brain’s orbitofrontal cortex, linked to feelings of reward and compassion. According to Keltner, “studies show that a simple touch can trigger a release of oxytocin, aka ‘the love hormone.'” Our skin contains receptors that directly elicit emotional responses, through stimulation of erogenous zones or nerve endings that respond to pain, according to researchers Auvray, Myin, and Spence.

3 Economic Gain. Keltner links economic benefits to physical touch, probably because “touch signals safety and trust; it soothes. Basic warm touch calms cardiovascular stress. It activates the body’s vagus nerve, which is intimately involved with our compassionate response.” NBA teams whose players touch each other more, for example, win more games.

4 Decreased disease and stronger immune system. Physical touch may also decrease disease. According to research conducted at the University of North Carolina, women who receive more hugs from their partners have lower heart rates and blood pressure: “Hugs strengthen the immune system…The gentle pressure on the sternum and the emotional charge this creates activates the Solar Plexus Chakra. This stimulates the thymus gland, which regulates and balances the body’s production of white blood cells, which keeps you healthy and disease-free.” Research at the University of California’s School of Public Health found that getting eye contact and a pat on the back from the doctor may boost the survival rate of patients with complex diseases.

5 Stronger team dynamics. Paul Zak, the author of The Moral Molecule, argues, “We touch to initiate and sustain cooperation.” He conducted a “neuroeconomics” study from which he argues that hugs or handshakes are likely to cause the release of the neurochemical oxytocin, which increases the chances that a person will treat you “like family,” even if you just met.

6 More non-sexual emotional intimacy. Interpersonal touch has a powerful impact on our emotions. Studies have shown that a gentle brush of a woman’s arm can boost a man’s chances in love; another study showed that two-thirds of women agreed to dance with a man who touched her on the arm a second or two before making the request.

7 Greater learning engagement. When teachers touch students platonically, it encourages their learning. French psychologist Nicolas Guéguen reports (link is external)
 that when teachers pat students in a friendly way, those students are three times as likely to speak up in class. Another recent study has found that when librarians pat the hand of a student checking out a book, that student says he or she likes the library more and is more likely to return.

8 Overall wellbeing. Adults require human touch to thrive. Keltner says, “In recent years, a wave of studies has documented some incredible emotional and physical health benefits that come from touch. This research is suggesting that touch is truly fundamental to human communication, bonding, and health.”  As Sharon K. Farber says, “Being touched and touching someone else are fundamental modes of human interaction, and increasingly, many people are seeking out their own professional touches and body arts teachers—chiropractors, physical therapists, Gestalt therapists, Rolfers, the Alexander-technique and Feldenkrais people, massage therapists, martial arts and T’ai Chi Ch’uan instructors. And some even wait in physicians’ offices for a physical examination for ailments with no organic cause—they wait to be touched.”


In conclusion: Physical touch is the foundational element of human development and culture. The growing preoccupation with digital media versus personal physical contact, combined with the social and legal restrictions over the physical contact in our schools and workplaces, may unintentionally affect these factors negatively. To foster a safe social environment in a climate of mediated communication, we should intentionally hold on to physical touch.



Sensory receptors in human skin





It all starts in the bottom layer of our skin. There, a series of informational conveyor belts called Merkel cells, feed data from the skin to the body’s central nervous system. The body then responds with a surge of hormones. And, if you’re receiving the right kind of touch — as opposed to a creepy one or a punch in the nose — you’ll get a dose of oxytocin, the aptly named “cuddle hormone.”

The results are palpable. Spearheaded by labs throughout the country that are dedicated to the science of touch, a slew of new studies are proving that touch — gentle, empathetic, and supportive — comes with incredibly emotional and physical health benefits. “Touch is our body’s largest and the oldest sense,” says Jeanne AbateMarco, MS, RN, CNS, clinical nurse coordinator of the Department of Integrative Health Programs at NYU Langone Medical Center. “It’s a channel of communication. It’s integral to the human experience.”




But, no two touches are the same.






Oxytocin the so-called “love hormone” is being increasingly shown to trigger a wide variety of physical and psychological effects in both women and men.
The hormone’s influence on our behavior and physiology originates in the brain, where it’s produced by the by a structure called the hypothalamus, and then transfers to the pituitary gland which releases into the bloodstream. Like antennas picking up a signal, oxytocin receptors are found on cells throughout the body. Levels of the hormone tend to be higher during both stressful and socially bonding experiences, according to the American Psychological Association.
“It’s like a hormone of attachment, you might say,” said Carol Rinkleib Ellison, a clinical psychologist in private practice in Loomis, California and former assistant clinical psychiatry professor at the University of California, San Francisco. “It creates feelings of calm and closeness.”
Though scientists have long known about oxytocin’s role in breastfeeding and childbirth, “We’re just learning more about it now,” Ellison said.


A stream of studies in the last decade has focused on oxytocin’s effects on body and mind. Here’s a look at what we’ve learned.

Though often referred to as the “trust hormone” oxytocin is increasingly being seen as a brain chemical that does a lot more than just bring couples closer together.

New research is suggesting that oxytocin plays a crucial part in enabling us to not just forge and strengthen our social relations, but in helping us to stave off a number of psychological and physiological problems as well. But more conceptually, oxytocin is proving to be a crucial ingredient to what makes us human. Here are ten reasons why oxytocin is simply the most incredible molecule on the planet:


1. It’s easy to get

One of the neat things about oxytocin is that you can get your fix anywhere and at any time. All you need to do is simply hug someone or shake their hand. The simple act of bodily contact will cause your brain to release low levels of oxytocin — both in yourself and in the person you’re touching. It’s a near-instantaneous way to establish trust. And the good news is that the effect lingers afterward. There’s even evidence that simply gazing at someone will do the trick — or even just thinking about them. And you shouldn’t feel limited by the human species; it also helps to hug and play with your pets. And for those who can’t produce enough oxytocin on their own, or who feel they could use a boost, the molecule can be easily synthesized and administered as a drug.


2. A love potion that’s built right in

Often referred to as the “love molecule”, oxytocin is typically associated with helping couples establish a greater sense of intimacy and attachment. Oxytocin, along with dopamine and norepinephrine, is believed to be highly critical in human pair-bonding. But not only that, but it also increases the desire for couples to gaze at one another, it creates sexual arousal, and it helps males maintain their erections. When you’re sexually aroused or excited, oxytocin levels increase in your brain significantly — a primary factor for bringing about an orgasm. And during the orgasm itself, the brain is flooded with oxytocin — a possible explanation for why (some) couples like to cuddle after.


3. It helps mom to be a mom

But oxytocin isn’t just limited to helping couples come together — it’s an indispensable part of childbirth and mother-child bonding. Oxytocin helps women get through labor by stimulating uterine contractions, which is why it’s sometimes administered (as Pitocin) during labor. It’s been known to promote delivery and speed up contractions. After birth, mothers can establish intimacy and trust with their baby through gentle touches and even a loving gaze. In addition, mothers can pass on oxytocin to their babies through breast milk. And it’s worth noting that fathers can reap the benefits of oxytocin as well; new dads who are given a whiff of oxytocin nasal spray are more likely to encourage their children to explore during playtime and are less likely to be hostile.


4.Reduces social fears

Given its ability to break down social barriers, induce feelings of optimism, increase self-esteem, and build trust, oxytocin is increasingly being seen as something that can help people overcome their social inhibitions and fears. Studies are showing that it may be effective in treating debilitating shyness or to help people with social anxieties and mood disorders. It’s also thought that oxytocin could help people suffering from the post-traumatic stress disorder. In addition, given that autism is essentially a social communication disorder, it’s being considered as a way of helping people on the spectrum as well. And lastly, oxytocin, through its trust-building actions, can help heal the wounds of a damaged relationship — another example of how the mind gets its plasticity.


5. Healing and pain relief

Amazingly, oxytocin can also be used to heal wounds (through its anti-inflammatory properties). Studies have also shown that a rise in oxytocin levels can relieve pain — everything from headaches, cramps, and overall body aches. Now, that being said, the trick is to get some oxytocin action while you’re in pain — which is not so easy. This is where synthetics can certainly help. Alternately, if you find yourself in physical discomfort, you could always ask your partner for a roll in the hay. So guys, be sure to use this crucial information the next time your significant other declines your advances and tells you she has a headache.


6. A diet aid

Perhaps surprisingly, it can also be used to prevent obesity in some instances. Researchers have observed that oxytocin and oxytocin receptor-deficient mice become obese later in life — and with normal food intake. Scientists believe that the hormone might be responsible for a series of beneficial metabolic effects, both in mice and humans. Moreover, by giving oxytocin-deficient obese mice oxytocin infusions, their weight returned back to normal levels. The mice also showed reduced glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. This clearly suggests an alternative option for those struggling to keep the weight off.


7. An antidepressant

Oxytocin was first observed to have a connection to depression through its effects on mothers suffering from the postpartum syndrome. Researchers found that some new mothers were dealing with depression on account of low levels of oxytocin. In fact, they were able to predict postpartum during the pregnancy if the expectant mother had low levels of oxytocin. Recent studies of blood levels and genetic factors in depressed patients have revealed the potential for treating people with clinical depression and even anxiety disorders.


8. Stress relief

Not surprisingly, given its ability to alleviate social anxiety and produce feelings of trust, oxytocin has the peripheral ability to reduce stress — which is no small thing when you consider the toll that stress takes on the body. Oxytocin has been observed to reduce cortisol in the body and lower blood pressure. It’s also been known to improve digestion, which is often disturbed by high-stress levels. Interestingly, oxytocin and the oxytocin receptors have been found in the intestinal tract; it improves gut motility and decreases intestinal inflammation.


9. Increases generosity

In what could be seen as either a good or bad thing, oxytocin has been observed to increase generosity in humans. Evolutionary biologists, particularly those who subscribe to the selfish gene theory, have long struggled to understand why people sometimes share or give away things — often at a personal cost. But several lines of research have connected oxytocin to feelings of empathy. In one study that required persons to share money with a stranger, infusions of oxytocin were shown to make some subjects as much as 80% (wow!) more generous than those on a placebo.


10. It’s what makes us human

In other words, all the above. It’s clear that we really wouldn’t be human without it — we would simply lack the ability to be the social, caring species that we are. Now, it should be noted, however, that, while oxytocin increases in-group trust, it produces the opposite feeling for those in the out-group — so it’s not the “perfect drug” some might proclaim it to be. That being said, oxytocin plays a crucial role in forging our ability to spark and maintain relationships, while endowing us with the ability to empathize, trust, and even love one another. Without it, we would be something significantly less than what we are.









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