The unlimited uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin and Health



Apple cider vinegar and flowers 9-20-14

In week 329 we are sharing the facts and unlimited usage of VINEGAR, for centuries fermentation has been used in many cultures, and it continues to do so. I grew up with foods being fermented by my mother or the Nana, both of them taught me the best value of fermentation. Here, we wish to share it, so you and your family can benefit from it, Our family uses Vinegar from food to hair, skincare pets, to repel insects and so much more.

For centuries, apple cider vinegar has been used for many purposes: cleaning, polishing, cooking, salad dressings, skin and hair treatments and to relive wellbeing challenges and many more uses.

Whether your kitchen cupboard is graced with the most elegant wine vinegar or cheap and cheerful malt, the chances are that somewhere in the house you will have a bottle of this precious product.

At the heart of even the fanciest variants is a simple enough compound: Acetic Acid. Officially called ethanoic acid, with the formula CH3CO2H, the acid is the result of oxidizing ethanol, the alcohol in intoxicating alcohol drinks.

Leave a bottle of wine of any kind exposed to the atmosphere and within a few days it will have taken on a sharp and sour taste as more and more of the alcohol is turned to this weak acid by acetic acid bacteria and it works like a magic act every time. These species are common in the air and come in a range of genera from Acetobacter to Acidiphilium, but all with the distinct urge to oxidize ethanol to gain energy.





In its familiar domestic form (food use), vinegar is typically only around five percent acetic acid by volume with most of the rest water, plus traces of other compounds.

For industrial use, acetic acid was originally derived from vinegar, but since the early twentieth century, it has largely been produced from wood or, most recently, by reacting methanol and carbon monoxide over a catalyst.

According to:

Most of the acetic acid produced this way is not destined for our vinegar bottles, which retain the old ‘fermentation’ methods from alcoholic drinks, but rather as a raw material in the production of three broad types of compounds. The largest proportion goes to the manufacture of vinyl acetate monomer, itself a starting point for the polymer polyvinyl acetate or PVA, familiar to many people through its wide use as a glue. Another significant chunk of the over 6 million tons produced each year is used to form acetic anhydride, a step in the production of cellulose acetate, used in coatings and photographic films. Much of the rest will either act as a solvent or be used in the production of esters for inks and paints.

In its vinegar form, acetic acid makes its way into all areas of catering. Vinegar’s partnering with salt, when associated with chips, is legendary in the UK at least, in some parts of which it is also an essential additive to mushy peas, modifying the gluey pea juice to a more palatable and zesty mix. By extension, vinegar makes its way into flavoring for crisps (or potato chips) and is a major component of bottled sauces.

You are also likely to find vinegar in your store cupboard acting as a preservative. While brine can be used in pickling, the most popular approach for picking vegetables is to use vinegar, which ironically, given its bacterial origins, has the role of killing bacteria to preserve otherwise perishable food

Apple cider vinegar is a product of double fermentation. This is a process in which sugars in food are broken down by bacterias and yeast. In the first stage of fermentation, the sugars are generally turned into alcohol. The word vinegar originates from the French, meaning “Sour Wine”, Vinegar can be made from all sorts of products, like fruits, vegetables and grains – Apple Cider vinegar comes from apple scraps or pulverized apples.


You probably saw it in the supermarkets, the bottles containing cloudy sediment at the bottom. These sediments are known as the “ Mother of Vinegar “ and are mostly composed of beneficial bacteria from acetic acid. The main ingredient in apple cider vinegar or any vinegar is acetic acid, part citric, malic and lactic acids.


Acetic acid

At the heart of even the fanciest variants is a simple enough compound: acetic acid. Officially called ethanoic acid, with the formula CH3CO2H, the acid is the result of oxidizing ethanol, the alcohol in intoxicating drinks. Leave a bottle of wine exposed to the atmosphere and within a few days it will have taken on a sharp-sour taste as more and more of the alcohol is turned to this weak acid by acetic acid bacteria. These species are common in the air and come in a range of genera from Acetobacter to Acidiphilium, but all with the distinct urge to oxidize ethanol to gain energy.

Pure acetic acid is a clear liquid which in the lab is usually called ‘glacial’, a term that refers to its tendency to produce crystals that resemble ice at low room temperature. In its familiar domestic form, vinegar is typically only around five percent acetic acid by volume with most of the rest water, plus traces of other compounds. Vinegar can be as clear as the original acid but often has the colorings from its source, the wine, for example, in wine vinegar.


Citric Acid


Citric acid is a weak organic acid found in citrus fruits.

It is a natural preservative and is also used to add an acidic (sour) taste to foods and soft drinks. In biochemistry, it is important as an intermediate in the citric acid cycle and therefore occurs in the metabolism of almost all living things. It also serves as an environmentally benign cleaning agent and acts as an antioxidant. Citric acid exists in a variety of fruits and vegetables, but it is most concentrated in lemons and limes, where it can comprise as much as 8 percent of the dry weight of the fruit.


Malic Acid


Malic acid is a component of many of the foods that we eat daily. Although it is found as a naturally occurring organic compound in various fruits, many choose to take malic acid supplements to increase their overall health, as well as treat various maladies. Today, the acid is most commonly used as a food additive and preservative. It is a mild and relatively harmless acid when used in appropriate amounts. As a food supplement, it is generally considered beneficial for health and is present in large amounts in apple juices. As when taking any supplement, however, you should not exceed the recommended amounts for consumption.


Lactic acid


Lactic acid is an organic compound with the formula CH3CH(OH)CO2H. It is a white, water-soluble solid or clear liquid that is produced both naturally and synthetically. With a hydroxyl group adjacent to the carboxyl group, lactic acid is classified as an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). In the form of its conjugate base called lactate, it plays a role in several biochemical processes.

Lactic acid is found primarily in sour milk products, such as koumiss, laban, yogurt, kefir, some cottage cheeses, and kombucha. The casein in fermented milk is coagulated (curdled) by lactic acid. Lactic acid is also responsible for the sour flavor of sourdough bread.

Vinegar can be made from almost any fermentable carbohydrate source, including wine, molasses, dates, sorghum, apples, pears, grapes, berries, melons, coconut, honey, beer, maple syrup, potatoes, beets, malt, grains, and whey to mention a few.

The use of vinegar with a variety of plants or essential oils for cosmetic purposes can be traced back to the Romans and was fashionable during the 19th century as vinegar de toilette.

Vinegar as Skincare

Read more:

Hippocrates known as the father of modern medicine used apple cider vinegar as a health tonic.

Christopher Columbus sailed with 55 gals. drums aboard his ships to fight scurvy.

Apple Cider vinegar is said to speed up metabolism and found that vinegar also burns fat faster.


acid alkaline

Alkaline Acid Balance – Despite being an acidic solution, apple cider vinegar has an alkalinizing effect on the body.

Some alternative practitioners recommend using apple cider vinegar to restore alkaline acid balance. The theory behind the alkaline diet is that our blood is slightly alkaline (with a normal pH level of between 7.35 and 7.45) and that our diet should reflect this pH level. Proponents of the alkaline-acid theory believe that a diet high in acid-producing foods leads to a lack of energy, excessive mucus production, infections, anxiety, irritability, headache, sore throat, nasal and sinus congestion, allergic reactions, and increased risk of conditions such as arthritis and gout.

Despite being an acidic solution, some proponents of apple cider vinegar believe it has an alkalinizing effect on the body. As such, they recommend one to two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water as a daily health tonic.



Acetic Acid inhibits the activity of several carbohydrates- digesting enzymes, including amylase, sucrase, maltase, and lactase. As a result, when vinegar is present in the intestines, some sugars and starches temporarily pass through without being digested, so they have less impact on blood sugar.

  • improves insulin sensitivity during a high-carb meal by 19-34% and significantly lowers blood glucose and insulin responses.
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bedtime can reduce fasting blood sugars by 4%
  • Numerous other studies show that vinegar can increase insulin sensitivity and significantly lower blood sugar responses during meals.


More mother vinegar 9-2-14

Make sure you get the raw Apple Cider vinegar to get the most benefits from it. Apple Cider vinegar which is unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized with plenty of the MOTHER VINEGAR. The mother is made up of living nutrients and bacteria. This is were most of the health benefits come from. It doesn’t have a great look, but is the most nutritious and has many of the bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

The ingredients of raw Apple Cider vinegar: potassium, pectin, malic acid, acetic acid, and ash ( ash creates alkalinity in the vinegar and helps to maintain a healthy alkaline state)


great skin for tittle 9-1-14

Apple Cider vinegar for the Skin: Dr Frank Lipman great site to visit

According to

There are several key attributes to ACV for maintaining beautiful skin, and exfoliation is one of them. Exfoliating is a key element for keeping youthful healthy skin. There are several ways to exfoliate, and one of them is by “digesting” dead skin cells, which the acids in ACV do. This mild cell turnover is widely used as a skin treatment to improve, soften, and smooth skin texture. The new skin layer once revealed, is more vibrant, youthful, and healthy.

With a pH similar to skin, AVC helps restore and balance your skin’s pH and acid mantle. This too is key to healthy, beautiful skin. The acid mantle is the combination of sebum (oil) and perspiration on the skin’s surface. This barrier protects the skin and makes it less vulnerable to environmental damage (smog, sun, and wind), less prone to dehydration, and also inhibits the growth of foreign bacteria and fungi (enabling skin to be healthier and have fewer breakout and blemishes. Acne, allergies and other skin problems become more severe as the skin becomes more alkaline).”Mild” soaps are often alkaline (pH 9.5-11), and remove the natural acid protection as well as extract protective lipids (fats) from the skin. Washing with soap can increase this alkaline state and make the skin even more vulnerable to irritation and infection. Most people are cleansing with products that are breaking down their acid mantle and causing increased skin issues. Balancing your pH is an imperative part of maintaining healthy skin.


Hair after apple cider vinegar 9-20-14


14  Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:


Tame tummy troubles.

The pectin content in ACV helps treat diarrhea by forming bulk fibrous matter. The pectin also forms a protective coat for soothing the colon lining and intestinal spasms. Try mixing one or two tablespoons into water, or clear juice like apple juice.

Prevent indigestion.

Sip before eating, especially if you know you’re going to indulge in foods that cause indigestion. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and drink it 30 minutes before you dine.

Help clear a stuffy nose.

Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink. This helps sinus drainage.

Help for hiccups.

Since hiccups are often caused by either low stomach acid slowing the digestion of protein, or eating too much…ACV can be a great solution for hiccups. It restores the acid balance in the stomach and eases irritating spasms of the diaphragm.

Soothe a sore throat.

As soon as you feel the prickle of a sore throat, take some ACV to help head off the infection at the pass. Turns out, most germs can’t survive in the acidic environment vinegar creates. Just mix ¼ cup apple cider vinegar with ¼ cup warm water and gargle every hour or so.

Reduce swelling.

Rubbing apple cider vinegar onto swollen hands or feet reduces swelling. A wonderful thing during pregnancy!

Extinguish exhaustion.

Exercise and sometimes extreme stress cause lactic acid to build up in the body, causing fatigue. Apple cider vinegar contains potassium and enzymes that may relieve that tired feeling. Next time you’re feeling beat, add a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to a glass of chilled vegetable drink or to a glass of water.

Relieve nighttime leg cramps.

ACV taken diluted in water twice daily, will dissolve acid crystals in the blood and provide potassium, calcium and other essential minerals to the body needed to ease the leg cramps.

Banish bad breath.

Due to its acidic properties, Apple Cider Vinegar makes a wonderful remedy for bad breath or halitosis. Simply add 1/2 tablespoon of ACV into a cup of water and gargle the mixture in your mouth for 10 seconds at a time until the cup is empty.

Fight yeast infections.

One of the best home remedies to treat a yeast infection is Apple Cider Vinegar. Add 1 and a half cups of ACV into a bathtub filled with warm water, and then soak in it for about 20 minutes. This should be done once a day for the first 3 days of the infection

Foot or skin fungus.

Just as ACV can help kill Candida in the body, it is often useful against yeast and fungus on the skin and nails. If you have foot or toe fungus, soak the feet in 1 cup of ACV in water or apply directly to the affected area. For skin fungus or yeast, apply ACV directly. For children or those with sensitive skin, it is best to dilute the ACV with water before applying to the skin.

Control blood sugars.

The anti-glycemic effects of apple cider vinegar help to improve insulin sensitivity, which is essential to maintain the sugar levels of blood. Mix one teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of filtered water and take 3 times a day to steady your stomach’s rate of digestion which in turn will keep blood sugar levels more consistent. If you are diabetic, consult your physician.

Boost weight loss.

Many people claim that Apple Cider Vinegar promotes weight loss by speeding up the metabolism. A suggested remedy is to mix 2 teaspoons of the vinegar into a glass of water and drink this before every meal or sip it slowly throughout the day

Lower blood cholesterol.

Research has indicated that apple cider vinegar improves the lipid profile of blood by decreasing the levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) or bad cholesterol, as also by increasing the levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) or good cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol, consult your physician.






Weight Loss

Another major apple cider vinegar benefit is weight loss. Although no one is sure how it works, it has helped many people lose weight. Click on the Weight Loss section to find out what the experts recommend as far as how much to take and how often, and the latest theories on why it works.


Cooking with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an amazingly versatile cooking ingredient. It adds a tangy taste to many drinks and deepens the flavors of numerous foods. It’s important to note that vinegar is a major ingredient in most condiments. Mayonnaise and tomato ketchup account for more than 10% of the vinegar production in America.

Staffordshire terrier puppy and gray cat. Isolated on white background


Pet care

 Ear Care Product

Unfortunately a large percentage of dog and cat visits to the veterinarian are for ear problems, but the good news is, you can help reduce these visits by cleaning your pet’s ears on a regular weekly basis.

An inexpensive way to do this is to dip a soft cotton ball into a solution of equal parts apple cider vinegar and water and use it to swab the inside of his or her ear.

For an infected ear, use 5 ml of the 50:50 vinegar-water solution per 20 lbs (9 kg) of body weight, applying the solution with a syringe obtained from your local pharmacy. Gently rub in the solution then wipe the inside of the ear with a soft cotton ball. This should be done daily for 5 days.

The vinegar helps to control the growth of unfriendly bacteria and other microorganisms that are a common cause of ear infections, and as a result, this will help keep your pets from scratching their ears.


Fleas and Ticks

Rather than use commercial sprays, powders, pills or collars that use very toxic chemicals to kill fleas and ticks, many people prefer to take a more natural holistic approach. According to Martin Goldstein, DVM, some of these products could also be harmful to your pets.

As an alternative, Roger DeHaan, DVM, suggests using a homemade shampoo and rinse that kills fleas and at the same time soothes irritated skin:

Add to an 8-ounce bottle of your favorite pet shampoo, 10 drops of tea tree oil and one tablespoon (15 ml) of aloe vera and shake well.

Shampoo your pet as you would normally then wait for 6-10 minutes.

Rinse with apple cider vinegar diluted in water. (1 tablespoon ACV to 1 pint of water)

For minor flea infestations, another recommendation involves washing your pet with a gentle shampoo, followed by a thorough rinse then spraying on apple cider vinegar diluted with an equal amount of warm water. Allow the pet to drip or shake dry.

The fleas will drown in the soapy shampoo water and the vinegar rinse will acidify your pet’s skin making it very unattractive to other fleas and ticks.


Relief for skin problems

Apply unpasteurized apple cider vinegar with the aid of a soft cotton ball, directly to burns or skin acne to soothe and promote healing.

For dry itchy skin, hot spots, or skin infections you can bathe your pet in warm water then rinse him or her with a solution of 1 part ACV to 3 parts water. This vinegar rinse will also leave their coats soft and shiny.


Apple juice


Beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar



In its raw form, apple cider vinegar alkalises your system promotes healthy digestion and encourages the growth of healthy bacteria in your body. It also helps promote cellular cleansing.

In her book, The Beauty Detox Foods, celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snider (her clients include Drew Barrymore, The Black Eyed Peas’ Fergie, Channing Tatum, Teresa Palmer, and Vince Vaughan), to name only a few, says, “Raw apple cider vinegar is high in minerals and potassium … it has antiseptic qualities and can help cleanse your digestive tract, promoting bowel movements.”

Because of this, it is thought to help clear away congestion, blemishes, and acne.

“I have noticed a definite link between constipation and acne in my clients,” says Kimberly. “Raw apple cider vinegar is a strong digestive aid, helping to cure constipation and stimulating stomach acid, which aids in digestion. Its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties are of further benefit in dealing with candida and yeast issues.”

It is indeed one of nature’s most powerful beauty ingredients. Kimberly warns that you must ensure you use raw and unfiltered, which implies that it is still unpasteurized and contains its original enzymes. She advises to sprinkle it over salads in place of your regular dressing or to dilute a tablespoon in a glass of water about 20 minutes prior to eating.

You can use it topically, too. It brightens the skin, adds gloss to your hair and can even lift away stains from your nails. Here are a few handy hints!

–    Use apple cider vinegar in place of your regular toner. Drench a cotton wool ball with water first, and then dip it in the vinegar. Sweep it lightly over your face and throat, avoiding the eyes. It will promote clarity of complexion, diminish discoloration and age spots and help to clear away pimples.

–    Use it as a final rinse through your hair after washing and conditioning. Leave it on for half an hour, then rinse away to lift the smell, but leave mega-watt shine. It’s also thought to relieve dandruff when applied straight to the scalp.

–    Soak stained fingernails in a bowl of pure apple cider vinegar for twenty minutes. Rinse, and massage a small amount of olive oil into each nail bed. Likewise, swish a mouthful of it between your teeth to promote a healthy oral environment and also assist in lifting away mild stains on your teeth.

–    Apple cider vinegar has really powerful astringent, toning properties. Because of this, it’s thought to be effective on cellulite. As part of your cellulite plan, which should include a well-balanced diet and plenty of exercises, try soaking in a warm bath with a cup of apple cider vinegar added.




Why You Should Wash Your Face With Apple Cider Vinegar


ACV for Age Spots


ACV contains powerful alpha hydroxy acids to help remove dead skin cells and reveal a fresher and healthier complexion underneath them. Many expensive commercial face washes bang on about the tiny amounts of alpha-hydroxy acids they’ve added to their products, but ACV is full of far higher levels, of which are alive and ready to revive your skin. The ‘natural’ ingredients in commercial face products are actually dead and useless by the time they are processed and bottled up.

When you use ACV for age spots, apply a little undiluted ACV directly onto the age spots with a cotton wool bud and leave for about 20-30 minutes once or twice a day before rinsing off. Do it for about 6 weeks to see if you notice any improvement.

Before you use ACV all over your face, it is advisable to test it on a small area of your face. Under the chin is a good spot, just in case you do get a reaction, then it’s not too noticeable!

To apply ACV to your skin, simply use a cotton bud and gently glide over skin to remove make-up, oil, and impurities. Be careful not to get it in your eyes!. If you are suffering from a breakout, then be warned it will sting your pimples. However, this should feel like a ‘good’ hurt, and not be intolerable.

When you use AVC for the first time, after 5 minutes, it is a good idea to rinse it off with warm water. This is just so your skin isn’t too exposed to ACV on your first time. If you don’t get a reaction, then the next time you use it, don’t wash it off, and then you can build up your skin’s tolerance. It is best to apply the ACV toner at night as ACV can increase sensitivity to ultra-violet rays.

Don’t leave your body out. ACV isn’t just for your beautiful face. If you suffer from acne on your back, you are not alone. Fortunately, ACV is wonderful for treating acne on the back too. If you’re worried about how you’re going to apply it, then just use a spray bottle.


More Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar 



Hair rinse: Apple cider vinegar gets rid of residue build-up on hair, leaving it soft and shiny. Mix ¼ cup apple cider vinegar with 2 cups water. Apply after shampooing.

Dandruff:  Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar to 3 parts warm water, apply to scalp. Use a hair toner/dye bottle or any bottle that has a pointy tip that will allow you to get the liquid directly on your scalp.  

Deodorant: Since ACV helps adjust the skin’s pH level, it helps to eliminate odor-causing bacteria. For underarms use a cotton ball to apply, for feet: Add ½ cup ACV to a bowl of water; soak feet.

Acne: Mix 1 part ACV, and 3 parts Rooibos tea and apply to blemishes. You can add a drop of Tea Tree Oil or Oregano oil as well.

pH balancing toner: Mix 1 part ACV with 4 parts water for your base.

For acne/oily skin replace water with rooibos tea.

For dry skin replace water with chamomile tea or cucumber-infused water (leave several slices of cucumber in the water overnight).

For aging skin replace water with green, black or white tea.


Skin perfecting mask


1 teaspoon deep-sea mud
1 teaspoon rose water
¼ teaspoon ACV
1/8 teaspoon yogurt
1/16 teaspoon nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon kombucha


Mix all ingredients together. To balance the texture, you can add more mud or yogurt (to thicken) or kombucha or water (to thin). (If you cannot find deep-sea mud or rose water locally you can either eliminate them from the mask replacing the mud with arrowroot and the rose water with plain water.

And last but not least, if you have achy, swollen hands and feet: Rub them with a little apple cider vinegar.





















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Eye Longevity, exercises, videos, facts

Eye Longevity, exercises, videos, facts

Wishing you all the health, happiness and ideal wealth you deserve. We are sending you much gratitude for all the support and likes, they are well appreciated by all of us we dedicate many hours of work to bring you the top content, thank you and please share and like if you do.

Here on week 328 are sharing a post about eyes, I had a challenge that lasted almost two years and came to find that I only needed a small amount of my dedication and some healthy research and it was over. If the question here is what is this Post has to do with beauty? well very simple if our eyes are not healthy we won’t be looking very beautiful correct? For me, it is important to give the eyes their full value and be aware of how they are built, what they do and how to keep them healthy and without the aid of glasses which  I still don’t need. For a while, I was very concerned that my ability to see and work with my eyes as consistently as I do. It was in a period of challenge that this privilege was out of my control, not my favorite feeling, with that being said, I started my research and came up with a system that really worked and here I am sharing it with all of you, for some reason we humans tend to wait until is a big  challenge to take charge and pay attention to some of these big gifts that we shouldn’t take for granted, so here I would like to offer you the choice to prevent any of these issues, and have healthy eyes ! Enjoy.

The Eyes are the doorways to the soul


Eyes have for very long been referred to as the “Windows of the Soul.” But few people are aware of just how true this observation is. The accurate analysis of the iris structure and pigmentation provides information about your inner state of health that is hard to find through other methods. This is higher value information is so valuable that Iridology deserves to become a widely practiced assessment tool in both the physical and psychological health fields because it has the capacity to assess both. There is a multitude of challenges that influence our health and personality, and many of these factors are reflected in the iris. If you look closely at your eyes in a mirror, and then at the irises of those around you. You will see so many different patterns of iris fibers and colors. Like fingerprints or faces, no two are exactly alike and is the same with our inner and outer stats we are individuals! The iris structure is so very unique; that is now being used for security identification at ATM machines and airports, and other forms of Governmental security systems. Microsoft’s house gearing up for the future will use an eye scanner to identify residents and unlock their home door.

They are connected to the entire nervous system, which gives them special importance.  In Taoism, the eyes are regarded as the yang energy that guides all the chi flow in our body. The different areas of the eyes correspond to different organs of the body consequently they reveal the health of your entire body: through your eyes, you can tell which organs are weak or have challenges. Nowadays people use their eyes much more than in the past to read, watch television, and work with computers, and other electronic devices. This strains them a great deal and allows much of the energy of the connected organs to be drained out. Massaging the eyes will reenergize the vital organs.






How do children inherit eye color? Can a child’s eye color be predicted? Why are albino’s eyes pink? How can two brown-eyed parents produce a blue-eyed child? Why are my eyes a darker blue than my siblings? How are the colors in the iris formed? These are questions one may have wondered from time to time. The answer to all of these questions lies in the genes inherited from one’s parents.

Different eye colors are produced because of the different amounts and patterns of pigment in the iris. The amount of pigment and the pattern of the pigment is determined by a person’s genetic makeup. The DNA received from one’s parents determines what color eyes they will have.

Each human has 46 chromosomes located in the nucleus of the cell. These are divided into 23 pairs of chromosomes. A baby inherits one chromosome from each parent in each pair of chromosomes. A piece of DNA on a chromosome is called a gene. Genes are the basic unit of heredity, they determine many characteristics of a baby. Genes also come in pairs. Alleles are found in genes and determine the appearance of any characteristic. There are two alleles for each trait inherited. If the two alleles are the same then they are homozygous for that gene. If the alleles are different, then they are called heterozygous. One allele is expressed over the other allele. This is called the dominant allele, the unexpressed allele is called recessive. For example, if there was a brown allele and a blue allele, the brown is dominant so the person would have brown eyes. But not just one pair of genes can control a single trait. Right now there are three known gene pairs that control eye color. The bey 2 gene on chromosome 15 contains a brown and blue allele. Also on chromosome 15, the bey 1 gene is the central brown gene. On chromosome pair 19 the gey gene contains a green allele and a blue allele.

A green allele is dominant over a blue allele, and a brown allele is dominant over both green and blue alleles. For the bey 2 genes if a person has a brown allele then they will have brown eyes. In the gey gene, the green allele is dominant over the blue allele, but it is still recessive next to a brown allele. For example, if a person has a brown allele on chromosome 15, but all the other alleles are blue or green, they will have brown eyes. A green-eyed person would have a green allele on chromosome 19 and all or some other blue alleles. Blue eyes are produced only with two blue eye genes. All four alleles must be blue to produce a blue-eyed person.

Another way of predicting the color of a child’s eyes is to use the parent’s eye color genes. If both parents have a blue and brown gene, their eyes are brown, but if the child inherits the blue gene from each parent then the child will have blue eyes. If the child only inherits one blue gene then they will have brown eyes. The genetics determine what color a child will have, but how exactly does this color form in the eye?

Melanin, a pigment also found in the skin, is the substance that produces the eye colors specified by the genes. The amount and placement of the melanin produce the different eye colors that we see. Melanin is a dark brown pigment that is placed in the iris. The more melanin used in the iris means the darker the eye color will appear, the less melanin used means that the eye color will be lighter. The genes tell the enzymes how much melanin to deposit in the iris. A newborn’s eyes appear blue but may darken over the next few years. Melanin production has not begun at the time of birth. A child’s true eye color cannot be determined until the age of three.

There are two layers to the iris, the anterior and the external, or front and back layers. To produce blue eyes, there is no pigment found in the front layer. The brown pigment melanin is deposited in the back layer only. It appears blue because of the reflection and diffraction of light. In green eyes, a small amount of melanin is deposited in the front layer of the iris along with the melanin found in the back layer. The additional pigment to the amount needed for blue eyes, causes the eye to appear green. To produce grey eyes, the dark pigment is distributed in the front layer of the iris and over the blue background, it appears grey. In brown eyes, there is so much pigment in the front layer, that the blue behind is completely covered up. Some people have so much pigment in the front layer that their eyes appear very dark brown or black. Hazel, blue-green, grey-blue eye colours are produced by different amounts of pigmentation and the pattern in which the pigment is placed. Albino eyes have no pigment at all in either layer of the iris. The iris appears pink or red because of the reflection of blood vessels in the back of the eye. The pattern in which the pigment is deposited is also determined by genetics. The pigment may be deposited in rings, clouds, radial stripes, or spread over the entire iris.

A person’s eye colour is determined by the genes inherited from their parents. The types of alleles received from the parents are assigned to certain chromosomes. The dominant genes are expressed and the recessive genes are hidden. In the development of the iris, those genes tell enzymes to produce and place a certain amount of melanin in the iris to form the eye color.

Performing Eye Massage 

According to Taoist Master Mantak Chia



Begin with the procedure for bringing energy to the hands and face. When your hands and face are hot, direct the chi to both eyes until you feel them filled with energy.

1. Close your eyes. Use your fingertips to gently massage your eyeballs through your closed eyelids, six to nine times clockwise then six to nine times counterclockwise. Then gently massage the area around the lids the same number of times. Be aware of painful spots and massage those places until the pain goes away. pay special attention to the inner and outer corners of the eyes. Massaging these points of the Gallbladder meridian will relieve eye ailments. However, when rubbing near the corners of the eyes, do not rub too hard, because you can make the corners of the eyes droop down. finish with rubbing the corners of the eyes upward.

2. Pull up the eyelids to increase the fluid. Use the thumb and index finger to gently pinch and pull up the eyelids, then release them. Do this six times.

3.Massage the eye sockets by bending your index fingers and using the lower section to rub the upper and lower bones of the eye sockets six to nine times

4. The next step is to get a tear out of your eyes, which will strengthen them. Hold an index finger up about eight inches from your eyes (or put a dot on the wall five to six feet away from you). Stare at it intently without blinking until you feel like a fire is burning in your eyes The Taoists believe that this technique burns the toxins out of the body through the eyes.

5. Bring Chi to your eyes by rubbing your hands until they are warm, then closing your eyes and covering your eye sockets with your palms. Feel the chi from the hands being absorbed into the eyes. Rotate your eyes six to nine times, first in a clockwise direction, then counterclockwise.



Eye Exercises for Relaxation


I read from an eye doctor, Dr. Bates, who over 90 years ago contributed many natural ways to improve eyesight and was famous for getting rid of his patients’ glasses in a minute when in his office so they would no longer wear them. I’m sure the glasses smashing was not very well received and didn’t increase his popularity, but many patients flocked to him with the hope of avoiding glasses and he was quite sure that with proper exercise and relaxation, eyesight could improve in many cases.

The theory that he based this fact came from the idea that the muscles that surround the eye can become unbalanced and cause strain or even pull the eye to one side or another, leading to vision issues. Modern ophthalmologists argue with this idea, saying that it is the rods and cones in the eye that determine vision problems and that muscle tightness does not affect vision, even do they absolutely confirm the fact that is evidence that relaxation practices CAN help since increased use of with electronics screens is taxing to the eyes and does cause strain, a bit of contradiction wouldn’t you say?.


Here are some examples of eye strains:


  • Reading for long periods of time, especially small print and low light
  • Not enough exposure to natural light
  • Tension or strain of the eyes too much worries, stress
  • Long amounts of time spent looking at close up print versus looking at a distance
  • Looking at digital device screens
  • Reading without pausing to rest your eyes
  • Driving long distances and engaging in activities involving extended focus
  • Being exposed to bright light or glare ( Phone, Tablets, too much TV, computers, etc)
  • Straining to see in very dim light
  • Having an underlying eye problem, such as dry eyes or uncorrected vision (refractive error)
  • Being stressed or fatigued as a way of life
  • Exposure to dry moving air from a fan, heating or air-conditioning system, not enough time in nature with natural light and fresh air.

The extended use of computers and other digital devices is one of the most common causes of eyestrain ( Mayo Clinic research). The American Optometric Association calls this computer vision syndrome or digital eye-strain. People who look at screens two or more hours in a row every day are at the greatest risk of contracting this condition.


Long periods of computer use strains eyes more than reading print material because people tend to:


  • Blink less while using computers (blinking is found to be key to moistening the eyes)
  • The fact of viewing digital screens at less-than-ideal distances or angles with most like it not many breaks to focus on far viewing.
  • Use devices that have glare or reflection and no screen protection against it.
  • The Use of devices with poor contrast between the text and the background.

eye exercises1



The eyes have many muscles that we typically do not exercise very much. This causes them to become weak, contributing to poor eyesight. In addition, the eyes are closely connected with certain organs and nerves. Exercising the eyeballs not only is the best exercise for the eye muscles but also will exercise these linked areas by putting pressure on them: Contracting the middle of the eyeballs strengthens the back of the eye muscles and the inner ear. Moving the eyeballs upward by looking toward the crown strengthens the upper eye muscles and stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands. Moving the eyeballs from side to side strengthens the side-eye muscles as well as the ear canals, eardrums, tear ducts, and nose. Moving the eyes downward strengthens the lower eye muscles as well as the lower parts of the ear canals and the nervous system.









Chrysanthemum Tea


11-27-14 chrysanthemum-tea-1200x900


The chrysanthemum has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for eye care. The flower is beneficial for correcting imbalances in kidney and liver function that is a cause of dry eyes, blurred vision, dizziness, spots in front of the eyes and excessive tearing.

 A warm infusion of chrysanthemum flowers may be helpful in relieving eyestrain, blurry vision, dry eyes and any eye issues in general. In addition, it is thought to help prevent and possibly reverse cataracts, according to the “The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook.” You can drink the tea or apply hot compresses for relief from aching, tired eyes. If you have the actual chrysanthemum blossoms, soak them in hot water for a few minutes and make a poultice by placing them between two pieces of gauze. Place a poultice on each eyelid and relax for 10 minutes for relief from eye pain. Speak to your herbalist or practitioner before using chrysanthemum for eye treatments.


 Drinking Chrysanthemum tea can:

1. Detoxifies the blood, helps with sinus congestion and regulates high blood pressure. It can also help to calm the nerves.

2. Restrains the growth of bacteria – like Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus hemolyticus B, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella dysenteriae, tubercle bacillus, and dermatomycosis – in the body.

3. Brings relief against influenza and treats heatstroke, due to its cooling effect.

4. Facilitates digestion and apt after having greasy and oily foods.

5. It helps to strengthen the lungs and relieve head congestion.

6. Improve vision and hearing and especially recommended for those who work long hours in front of a computer.

7. Good for obese people, as it contains zero calories when consumed without adding sugar or honey. It also doesn’t contain any caffeine.

8. It also treats dizziness and acts as a stimulant.

9. It helps to cure pimples and fight acne.

Eye supplements 


Lutein is an antioxidant carotenoid a pigmented nutrient that is responsible for the yellow colors of fruits and vegetables and is present in the highest quantities of dark, leafy green vegetables. You’re born with a certain amount of lutein in your eye, but your body doesn’t reproduce it.


Why is lutein important to my sight?


The macula is the region of the retina responsible for central vision. It’s also the area that is most sensitive to blue light, the part of the visible light spectrum that, along with ultraviolet light, can damage your eyes. Lutein helps protect against this damage by filtering blue light before it can damage the macula.* If sunglasses are the first line of defense against blue light, lutein is the last.


How much lutein do I need?


Without adequate consumption, the amount of lutein in the eye may deplete with age. Leading doctors recommend you get at least 6 mg of lutein per day to help maintain proper eye health. Since your body doesn’t make lutein, you must constantly replace it with the foods you eat. Dark, leafy green vegetables like spinach or kale are especially good sources. But you’d have to eat over 2 bowls of raw spinach every day to get the recommended daily dose of 6 mg of lutein. Taking a multivitamin may help, but many multivitamins contain only a fraction of the recommended 6 mg of lutein. In fact, the leading multivitamin contains just .25 mg of lutein − a mere 4% of the recommended amount.


The Eyes: A direct extension of the liver


The eyes have been referred to by many cultures as ” The windows of the soul.” According to Chinese medical theory, the eyes are the gate of the liver and are controlled by the liver system.  The eyes are the bridge between the liver and the outside world. They are an outward expression of the healthy state of the liver.

The healthy functioning of the liver allows the eyes to distinguish colors. A common clinical condition where this situation is most evident in the Western medical diagnosis of retinitis pigmentosa and color-blindness. In this circumstance color perception is not clearly distinguishable from the eyes, indicating poor liver function. When a person is experiencing any chronic and /or degenerative problem with the vision the liver is always involved on some level because in Chinese medicine “the liver opens into the eyes.”


Here is a tool you can use to help with eye massage



Eye exercise machine 11-27-14


pangaO Eye Massager PG-2404G1 Air pressure massage Temple Acupressure + free gift


Enhance and maintain eye health

Eliminates computer eye syndrome

Fatigue elimination and sound sleep
















Ayurveda and Fall part 2

Ayurveda and Fall part 2

The Vata Dosha is the one connected with Fall lets find out what Vata is about:



In week 327 we are sharing therVata dosha predominates, movement and change are characteristic of the nature of Vata. You tend to always be on the go, with an energetic and creative mind. As long as Vata is in balance, you will be lively and enthusiastic, with a lean body, Energy that controls bodily functions associated with motion, including blood circulation, breathing, blinking, and your heartbeat.

• In balance: There are creativity and vitality.
• Out of balance: Can produce fear and anxiety.

Vata Predominant Types: Creative; Quick to learn and grasp new knowledge, but also quick to forget, Slender; Tall and a fast-walker; Tendency toward cold hands and feet, discomfort in cold climates; Excitable, lively, fun personality; Changeable moods; Irregular daily routine; High energy in short bursts; tendency to tire easily and to overexert; Full of joy and enthusiasm when in balance; Responds to stress with fear, worry, and anxiety, especially when out of balance; Tendency to act on impulse; Often have racing, disjointed thoughts; Generally have dry skin and dry hair and don’t perspire much.



Physical Characteristics



Those with a predominance of Vata dosha usually have a thin, light frame and excellent agility. Their energy comes in bursts and they are likely to experience sudden bouts of fatigue. Vata’s typically have dry skin and hair and cold hands and feet. They sleep lightly and their digestion can be sensitive. When the Vata dosha becomes imbalanced, it manifests in the body as weight loss, constipation, hypertension, arthritis, weakness, restlessness, and digestive challenges.
Emotional Characteristics
Vatas love the excitement and new experiences. They are quick to anger but also to forgive. When Vata is in balance, they are energetic, creative, and flexible. They also take initiative and are lively conversationalists. When unbalanced, they are prone to worry and anxiousness and often suffer from insomnia. When they feel overwhelmed or stressed, their response is, “What did I do wrong?”
The influence of Vata’s ether and air contributions, we can feel light, carefree and creative or spacey, scattered, and unstable. The etheric nature of Vata creates a sense of space, in which you may feel free or lost if it is not balanced. The airy aspect of Vata can inspire productivity or promote anxiety. Ayurveda teaches that like increases like much like the law of attraction, isn’t it?. If you are dominantly Vata by nature or are consistently influenced by Vata, you are more likely to experience the negative effects of excess Vata during the Vata season.



Who determines what Dosha we are and where it comes from?



Here is a quick test to find out what Dosha you are:

Here is a great site to determine what dosha you are:  Chopra Dosha Quiz


Prakriti is our basic constitution. This is determined at the moment of conception and relates to your genetically inherited physical and emotional qualities. Prakriti specifically relates to those qualities, characteristics, and tendencies that are the stable makeup of ourselves. For instance, while you may experience temporary changes, like gaining or losing ten pounds, feeling nervous or irritable, developing a cold or flu, to mention a few, in the natural course of life you will never gain or lose five inches on your height or experience a change of eye color unless is a major affection, but not in our normal state of health.
Prakriti is enlivened and described by three main doshas or forces: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These are loosely translated as Air, Fire, and Earth, respectively. Each of us has all three doshas in our constitution, in our unique proportions.
In Ayurveda, seven dosha-predominant Prakritis are described: Vata-predominant, Pitta-predominant, Kapha-predominant;
Three dual Prakritis,
We’re two doshas are equally, or nearly equally predominant: Vata-Pitta predominant, Pitta-Kapha predominant
And Vata-Kapha predominant
And one Prakriti that has all three doshas equally prominent: Vata-Pitta-Kapha predominant.

Note: Even a thoughtful test cannot take the place of an evaluation by a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. The results of this test may give a good indication of the primary doshas in your Prakriti but the evaluation of your practitioner may be more accurate.

Vata governs movement in the body, the activities of the nervous system, and the process of elimination.



Qualities of Vata:






• Cold
• Light
• Dry
• Irregular
• Rough
• Moving
• Quick
• Changeable


As the external environment changes during the Vata season, your internal environment can experience the same type of changes; dry leaves, dry skin; crackly leaves, crackly joints; shorter days, shorter attention span; colder days, colder extremities, windy days, windy bowels. The qualities of Vata dosha are found in the disorders that are common at this time of year. By observing the processes of Mother Nature, you can better understand the processes of your body, mind, and spirit.

Applying the Ayurvedic principle that opposite actions create balance, you can maintain balance during the Vata season by emphasizing lifestyle and food choices that are grounding, stabilizing, warming, moisturizing and softening.  You can stay calm and connected in this whirlwind season with a consistent practice that includes nourishing and protective measures. Ayurveda promotes simple and regular routines as having a deeper effect on balancing Vata than an ‘as needed’ approach.

Offered here are Ayurvedic recommendations for enjoying the Vata season with stability and serenity:
Fall is a time of transition. It is evident everywhere around you. Many trees and shrubs are quietly undressing in preparation for the winter. There is a subtle browning of the earth. Temperatures, which, just a few weeks ago were raging with the intense heat of summer, are beginning to hint at the telltale crispness of autumn. And there is the wind: slowly gathering strength, carrying the tides of winter on its breath. The autumn harbors a certain emptiness that can leave us feeling exposed and a little raw, but it is also filled with possibility—a time when we, too, can strip down to a quiet essence of being and savor the simplicity. The fall brings with it a predominance of air element and prana (the vital breath, the subtle essence of life) is abundant in the atmosphere. Autumn is dry, rough, windy, erratic, cool, subtle, and clear. These are all qualities shared by Vata dosha, and because like increases like, autumn is considered a Vata season. This same principle illustrates why taking a few simple steps to balance Vata this fall can be tremendously beneficial.

Ayurveda considers a seasonal routine an important cornerstone of health, year-round. Balancing the nature of your local climate with lifestyle choices that offset the potential for seasonally-induced imbalances is one of the simplest ways that you can protect your well-being. But keep in mind that the seasons vary widely from one place to another, as do the qualities that they engender. “Vata season” is whatever time of year most embodies the attributes that characterize Vata dosha: dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile, and clear (or empty). Autumn is the classic Vata season. However, depending on where you live, the dry and expansive qualities of Vata may be prevalent components of your environment as early as summer, and the autumn may be followed by a very drying, cold, isolating, and/or windy winter.
Beginning to observe your environment from this qualitative perspective empowers you to respond to both daily and seasonal fluctuations in your local climate. The truth is that many of us adopt seasonally appropriate habits already, without even being conscious of doing so. For instance, summer is a time when we often enjoy salads and watermelon in abundance, both perfect antidotes to the heat and intensity of the summer. Whereas by October and November, we’re often baking delicious pumpkin bread and dining on hearty, grounding soups—foods that naturally subdue the dry, light, and erratic nature of the fall. By making diet and lifestyle choices that counter the effects of each season, you can better maintain your internal sense of equilibrium throughout the year

If we consider the Ayurvedic principle that opposites balance, Vata season (which is cool, light, dry, windy, and unpredictable) will be less aggravating if you fill it with warmth, oiliness, deep nourishment, loving relationships, and a sense of stability, routine, and groundedness. In addition, you may find it helpful to familiarize yourself with signs and symptoms of Vata imbalance so that you are better prepared to address those immediately if they do arise. The following recommendations are appropriate for most people, but if you know your constitution or your current state of balance, you can tailor your seasonal routine appropriately. Below the general recommendations that follow, you will find links to more dosha-specific considerations.




Your diet is a powerful way to soothe Vata this fall. Substantive, oily, nourishing foods that are high in protein, high in fat, brought to life with warming, stimulating spices, and served hot, will go a long way toward maintaining your internal reserves of moisture and keeping you grounded through the Vata season. You’ll also want to favor the sweet, sour, and salty tastes. In general, eat mushy, soft foods and garnish them generously with ghee or oil. Breakfasts of cooked grains—like oatmeal, tapioca, cream of rice, and cream of wheat—are perfect at this time of year. Lunches and dinners that include steamed vegetables, hearty grains, soups, and stews are grounding and moisturizing. If you eat meat and eggs, this is one of the best times of year to enjoy them. Dairy products and most nuts and seeds are also beneficial. In general, you’ll want to reduce your consumption of raw vegetables, cold and frozen foods, as well as the bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes. It is best to minimize light, cooling, and drying foods like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts, leafy greens, white potatoes, beans, popcorn, crackers, millet, and dried fruit. If you do eat these foods, eat them in moderation and make sure that they are soaked, well-cooked, or served with ghee.
You may find that, during the course of the fall, you’ll naturally want to increase your intake of food, but be careful to follow the lead of your appetite and digestion. This is also a great time of year to do a mono-diet type of cleansing. Vata requires adequate nourishment so it is best to avoid fasting.


The following is a list of ideal Vata season foods:


Fruits to Favor
Apples (cooked)
Prunes (soaked)
Raisins (soaked)
Vegetables to Favor
Squash, Winter
Sweet Potatoes
Grains to Favor
Basmati Rice
Brown Rice
Legumes to Favor
Kidney Beans
Mung Beans
Tur Dal
Urad Dal
Nuts and Seeds to Favor
All nuts and seeds are supportive of Vata season
Dairy to Favor
Milk (not cold)
Sour Cream
Animal Products to Favor (If You Eat Them)
Oils to Favor
Almond Oil
Olive Oil
Peanut Oil
Safflower Oil
Sesame Oil
Maple Syrup
Rice Syrup
Sugar (Raw)
Spices to Favor (All Spices Are Good for Vata Season)
Asafoetida (Hing)
Bay Leaf
Black Pepper
Mustard Seeds


Vata Season Lifestyle Choices


One of the most effective ways to support Vata is by establishing a daily routine. Try to do the same things (wake up, exercise, eat meals, go to bed, etc.) at roughly the same time each day. Set the tone for your day by rising early, taking full advantage of the silence, stillness, and peace that are intrinsic to the early morning hours. Then, you can calm your nervous system, awaken your tissues, and ground your energy by massaging your skin with warm, organic Sesame Oil. Follow this practice with a warm, relaxing shower, leaving a coat of oil on the skin to absorb throughout the day. Steam baths and humidifiers can help to preserve internal moisture as well. Some gentle yoga and ten to fifteen minutes of meditation will further your sense of stability and wellness. If you enjoy a little fragrance, vetiver, geranium, and citrus essential oils are very appropriate this time of year. Dress in autumn colors when appropriate—reds, yellows, oranges, and whites—and wear enough clothes that you stay warm throughout the day. When you step out into the elements, cover your head and ears to protect them from the biting wind and cold. If possible, minimize your exposure to drafts, loud noise, aggressive music, fast driving, and excessive sexual activity. Try to be in bed by 10 p.m. so that you get plenty of rest before dawn.


Vata Season Exercise


The best times of day to exercise are in the early morning and evening hours (6–10 a.m. and 6–10 p.m.). Vata is very easily aggravated by fast, mobile activities, so consider slow, gentle, strengthening forms of exercise instead. Walking, hiking, swimming, biking, yoga, and tai chi are good choices, provided they are done at an appropriate level of intensity. Ideally, exercise at about fifty to seventy percent of your capacity, breathing through your nose the entire time. And remember to balance your activity with adequate relaxation and sleep so that your tissues can rejuvenate properly.


Vata Season Yoga






Incorporating a sense of warmth, grounding, stability, and focus on your yoga practice has a profoundly calming effect on Vata and can work wonders during the Vata season. Your breath should be deep and fluid. If you practice pranayama (yogic breathing exercises), alternate nostril breathing is very balancing this time of year. In your asana practice, favor Vata-pacifying yoga. Warm-up slowly and include some joint rotations. Move with intention and fluidity—grounding the hands and the feet on the mat whenever possible—and avoid jumping between postures. Gentle flows like a relaxed sun salutation are perfect for Vata. You can also favor standing and balancing poses such as mountain, warrior I, warrior II, and tree pose to increase stability and strength. Connect with the earth beneath you in poses such as thunderbolt, cat-cow, cobra, and child’s pose, and quiet the mind with forward bends such as intense westward stretch. Gentle inversions and restorative poses such as legs up the wall are also very good for Vata. Close your practice with a long corpse pose, covering yourself with a blanket so that you don’t get chilled.
Herbal Support for Vata Season
Taking Chyavanprash in the morning can help to reinforce immunity, strength, and energy during the autumn season. Ashwagandha is stabilizing to the mind and nervous system, and can promote sound sleep, strong digestion, proper elimination, and appropriate strength; it is available as a powder, tablet, and liquid extract. Similarly, herbal teas made from ginger, licorice, or a combination of cumin, coriander, and fennel, can help to promote proper digestion and warmth. Another grounding, vitalizing herbs and formulas include Dashamula, Haritaki (also available in tablets), Triphala (also available in tablets), and Vidari. The following herbal tablets are also generally quite supportive during the Vata season: Healthy Vata, Joint Support, Mental Clarity, Stress Ease, Tranquil Mind, and Vata Digest.
More Specific Support for Your System
The following links to dosha-specific recommendations are intended to assist you in offering more personalized support to your particular constitution. If you don’t know yours, consider taking our simple Prakriti quiz, and then choose the appropriate link below to further customize your seasonal routine.
Remember, a seasonal routine is an investment in your own health and vitality. And while the specifics may vary from one person to the next, we all stand to benefit from aligning ourselves with the rhythms of nature throughout the year. This fall, embrace the unique gifts of autumn and—with the help of an appropriate seasonal routine—enjoy it from a place of stability, humility, and gratitude.

Ayurveda is an ancient science based on elemental principles that pertain to life on earth. Ayurveda recognizes the elements of ether, air, fire, water, and earth as the building blocks of the natural world. According to Ayurveda, these five elements pair-up in three combinations to form the primary forces of nature called doshas. Ether and air from Vata dosha.  Fire and water make up pitta dosha.  Water and earth create Kapha dosha.

Under the influence of Vata’s ether and air contributions, you can feel light, carefree and creative or spacy, scattered, and unstable. The etheric nature of Vata creates a sense of space, in which you may feel free or lost. The airy aspect of Vata can inspire productivity or promote anxiety. Ayurveda teaches that like increases like. If you are dominantly Vata by nature or are consistently influenced by Vata, you are more likely to experience the negative effects of excess Vata during the Vata season.

As the external environment changes during the Vata season, your internal environment can experience the same type of changes; dry leaves, dry skin; crackly leaves, crackly joints; shorter days, shorter attention span; colder days, colder extremities, windy days, windy bowels. The qualities of Vata dosha are found in the disorders that are common at this time of year. By observing the processes of Mother Nature, you can better understand the processes of your body, mind, and spirit.

Applying the Ayurvedic principle that opposite actions create balance, you can maintain balance during the Vata season by emphasizing lifestyle and food choices that are grounding, stabilizing, warming, moisturizing and softening.  You can stay calm and connected in this whirlwind season with a consistent practice that includes nourishing and protective measures. Ayurveda promotes simple and regular routines as having a deeper effect on balancing Vata than an ‘as needed’ approach.

Offered here are Ayurvedic recommendations for enjoying the Vata season with stability and serenity





Face Fitness

Face Fitness


On week 326 we are sharing a fun post on facial exercises and we wish you enjoy them, please share and like if you do.

We know that exercising we can firm up the body and revitalize the skin by bringing more blood and moving the lymphatic fluids. Naturally, the same is true about the muscles in the face and neck, right? it makes sense muscles don’t stop at the neck. As your muscles and connective tissue tones up by exercising, your skin will tighten by the simple fact that the muscles are attached to the skin by facia and the skin will become more resilient and elastic as well!

With facial exercises, you not only regain that look you thought it can be completely lost for whatever reason, but you’ll also grow mature, looking radiant and glowing with a well-toned complexion, more relaxed in your jaw muscles neck and scalp and by the way a scalp that has relaxed muscles and a proper blood flow will sustain great hair!!!! So as you can see is many benefits to these exercises, for me, they also made me aware of the gestures I was doing with my face that were not so flattering is kind like what observing a good body posture does and  also how we breathe, is becoming more aware anyway that is an entirely another post and I will write it, posture is important to the whole wellbeing.

Thank you for your consistent support and all your shares we deeply appreciate it, from all of us.


Facial Fitness by Patricia Goroway





Patricia Goroway has taught facial exercise and facial massage for more than 10 years with extreme success to clients and health care professionals around the world. Patricia Goroway techniques have been teaching facial exercise and facial massage for more than 10 years to clients and health care professionals around the world. Her techniques have proven to be one of the top leading facial exercises featured in fitness magazines and web sites such as Woman’s Health and She has a best-selling book, Facial Fitness is one of Barnes & Noble Publishing’s leading health and beauty book and also there is a full-length DVD included where she demonstrates the facial exercises and massage techniques in a fun and energetic format. Patricia Goroway is now offering a Certified Instructors Course to those wishing to add specialized exercise and massage techniques to their clients. This certification is the first and the only course of it’s kind and available exclusively through Facial Fitness Systems, Inc.

I recommend her products we are not in any way selling them do we wish we did the system is fantastic and she is a wonderful teacher. enjoy and here is the link to find it.



Facial Fitness: Daily Exercises & Massage Techniques for a Healthier, Younger Looking You






As we get more mature, the muscle fiber in our bodies tends to atrophy and become less with time especially when we don’t use it.

As muscle shrinkage (atrophy) is concerned, it’s debatable whether the loss of fibers from individual muscle cells or loss of cells themselves this is an important issue involves many factors so each case is different. Let’s see what atrophy of muscles is.  Atrophy referring to muscle really means that the bulk of the muscle is lost or largely diminished. In other words, the term is really a “universal” one. Bottom line it does not, however, address what is happening on a “cellular” level. And, it is what happens on a cellular level that helps us to understand how and why exercising the face can bring not only a more lively look but a healthier one, also.





A facial workout regimen is an excellent way to tone your muscles, and prevent muscles from sagging, moving lymphatic fluid to reduce puffiness, increase circulation and actually revitalize the whole system is very soothing and calming, we hold a lot of tension in our jaws, neck, and shoulders.

Doing facial exercises, facial yoga, and acupressure points for that matter is a great way to keep your face looking healthy, radiant, well-toned and alive and at the same time firming muscles and reducing puffiness and increasing elasticity, those are some of the many benefits including reducing tension, stress, etc.
These are also good exercises to do if you have muscle challenges like droopiness on your face, and neck, creating stronger muscles for a toned and more healthy skin.


The Muscles of The Face




There are 43 muscles in your face, most of which are controlled by the seventh cranial nerve (the facial nerve)
This nerve comes from the cerebral cortex and emerges from the skull just in front of our ears. And it rules your whole system.
It is not yet fully agreed by science how many muscles really exist due to the fact that some muscle tissue can’t be separated into countable muscle, also some peoples muscles are more divided than others, with that been said we continue with what we are addressing here and that is exercising our faces and neck.

The muscles divide into 5 primary branches and they are: temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular and cervical. As we exercise them we also have the added benefit of adding relieve to eye strain, scalp tightness, releasing neck stress, shoulders pain, jaw tightness TMJ, tension headaches, facial tension and with facial exercise we can create a sense of total relaxation, in an average we don’t realize that focusing on our phones computers and in general being stress contracts and put a lot of strain on our muscles in general and in the face we start to create grooves and lines of expressions that not always suit us. Creams and potions can aid in some matters to soften the top layer but definitely does not tone muscles or weight lifters and Gyms will be only using creams that to do the work out for them, makes sense right?

The body makes skin, muscles, etc from the inside out not the other way around,

Investing in some work for your facial muscles can help give in a major way to accomplish a radiant toned face.  We need to make it clear that it will take consistency and maintenance it doesn’t happen in a week of exercising also everyone is different.

Is a normal process for our body and that includes the face to go through stages, our face changes as we go through life, so many factors contribute to this diet, sleep, stress levels, the amount of water we consume, overeating sugar, oxidation due to smoking or excess alcohol, etc? It may begin to lose elasticity and tone, accumulating fluid, droopiness, lines from expressions, that indicate either lengthening years or deepening character, depending on your viewpoint, and it can create just flat out frustration, almost invariably, to sag and look tired.

Let’s address sagging this is a process in large part because the fat pads that underlie the skin on our faces became thin ether with age, and other facts of life the muscles lose her tone. When we are in our early years, these pads snuggle together like puzzle pieces, providing much of the structure and the contours of our faces. When the pads change as we go through life, their connections start to loosen and gravity begins to draws them downward also the lost fast that keep the moisture diminishes and we lose that glow, elastin and collagen also diminish with stress, lack of sleeping diet to mention a few factors leaving cheeks hollowed and visages generally droopier and with a lack of life and radiance, circulation plays a great roll on this so when we decrease it with exercise, gentle massage, acupressure, radiofrequency and other new modalities we can have great results, still keeping in mind diet, sleep hydration and such.

Nowadays there are many different kinds treatments like injecting fat and fillers as an option in many cases the underlying loss of luster and tone is still there, and it is at the expense of thousands of dollars.

Plastic surgery is an attempt also but soon enough people are right back where they started after paying thousandths of dollars, going through full anesthesia and many risks the tone in the face has not bee restored in most cases and in some as you may have observed due to not so good of work from some surgeons the face looks unnatural and no longer is the same looking person.
When we see surgeries that obviously are pulling and cutting the skin but not addressing the muscles underneath it shows unnatural, more and more surgeons are getting that working with the muscles in a SUBTLE way gets better results.

I have a dear friend that has done 4 plastic surgeries and she is basically back where she started !!!!! no tone on her muscles and the elasticity from no circulation or proper diet not to mention stress, yes stress big one for skin, it works against her all day and night what we don’t use we lose that unfortunately is a fact.

People are starting to realize what an important role the muscles play in creating the contours of the face, doesn’t it make sense? they hold the skinned oh yes the bone structure. These facial muscles need to be exercised specifically and correctly to have an optimal result. When the facial muscles sag, the skin attached to the muscles also sags because they are attached to each other. the process of facial toning exercises brings and maintain healthy radiant maintenance.

Face exercises help restore the muscle tissue, elasticity and tone for a wonderful, glowing, look.
The exercises are based on the principle of gentle, easy facial muscle resistance, effective relaxation techniques, visualization, and breathing exercises yes breathing big part of skin and muscle toning and with that, you will achieve amazing results.

Breathing is a very big part of good and supple skin, yes that is correct our skin is the largest organ in our body and it breaths also somewhat absorbs nutrients, many companies claim huge amounts of abortion through the skin when they recommend products if this was the truth when we take a bath we would drown, the skin has a regulation mechanism to protect us from harm. So we that been said to correct conscious breathing is a very large part of keeping the skin and overall health in top condition. In Chinese Medicine, the lungs are the ruler of the skin.
The exercises will increase the blood circulation, which increases the natural collagen and elastin in the skin by adding blood and oxygen and creating a more vibrant complexion. The skin will become more elastic and softer to the touch and it will look at life.
Facial exercises strengthen and tone all muscles in the face, neck, and scalp. It’s best to start and create a routine like a spa time for your self, it will relax your entire nervous system.

You will educate your facial, neck and scalp muscles to work and remember how they need to work as they should, you probably know the saying what you don’t use you lose.
Your mind-muscle connection combined with the exercises will increase blood circulation to the face, neck, scalp, and hair, enriching every cell with more oxygen and nutrients, restoring facial and neck muscles that have been overstretched by time, gravity and stress to a healthy, energized, well-toned condition at your own convenience at the pace of your dedication.

Now let’s move to the actual exercises.
Let’s start with the first step clean your skin if you have time apply a mask and after you remove it, make sure to use a rich moisturizer if it is your preference I love to use oils as a moisturizer and I will introduce you to them here is the link
this is a must so you don’t hurt the skin, you can always remove the excess at the end if it didn’t absorb.





I will introduce you to a couple of sets of exercises, here we go.


1  Gently pull-on your forehead with your index finger. Using just your fingers, you can apply pressure to your forehead so that shifting your eyebrows can strengthen that part of your face. This can help smooth lines on your forehead.
Put your index fingers just above each of your eyes.
Pull down on your eyes while trying to raise your eyebrows.
Repeat 10 times to help firm your forehead.


2  Push your forehead with your hands. This simple exercise uses your palms to create resistance while flexing your eyebrows. Doing this workout will help create smooth lines on your forehead.
Place each of your palms on the sides of your forehead, the bottom of each palm resting on your eyebrows. Your palms should be holding the skin firmly in place.
Raise your eyebrow muscles, like you are surprised, then lower them, like you are angry.
Raise and lower 10 times, then raise and hold for 30 seconds. Lower and hold for 30 seconds, then repeat the up and down against 10 more times.

3  Do brow lifts. Using your fingers and your eyebrows, you can exercise the muscles in your forehead. Just a little bit of pressure can create enough resistance for good exercise.
Using two fingers in a peace sign, and place your fingernails over each eyebrow.
Gently push that skin down with your fingers, then push your brows up and down.
Repeat the up and down motion with your brows 10 times.
Do 3 sets of 10, take a short rest, then do another 3 sets of 10.


4  Stretch your eyelids. Your eyelids are easy muscles to work and don’t need much resistance. Using your fingers can help you stretch them out, removing wrinkles and giving you stronger eyelids.
Sit down and close your eyes.
With your lids relaxed, use your index fingers to lift up your eyebrows. While lifting, keep your eyes closed to stretch your eyelids as far as possible.
Hold this position for 10 seconds, then relax and repeat 10 times.


5  Do an eye squeeze. Work your eyelids further by squeezing your eyes shut with a little stretching resistance from your mouth. Because it uses so many different muscles, this exercise can help to stretch out your entire face, not just your eyes.
Pull your lips downward so that your facial muscles tighten, then pull your lips to one side.
Squeeze one eye shut for one second, then repeat 10 times, holding your lips to the side. Then do the other eye.
Do 3 sets of 10 for each eye, take a short rest, then do another 3 sets of 10.


6  Stretch your face while holding your eyes. This will help to build the muscles around your eyelids to give you more awake-looking eyes. Use your fingers to provide some resistance to the basic action of opening and closing your eyes.
Make a C around your eyes using your thumbs and index finger. Make sure your index finger is over your eyebrow and thumb against your cheek.
Shut your eyes, and slowly squeeze your eyelids close together. Relax the tension without opening your eyes
Repeat squeezing and relaxing your eyelids 25 times.

Exercising Your Mouth


1  Exercise by smiling. One of the simplest ways to firm up your smile is to practice doing it. In this exercise, you’ll slowly move your mouth into the position of a full smile, holding different positions. This will give you better control of your face and smiling capabilities.
Slowly begin to smile by stretching the corner of your mouth laterally, lips still together.
After that, turn your mouth upward to expose your upper teeth.
Smile as widely as you can, displaying your teeth.
Once you have reached that point, slowly relax your mouth, bringing the smile back to the starting point.
Stop at several stages on this expansion of your smile, and hold that position for 10 seconds.


2  Apply pressure to your smile. Similar to the last exercise, this one using different stages of your smile to work the muscles in your face. Here, your fingers will provide extra resistance to further work the muscles around your mouth.
Make a full smile, and use your fingers to hold it in place by putting pressure on each corner.
Close your lips halfway, then fully, using your fingers to resist the movement.
Hold each position for 10 seconds.


3  Do facelift exercise. This exercise works the muscles around your upper lip to help prevent sagging and keep a strong lip contour. Doing it properly will help you have a stronger smile that shows more of your upper teeth.
Open your mouth slightly and flare your nostrils. Wrinkle up your nose as far as possible, then slowly draw your upper lip as high as you can, and hold for 10 seconds.
Leave your mouth slightly open, and place one finger under the eye on the cheekbone. Curl your upper lip slowly upward, keeping finger pressure on your face. Hold for 10 seconds, then slowly return to the original position.


4  Do a lip exercise. This is a simple exercise that will help increase the blood flow to your lips. This will give the fleshier parts a healthier, livelier, and more natural color.
Open your mouth slightly, making sure your upper and lower lips are relaxed.
Bring your lower lip forward until it makes contact with your upper lip.
Bring your upper and lower lips inward to your mouth. Exert pressure, then relax.


5  Do a mandibular strengthening exercise. This exercise works your mandible, the lower jaw, and important part of smiling, talking, and chewing, as well as anything else your mouth does. An exercise like this will help to prevent a double chin and prevent aging grooves on the lower part of your face.
Keep your mouth, especially your teeth and lips, slightly closed.
Separate your teeth as much as you can without opening your lips.
Bring your mandible forward slowly. Go as far as you can, stretching your lower lip upward, and hold for 5 seconds.
Slowly return your jaw, lips, then teeth back to their original position.


6  Do the OO-EE mouth. Moving your mouth to some basic sounds can help you target the lips, as well as the muscles between your upper lip and nose. This is a simple exercise that only requires some exaggerated facial movement while making sounds.
Open your mouth, then purse your lips together so that your teeth are separated and not showing.
Say “OO,” using an exaggerated movement to purse your lips together.
Change sounds to “EE,” again using an exaggerated motion to stretch your lips into the proper shape. You can also replace “EE” with “AH” for a slightly different workout.
Do 10 reps between “OO” and “EE,” then repeat for 3 sets.


7  Suck on your finger. Use the natural pressure from a sucking motion to firm up your lips. By removing it at the same time, you’ll be able to provide additional resistance to work against.
Put your finger in your mouth, and suck on it as hard as possible.
While doing that, slowly removing it from your mouth.
Repeat 10 times.

Press on your cheeks while smiling. This will help strengthen your cheek muscles. Make sure to keep your head back when you do this exercise.
Press down on your cheeks with your three middle fingers.
While pushing, smile as hard as you can to push your fingers back.


9   Very Gently pull your cheeks up making sure you don’t overstretch the skin. Doing this exercise can help to smooth laugh lines and the fine lines around your under eyes skin make sure that you don’t pull that delicate skin and that you have enough moisturizer or oil when you do this. Your hands will be doing the work here, gently stretching the muscles on your face.
Place your palms firmly against your cheeks make sure not to press to the hard just firm.
Pull the corners of your lips up toward the upper part of your cheekbones until you can see your upper teeth and gums.
Hold the position for 30 seconds, release, then repeat 3 times, personally like to gently massage the area in between.


10  Squeeze your lips tight. Doing this will help to condition your lip muscles.  Your hands will help do the work by squeezing your face around your mouth and nose. Make sure not to pucker this when done repeatedly causes deep creases so just squeeze like you are setting a lipstick.
Put the palms of your hands on your face, the outer edge of hands-on your laugh lines and the bottom edges where your index fingers are on the jawline. Use your whole palm to put gentle pressure on your face press and let go and repeat for 10 times.

Use your lip muscles (not your hands) to push your lips onto your index and middle finger together like you were kissing them and hold for 20 seconds.





Five best face yoga exercises

1  Warm-Up


How to do the exercise: Start your facial workout by blowing exaggerated raspberries with the lips, and with the cheeks as well as blowing. The bigger the vibration the better for relaxing facial muscles. Lip muscles are very important muscles of the face. By relaxing these muscles, other muscles are relaxed too and you will have a very relaxed and pleasant look.

Do it: At least once and up to three times per day this exercise can be done when you have a moment alone and is always one of those the day.


2  Slim Your “Tech Neck” Double Chin


How to do the exercise: Keeping your shoulders down and relaxed, tip your chin up to the ceiling until you feel a good stretch in the upper neck and chin area. Then, alternate making duck lips and sticking out your tongue, holding each “pose” for 5 seconds each. Repeat three times.

Make sure to keep your chin extended and keep your neck taut the whole while. This should feel a bit strenuous: If you don’t get tired, it’s not effective.

How often to do it: 1-2 times per day


3 Smooth Smile Lines


How to do the exercise: First off, don’t stop smiling and laughing! If you don’t smile, you’re not going to develop cheek muscle. Instead, tackle smile lines by breaking down the tension in the muscle from the inside out by using the tongue.

Starting up by the nose, where Hayashi says the lines tend to be deepest, “stick your tongue inside your mouth and make a tiny circle on the labial line.” Do five circles clockwise and counterclockwise on each side to smooth smile lines.

How often to do it: once per day


4 Firm Up Saggy Cheeks and Jowls


The droopy face look is no so cute it looks tired and sad. To help improve and perhaps remove the look of saggy cheeks,

( keep in mind to be realistic)pull your lips the right side of your face like you are kissing the right ear in what should look kind of like a sideways kissy-face. Hold for 10 seconds this is an effective exercise that “trains and stretches at the same time. It is a great way to improve skin elasticity.

How often to do it: 3-5 times per day, for best results


5 Help Eye creases and Crow’s Feet


Start by keeping both shoulders back and relaxed, bring your chin down to your chest and make an oval shape with your lips like going over your teeth and into your mouth. At the same time, look upward with just the eyes: try not to move your head or shoulders, you should feel stretching underneath the eye.

Stay here for three seconds, and then tuck the upper lip inside the mouth to make an “ahh” face. This round should give you a good stretch in the face it will relax the muscles and at the same time will tone them.

Once a day, no need for more. Is best not to overstretch the skin and the muscles in the face.


Enjoy and definitely pay attention to your diet, intake of water, stress and sleep all the exercises in the world won’t be able to counteract the oxidation and deterioration that these facts cause to your general wellbeing.









Kansa Wand – Personal Face Wand Plus FREE 15 ml iYURA Kansa Oil™








The medical and technical team behind the revolutionary creation of FaceMaster have compiled years of research on how FaceMaster, with Advanced “Wave” Microcurrent Technology, can deliver affordable and beautiful results without invasive procedures. Be sure to read all of the many positive reviews above about this spa-quality microcurrent facial toning therapy machine – from real customers like you!
New sleek, efficient design allows for ease of use, portability, easy storage, and stability
Helps support the skin’s firmness, texture and reduces the appearance of fine lines
Contains a proprietary, specialized bi-phase symmetric square wave waveform specifically designed for optimal face muscle toning
The LCD display makes the FaceMaster easy to use with an intensity selector, program selector, feathering program and optional beeper
Two-Hand Wands enhance effectiveness and customization for all procedures
New Finger Wands designed for one hand only, same benefits as hand wands plus added flexibility to have one hand free
Foam Cap well with cover for easier storage and retrieval of foam caps
Newly designed Conductive Serum well for easier access, use and clean up
This complete system comes with:

• The FaceMaster Platinum Unit
• Platinum Hand Wands and Finger Wands
• Anti Aging e-Serum with GlycoPeptides [Note: e-Serum is currently on backorder and will be delivered at a later date.]
• Soothing Conductive Serum
• FaceMaster Foam Caps
• Usage and instructional manuals
• 9-volt battery.

BONUS OFFER: Receive a $50 Gift Card to use at when you purchase this FaceMaster Toning System!