Welcome to the Australian Bush Flower Essences 
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In this post, we are sharing one of our favorite subjects Flower Essences! I love the fact that these beautiful flowers are part of the formula of the LOVE system, I have worked with thousands of products in the last four decades in many continents and is not common to find these conscious qualities. The raw materials are hand-picked and the synergy that is created with the carefully crafted formulas surpassed most of its competitor products. The vision of the Ian White the creator of the company is to serve body, mind, and spirit by including the flowers essences in the products we absolutely love them and we share with many of our followers and we wish for you to sample them as well.
When you are ready to order your first sample please contact us at whyirama@gmail.com.
The essences are catalysts to unlock your full potential, resolve negative beliefs and bring about harmony.
A lot of our energy goes into maintaining old hurts and blaming others for our problems or our unfulfilled dreams. There is also a very strong tendency in many people to worry about what might or might not happen in the future. Even anticipation of, or nostalgia for, a pleasant event will pull our energy away from the here and now. With our energy feeding the past and future there is often not much left to maintain our wellbeing in the present. Not only will we not emotionally heal but we will not manifest our goals. They will not thrive because of a lack of energy to support them.
We create your reality according to your beliefs. Buddha had these words to say; “What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind.
“If any one thing can be conceived or pondered it exists. For whatever is dreamed or imagined is already in the realm of existence. That is how all of creation came into existence.” Ramtha.
Flower essences are not something new. Australian Aborigines have used
them to bring about overall balance, as the Egyptians did in their time. Flower Essences were also very popular in the Middle Ages. Paracelsus in the 15th century wrote how he collected the dew from flowering plants and diluted it to aid with emotional imbalances.
Dr. Edward Bach rediscovers Flower Essences over fifty years ago using flowers of English plants and shrubs. His vision was of simplicity in nature.
Here we are sharing how flowers are being used in a subtle but powerful healing way. The essence of flowers is transferred into liquids called flower remedies or simply flower essences. These essences capture the impact of flowers on our consciousness and affect our subtle bodies in such a way that a profound transformation occurs.
Flower essences are a form of vibrational medicine.as is the science of Homeopathy. When we speak of vibration, we are merely using another synonym for frequency. Different frequencies of energy reflect varying rates of vibration. Matter and energy are two different manifestations of the same energetic substance of which everything in the universe is made of, including our physical and subtle bodies, the subtle body referring to the subtle energy body which exists in the higher frequency range beyond the physical. The vibratory rate of the subtle body is simply faster. When we wish to alter our subtle bodies, we must administer energy that vibrates at frequencies beyond the physical plane. Vibrational medicines such as flower essences contain such high-frequency subtle energies. It is believed that physical imbalances manifest in the physical body only after disturbances of energy flow have already become crystallized in the subtle bodies. One of the best ways to alter dysfunctional patterns in the subtle bodies is to administer therapeutic doses of frequency-specific for the subtle energy in the form of vibrational medicines such as flower essences and Homeopathy.
Flower essence remedies have been known in India, China and by the Australian aboriginals and native peoples of the world for centuries, one of the most respected names associated with their use in modern times is Dr. Edward Bach of England.
According to http://www.bachfloweressences.co.uk/pages/History-of-Bach.html
The Bach Original Flower Remedies were developed by Dr. Edward Bach a Harley Street doctor and well-known Physician, Bacteriologist, Homeopath, and Researcher. He believed that the attitude of mind plays a vital role in maintaining health and recovering from illness.
When he identified 38 basic negative states of mind and created accordingly a plant or flower based remedy for each one of these conditions.
After he left London in 1930, Dr. Bach explored the countryside in search of the remedies for several years. In 1934 he decided to settle down and create a center for his work and chose Mount Vernon, a small cottage in Sotwell, Oxfordshire.
He spent the last years of his life at Mount Vernon and it was here that he completed his research.
Nowadays, Mount Vernon is better known as The Bach Centre, and the present custodians continue to prepare the mother tinctures (the first process in making the remedies), often using the same locations that Dr. Bach identified in the 1930s.
Ainsworths Bach Flower Remedies are by appointment to the Queen
Like Dr. Bach, all the great visionaries and healers such as Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Aristotle, and Hahnemann agreed on this point. All of them believed that all around well being is the result of emotional, spiritual and mental harmony.
Apart from the fact that Australia has the highest number of flowering plants, they are the oldest in the world.
Metaphysically, Australia has always had a very wise, old energy and at the moment there is a tremendous new vitality in this country and New Zealand.
This energy was evident in Greece 2,500 years ago when Hippocrates, Plato, and Pythagoras were alive. This energy is constantly shifting from country to country, being present only in one place at a particular point in time.
The purpose of the Bush Flower Essences, as I see it, is that they assist in clearing blocks that stop an individual from getting in touch with their true Higher self…. their own intuitive part which knows their life purpose.
The Flower essences not only help to give clarity to one’s life purpose it also gives the courage, strength, and enthusiasm to follow and pursue one’s goals and dreams. They help us develop and maintain a higher level of intuition, self-steam, spirituality, creativity, fun, and general healthy wellbeing.
As we experience greater clarity and quality of life, everyone benefits, the individual, society, and the planet.
The Bush Essences are a system of healing that anyone can use for themselves or recommend for others. Although Flower Remedies have been used by many cultures for thousands of years, the Australian Bush Flower Essences meet the great need for remedies that help people address the issues of the 21st century – sexuality, communication skills and spirituality to name but a few. The answer to this need (which has come from the Australian plants), has been developed and researched by Naturopath, Ian White, a fifth generation Australian herbalist.
Ian grew up in the Australian bush. As a young boy his grandmother, like her mother before her, specialized in using Australian plants and would often take him bushwalking. From her deep understanding, she would point out the many healing plants and flowers. He learned profound respect for nature through her and went on to become a practitioner and a pioneer working with and researching the rare remedial qualities of Australian native plants.
Australia has the world’s oldest and highest number of flowering plants exhibiting tremendous beauty and strength. Also, Australia is relatively unpolluted and metaphysically has a very wise, old energy.
At this time there is a tremendous new vitality in this country. This, combined with the inherent power of the land, is why the Australian Bush Flower Essences are unique. Practitioners and prescribers worldwide are now incorporating the Australian Essences to form an integral part of their therapy.
The Bush Remedies not only help to give clarity to one’s life but also the courage, strength, and commitment to follow and pursue one’s goals and dreams. They help to develop a higher level of intuition, self-esteem, spirituality, creativity, and fun. The more the Essences are used, the more one is likely to experience greater awareness and happiness in one’s life. Then everyone benefits….the individual, society and the planet.
The effect of these Essences is similar to that of meditation in that they enable the person to access the wisdom of their Higher Self. This releases negative beliefs held in the subconscious mind and allows the positive virtues of the Higher Self – love, joy, faith, courage etc. to flood their being. When this happens the negative beliefs and thoughts are dissolved, balance is restored and true healing occurs.
How long have Flower Essences been used?
For thousands of years, Australian Aborigines have used flowers to heal emotional imbalances and physical injuries. Flower Essences were also used in Ancient Egypt, as well as India, Asia, Europe, and South America. The earliest European recorded use of Flower Essences was by Abbess Hildegard von Bingen in the twelfth century. This system of healing was rediscovered and popularized eighty years ago by Dr. Edward Bach with his use of English flowering plants. Naturopath, Ian White, a 5th generation Australian herbalist, has further developed this method using plants from all over Australia. Ian grew up in the bush and was taught from an early age the healing power of Australian plants. He has spent many years traveling Australia researching and developing a range of 69 specific Bush Essences.
What’s the difference between Flower Essences, Herbal Remedies, Homoeopathy and Essential Oils?
Flower Essences are produced by imprinting a flower’s unique vibrational healing signature onto the carrier solution and are used to treat imbalances at a higher level, bringing about emotional and spiritual balance and well being in the whole person. Homoeopathics are prepared in a somewhat similar way to Flower Essences using animal, mineral and herbal bases imprinted upon the solution at varied dilution ratios and are generally recommended for a specific ailment. Homoeopathics are not self-adjusting or without side effects and can result in severe aggravations. Also, Homoeopathic remedies are easily antidoted by contact with aromatic substances such as perfume, strong mint-flavored toothpaste, garlic, coffee or Essential Oils. According to Gurudas, the author of the book Flower Essences, of the three major forms of vibrational remedies – Flower Essences, Homoeopathic remedies, and Gem Elixers – Flower Essences are the best and most effective modality to reach and treat the subtle-energy bodies, along with the meridians. He states that Homoeopathic remedies generally operate on the biomagnetic fields of the body. Some of them can affect the chakras and subtle bodies, but not as effectively as Flower Essences. Gem elixirs act similarly to Flower Essences but not to the same degree, as they do not have the same potency of life force.
Herbal extracts and tinctures are derived after macerating parts of plants and trees i.e. root, bark, leaves in alcohol for a period of time before straining and bottling. Herbal remedies are once again generally recommended for a specific ailment and only work on the physical body, they are far cruder in nature and their chemical constituents can be analyzed and measured.
Essential Oils are extracted from the flower, bark, sap, and leaves of plants and are aromatic /scented residues that work via the olfactory sense. Essential Oils are far less specific in addressing emotional imbalances. Flower Essences can be effectively used in conjunction with all of these other modalities
How do I choose an Essence?
There are many ways in which you can choose an essence. You could simply read through the information on each of the individual essences and decide which ones are most appropriate. However, this can overwhelm some people and they could feel that they need them all! To drastically narrow down the number of essences that you are considering ask yourself the following questions – what do I most want in my life? or what is the major issue that I am working through at the moment? Then simply choose the appropriate Bush Essences. Alternatively, you could look through the Flower Insight Cards and choose those which most appeal to you (limiting them to no more than 3) and also include any card that you have an aversion to. Invariably, using this technique, you will choose Essences that will address your most pertinent issues. These Essences can then be mixed together in a dosage bottle. Other less commonly used methods to determine the choice of a remedy include: Dowsing • Kinesiology • Numerology • Using your Intuition • Working with a Flower Essence practitioner.
Can I take more than one Essence at a time?
It is far more effective to focus on just one issue and one dosage bottle, at a time, otherwise, the results can be very scattered as they have no main focus to address. You can, however, use a remedy, for example, Emergency Essence in a one-off acute situation whilst still taking another remedy over the standard two or four week period.
There is absolutely no detriment in using the mists and creams while also taking a Bush Essence dosage drops orally. You can use more than one mist or cream on the same day
What is the difference between the Australian Bush Flower
Essences, the White Light Essences, and the Light Frequency
The Australian Bush Flower Essences work at the 1st level, the cognitive and emotional;
The White Light Essences work at the 2nd level, healing, and clearing at the Soul level;
The Light Frequency Essences work at the level of the Divine Essence, also referred to as the Individualized Flame or Higher Self.
Love System
Our vision was to create more than just organic skin & body care products, the world is littered with such products. We have created for you something which we believe is far more valuable, and respects who you are at a very deep level.
We’ve called it the LOVE SYSTEM because this best reflects the values & philosophies that imbibed the creation of what we believe has never been created before. This is a system of beautiful organic formulations to Care for, Love & Respect your Body – to encourage you to Connect with, Inspire and Grow your Soul – to Love and Express Who and What you Are – to Love & Respect your Planet – to Express Love and Respect for those who live upon it.
This is more than mere skin & body care. This is a philosophy for life, and a philosophy for choosing skin & body formulations that add value to you, to the planet, and all those who live upon it.
You only have one physical body in this life, this body is your temple. We want you to learn to love it, respect it, nurture it, connect it to your Higher Self, and cover it with beautiful organic botanicals, plant butter, exotic oils and herbs, Rose Stem Cells and Essences from some of the world’s oldest and most unique Australian Bush Flowers in existence.
As an early pioneer of the natural and organic skin, body care, day spa and beauty industry, I have been researching and developing formulations of integrity for over 20 years and have teamed up with Ian White the founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences and internationally recognized naturopath and teacher, who has worked with me to help research and create formulations for specific skin, body and soul reflections. Our Organic formulations are beautiful, functional and have retained the “life force” and “profound energies” of the plants used to harness their profound skin wellness qualities.
We’re a boutique wellness organization that crafts our formulations in small batches, all accomplished by real people with special gifts, dedication and a genuine love of what we do, so we honor and respect your – body & soul
Your current approach to skincare may only serve “one side of the mirror”, so to speak. We’d like you to recognize and honor the connectedness between your Higher Self and your body which is the other side of the mirror. We want you to develop a healthy daily regime and point of view that helps you feel good about yourself, and rediscover your true beauty every time you look in the mirror so you can encourage your inner beauty to radiate right through to your outer beauty.
From Australian Bush Flower Essences:
According to http://www.essencesonline.com/AusBushLoveSystem.htm#AusBushLoveSystem
We encourage all individuals to make the connection between body and soul and develop a healthy, responsible and nurturing daily regime of connectedness to discover your true innate beauty and share it with the world. That’s why we created what we believe is the most profound skin & body care formulations on the planet.
You can select from a wide range of formulations that best suit your skin, body and soul reflections.
We’ve called our new organic skin & body care formulations the LOVE SYSTEM because this best reflects the values & philosophies that imbued the creation of what we believe has never been created before.
This is a system of beautiful organic formulations to Care for, Love & Respect your Body – to encourage you to Connect with, Inspire and Grow your Soul – to Love and Express Who and What you Are – to Love & Respect your Planet – to Express Love and Respect for those who Live upon it – to discover, and share your true beauty.
This is more than mere organic skin & body care. This is a philosophy for the way you choose to live your life, and philosophy for choosing skin & body formulations that add value to you, to the planet, and all those who live upon it.”
The vision was to create more than just exquisite organic skincare & body care products, we have created for you something which we believe is far more valuable, and respects who you are at a very deep level.
You only have one physical body in this life, this body is your temple. We want you to Learn to love it, respect it, nurture it, connect it to your Higher Self, and cover it with beautiful organic botanicals, plant butter, exotic oils and herbs, and Essences from some of the world’s oldest and most unique Australian Bush Flowers in existence.
We encourage all individuals to make the connection between body and soul and develop a healthy, responsible and nurturing daily regime of connectedness to discover your true innate beauty and share it with the world.
That’s why we created what we believe are “the most profound skin & body care formulations on the planet”.
You can select from a wide range of formulations that best suit your skin, body and soul reflections.
Values & Philosophies
We’ve called our new organic skin & body care formulations the LOVE SYSTEM because this best reflects the values & philosophies that imbibed the creation of what we believe has never been created before.
This is a system of beautiful organic formulations to Care for, Love & Respect your Body – to encourage you to Connect with, Inspire and Grow your Soul – to Love and Express Who and What you Are – to Love & Respect your Planet – to Express Love and Respect for those who Live upon it – to discover, and share your true beauty.
This is more than mere organic skin & body care. This is a philosophy for the way you choose to live your life, and philosophy for choosing skin & body formulations that add value to you, to the planet, and all those who live upon it.
The LOVE SYSTEM was created to inspire us towards the higher things that really matter.
A percentage of all formulations go to our LOVE TRUST to assist communities in need.
The desire to create something truly beautiful & valuable is rare these days, it takes a great deal of time, patience, skill & diligence, and most importantly Love. I created the LOVE SYSTEM, not as a commercial aspiration, but with a genuine desire to create something truly beautiful. Something that would inspire and bring out the beauty in others, a skincare system that was inherently precious and delivered its promise of exceptional performance, yet deeply respectful of our beautiful planet with genuinely sustainable, organic and cruelty-free values. The LOVE SYSTEM is crafted with some of the oldest and rarest Native Australian Extracts & Bush Flower Essences, plus some of the most exquisite and exotic bioactive organic ingredients on the planet to provide what we believe are some of the most profound skin wellness formulations on earth, that set a new industry standard in skincare performance. You won’t find these boutique formulations on the shelves of the big beauty barns, as they’re reserved for discerning individuals who value authentic, beautiful & functional skin wellness formulations. Winning the Natural Health Organic “INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY AWARD” is a prestigious international accolade that acknowledges our pursuit of excellence, and the LOVE SYSTEM’s integrity by our eminent industry peers, and I am deeply humbled by this recognition, but most importantly, this is a win for our customers who trust us with their health & wellbeing. Winning the Natural Health Organic “INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY AWARD” is a win for all those who aspire to create truly beautiful things. Be Well!
Paul Loveday
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History of Flower Essences