What Inflammation has to do with beauty






For me, the best makeup is to first have healthy glowing skin. Otherwise, it’s like a band-aid covering up something that is letting us know that our internal system is in alarm mode making us aware of an issue that needs to be addressed.

When I work with a client, one of my top priorities is to maintain and support a good skin care regimen from the inside out, I love to share information with them about hydration and signs of inflammation, they are usually very grateful, and it makes our journey much more relaxed.
Inflammation is the reflection of how the inner health is maintained.

This week 291 we are sharing information about what inflammation is. We will be guiding you on what to look for, tips from authority created facts to aid you to recognize and help any inflammation challenge. Thank you for your visit and all the likes please share so others can get the benefits also, much gratitude from all of us at Isabel’s’ Beauty Blog

Many skin care specialists believe inflammation is a key factor in premature skin deterioration and a majority of internal issues. Due to the fact that the body’s basic response is to protect itself from irritation via inflammation.

However, several scientists and skin care professionals from around the world advise people to avoid inflammation altogether. Bottom line: Anything that causes redness, overheating, swelling and any kind of irritation may be detrimental to a person’s overall well-being, and that has become a fact.
There are a few upsides to inflammation: It is a sign of the body attempting to repair an affected area by bringing blood to the site; it helps to remove intruding agents from the site; and the additional white blood cells arriving at the site help to counteract the aggressor. Still, we should avoid inflammation at all costs.
In simplest terms, inflammation is the body’s immediate reaction to guard itself against some type of damage caused by either an external environmental invader, injury inflamed thoughts poor diet, etc. Without the crucial process of inflammation, the body cannot restore itself in the face of damage.



Anti-Inflammatory Diet Tips From Dr. Andrew Weil





Mostly, all inflammation starts in an acute phase. The body becomes damaged in some capacity due to a foreign agent, and it responds immediately to repair the damage. In many cases, this reaction goes undetected. Signs are so mild that they are even unnoticeable. Once the threat is gone, the body is able to go back to a non-defensive state—and the inflammation process turns off.


That’s why long-lasting inflammation is being labeled the 21st century’s number one challenge and it starting to get the proper attention. Unlike its short form, long lasting internal inflammation can occur undetected because it falls just below the radar of discomfort and visible swelling. You feel nothing, or you may experience vague, unexplained signs for which there are no accepted answers. And while you search for answers or even ignore the warnings altogether, your body’s inflammation process carries on for weeks, months, or even years—which compromises your immune system.
In my opinion, wellness is the absence of inflammation. A possible key to optimal wellness is to detect long-lasting inflammation and address its root concerns promptly and efficiently.

12 foods that fight inflammation 2


The many signs of inflammation are varied — it’s been linked to everything from bloating to joint pain to sinus congestion and skin rashes. To name a few. Although a clinical assessment is the only way to determine for sure if you suffer from inflammation, the more of the following signs you experience, the more likely you have low-grade inflammation, says Mark Hyman, MD, author of The UltraSimple Diet (Pocket Books, 2007).


•  Bloating, belching, passing gas
•  Diarrhea or constipation
•  Fatigue, sluggishness
•  Itchy ears or eyes
•  Dark circles or bags under eyes
•  Joint pain or stiffness
•  Throat tickle, irritation or coughing
•  Stuffy nose, sinus trouble, excessive mucus
•  Acne, cysts, hives or rashes
•  Ruddy, inflamed-looking skin
•  Flushing
•  Water retention, skin puffiness
•  Craving certain foods
•  Compulsive or binge eating

To mention a few is a lot more to it.

raw-for-beauty antinflatory

The good news



The beneficial Side of Inflammation:


It helps heal wounds the body will react immediately to swelling in order to bring it down.This is the first attempt that the body makes to heal itself. The healing happens in stages. The first stage of healing is irritation, then it becomes inflamed, which consists of swelling, rashes, etc. If these attempts from the body don’t happen one safely assume that wounds and infections would not heal correctly or at all.

It is part of our innate immunity,  we are born with it for most of us is a fortunate gift of life, because some people don’t have that luxury. This is called acquired immune deficiency or have an immune system that is too active among many other disorders of the immune system, so we should consider ourselves very lucky and take a minute to contemplate GRATITUDE, wouldn’t you think?

Water is a big part to help inflammation, insufficient water consumption causes toxicity of the body as well as constipation, tension, tightness, overeating, dryness, and kidney damage. Heat symptoms such as INFLAMMATION, fevers and feeling too warm can also be part of it so is essential for us to become aware.


Nutrients for inflammation:


Every Person requires different dosages so consult a health practitioner if you are not sure, we are sharing information from authorities, still is a good idea to take the information and research what is the ideal for you.We are individuals.

Vitamin B complex          50mg 3 times a day              Need it for tissue repair

Vitamin B12                     2,000   daily

Vitamin C                         3,000 – 6,000 mg daily

Essential to the healing and reduction of inflammation. We recommend buffered.



Recommendation from  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/02/02/anti-inflammatory-foods-herbs-spices.aspx


Four Spices That Pack Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Results


For one week, 10 to 12 subjects in each of 13 groups consumed a small amount of a particular spice each day. For example, those in the oregano group ate just half a teaspoon of oregano daily for seven days. Blood samples were drawn one hour prior to consumption, and at the very end of the experiment.

The participants’ blood was then analyzed for antioxidant capacity. The researchers also analyzed how well the blood could dampen an induced inflammatory response in white blood cells.

This was done by placing the participants’ blood onto white blood cells that had been damaged by oxidized cholesterol (commonly found in fried foods). Even at the “everyday” dosage amounts given, four spices were found to be significantly effective at quelling the inflammatory response:

  1. Cloves
  2. Ginger
  3. Rosemary
  4. Turmeric

The use of these Spices in our food is perfectly useful for our bodes to stay inflammation free, as a maintenance, if it is a health challenge, your health practitioner may recommend higher dosages specifically designed for your personal needs.


Other Potent Anti-Inflammatory Spices


In an earlier study published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods it was found a direct correlation between the antioxidant phenol content of spice and herb extracts and their ability to inhibit glycation and block the formation of AGE compounds (advanced glycation end products), making them potent preventers of heart disease and premature aging.

Here, cloves were ranked as the most potent of 24 common herbs and spices found in your spice rack. In all, the following were found to be the top 10 most potent anti-inflammatory herbs and spices:

  1. Cloves
  2. Cinnamon
  3. Jamaican allspice
  4. Apple pie spice mixture
  5. Oregano
  6. Pumpkin pie spice mixture
  7. Marjoram
  8. Sage
  9. Thyme

To mention a few Spices and in order of importance.


A word of Caution: from https://www.bulletproofexec.com/best-anti-inflammatory-herbs-and-spices/

How To Avoid Mold Toxins in Spices and Herbs


You won’t be surprised to learn that mold toxins are found not just in coffee and food, but in spices and herbs too. The Bulletproof Diet book details how and why this happens, and all the best practices to pick the best spices and herbs.

The herb and spice industry is painfully aware of spoilage issues, which is why it’s become so common to irradiate spices.

This process exposes the spices to radiation, so they become sterilized. Irradiation may destroy some of the anti-oxidant and health benefits of herbs and spices, and irradiated or not, herbs and spices can spoil quickly in your own home. Herbs often contain naturally potent antifungal and antibacterial oils, so the species that can flourish on them are usually the most aggressive toxin-formers.

When you got that canister of paprika down from the back shelf, and put some into a steaming pot of food, you’re likely putting a substantial amount of toxin in, too.The *last* time you did that, the steam entered the paprika package and started the mold growing. You’ll always find a few mold spores in natural products, and the environment in your spice cabinet above the stove is a perfect incubator.

This means it is critical to select your source accordingly:

  • One of the simplest things you can do to increase your performance is to toss out opened, dried spices that are more than one month old.
  • Use high-quality, recently opened, fresh or dried herbs and spices, from a reputable source or don’t use them at all.
  • I’ve done my best to identify the rationale behind the spice rankings in the Bulletproof Diet Roadmap, but there is always room for personal experimentation. Black pepper is so commonly contaminated that I moved it into the suspect zone! It’s up to you to decide where you go on the roadmap and how that makes you feel and perform.

If you’re eating an anti-inflammatory diet and including Spices as your ally, the suggestion here is to find the spices fresh. In the market, or you can grow them and have a direct relationship with them.



This is recommended by Prescription for NUTRITIONAL HEALING by PHYLLIS A, BALCH, CNC.



Cartenoid complex, follow the label instructions this product strengthens the immune response.

Essential fatty acids, like evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil, fish oils mercury free, or fermented, use as directed on the label, they reduce overall inflammation.

Grape Seed extract this is an amazingly powerful antioxidant, used as directed on the label,

Proteolytic enzymes or Inflazyme Forte from America Biologics, use as directed on the label, is best used between meals and at bedtime for 1 month, this aids controlling inflammation.

Superoxide dismutase (SOD), check the label for dosage, this is a high potency free radical scavenger that reduces infection and inflammation.

Zinc recommended 50 mg daily, is best not to exceed 100 mg daily from all supplements, this helps control inflammation and promotes healing, is recommended to use zinc gluconate lozenges or OptiZinc for best absorption.do not use Zinc for more than a month straight it can deplete other minerals.

Bromelain take it on an empty stomach and as directed on the label, 100 – 500 mg, is best used along with magnesium and 500 mg, and L-cysteine to enhance results, this supplements should be taken separately from copper and Iron.

Bromelain has anti-inflammatory activity and increases the breakdown of fibrin, which s known to form around the inflamed areas, blocking blood and lymphatic vessels.


Inflammation is fixable:

“Our best tool to reverse inflammation isn’t a drug, but our diets,” says Barry Sears, Ph.D., a former research scientist at Boston University School of Medicine and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of the forthcoming Toxic Fat Syndrome. One of the best ways to snuff out inflammation is by heeding food sensitivities and intolerances. These are inflammatory responses that occur when the gut fails to break down certain foods.
The most notorious offenders are dairy, wheat, corn, sugar, soy, eggs, peanuts poor diet, mostly sugar, refined flours, processed foods, inflammatory fats such as trans fats and unhealthy saturated fats, and STRESS is very inflammatory, Anger is inflamed thoughts. Keep a food diary to identify adverse reactions (which may be delayed by hours or days after you’ve eaten), then root out food sensitivities by following an elimination diet for at least a week. (For more on that, see “False Fat” in the March/April 2003 archives.)
By eliminating the foods that irritate your body and eating more of those that help your body combat inflammation, you’ll get rid of a lot of bloating and water retention, produce fewer “weight-gain” hormones and have more energy for activity, says Elson Haas, MD, medical director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin in San Rafael, Calif., and author of The False Fat Diet (Ballantine, 2001). That sounds like a slim-down strategy we can all live with.


Thankfully, the list of things that cause inflammation is relatively short:

• Poor diet–mostly sugar, refined flours, processed foods, and inflammatory fats such as trans and saturated fats
• Lack of exercise
• Stress
• Hidden or chronic infections with viruses, bacteria, yeasts, or parasites
• Hidden allergens from food or the environment
• Toxins such as mercury and pesticides
• Mold toxins and allergens




The Zone is not some mystical place or some clever marketing terms. It is a real physiological state in your body where the hormones that control silent inflammation are maintained in a zone that is not too high, but not too low. This requires treating food as if it were a drug to be taken at the right dose and at the right time. However, saying food is a drug is actually derogatory to food since your diet affects hormones that are hundreds of times more powerful than any drug. In many respects, food will be the most powerful drug you will ever take because you are using this drug at least three times a day for the rest of your life. Thus your diet can be your greatest ally or worst enemy because the hormonal rules for humans haven’t changed in the past 150,000 years, and they probably won’t change tomorrow.



Anti-inflammatory Recipes




Salmon and Quinoa Bowls with Kale and Tahini-Yogurt Sauce


Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

Serving Size: 4



  • 1 cup white quinoa
  • 1 bunch Lacinato, Tuscan or dinosaur kale, thick stems removed and thinly sliced
  • 1 medium carrot, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • 2 cups cooked chickpeas, rinsed and drained if canned
  • 1/4 cup dried currants, cranberries or cherries
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds (optional)
  • Four 4-ounce sockeye salmon fillets (skin on)
  • For the sauce:
  • 1/4 cup tahini paste
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt




  1. In a medium saucepan, combine the quinoa and 2 cups water. Bring to a boil, cover, and reduce the heat to low. Cook for 15 minutes, then let stand covered for 10 minutes off the heat. Fluff with a fork and set aside.
  2. Meanwhile in a large mixing bowl, combine the kale, carrots, lemon juice, garlic, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1/2 teaspoon sea salt. With clean hands, toss the kale until very well coated in the lemon and oil. Add the cooked quinoa to the kale along with the chickpeas, dried fruit, and hemp seeds (if using). Mix until well incorporated and taste for seasoning.
  3. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large nonstick or cast iron skillet. Pat the salmon dry and season with salt. Cook the salmon skin-side down over high heat until nicely browned, 2-3 minutes. Carefully flip the fish and cook for another 2 minutes, until opaque up to the sides.
  4. Divide the quinoa between 4 bowls and top with the seared salmon.
  5. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the ingredients for the sauce until smooth. Add more water as necessary to make the sauce drizzle-friendly. Spoon over the fish and serve immediately.




The quinoa and tahini sauce can be made up to 3 days in advance.



Moroccan Red Lentil Soup with Chard


Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes

Serving Size: 4





  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 medium yellow onion, diced
  • 2 medium carrots, diced
  • 2 large cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chili flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • One 15-ounce can dice tomatoes
  • 1 cup dried split red lentils
  • 2 quarts vegetable stock
  • 1 bunch chard, stems removed, roughly chopped


  1. In a large stockpot or Dutch oven, heat the oil. Saute the onion and carrot over medium-high heat until soft and beginning to brown, 7 minutes. Add the garlic, cumin, ginger, turmeric, chili flakes, and salt. Cook one minute more. Stir in the tomatoes, scraping up any brown bits from the bottom of the pan, and cook until the liquid has reduced and the tomatoes are soft 5 minutes.
  2. Add the lentils and stock. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer uncovered until the lentils are soft, 10 minutes. Fold in the chard and cook until wilted, but still vibrant, 5 more minutes. Taste for seasoning.
  3. Serve the soup in bowls with a wedge of lemon on the side or a dollop of Greek yogurt and some crusty bread.



Root Vegetable Tagine with Kale

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes

Serving Size: 6-8




  • 2 tablespoons olive or coconut oil
  • 1 large sweet onion, diced
  • 1 medium parsnip, peeled and diced
  • 2 large cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 3 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 2 medium purple potatoes (or sub regular Yukon gold), peeled and diced
  • 2 bunches baby carrots, peeled (or sub 2 medium diced carrots)
  • 1-quart vegetable stock
  • 2 cups roughly chopped kale leaves
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • ¼ cup cilantro leaves, roughly chopped
  • Pepitas or toasted slivered almonds, for serving (optional)




  1. In a large stockpot or Dutch oven, heat the oil. Sauté the onion over medium-high heat until soft, 5 minutes. Add the parsnip and cook until beginning to turn golden brown, 3 more minutes. Stir in the garlic, ground cumin, ginger, cinnamon, salt, cayenne, and tomato paste. Cook until very fragrant, 2 minutes. Fold in the sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, and carrots. Cover with vegetable stock and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are tender, about 20 minutes.
  2. Stir in the kale and lemon juice. Simmer for another 2 minutes, until the leaves are vibrant and slightly wilted. Garnish with the cilantro and nuts, if using, and serve with quinoa or couscous.




You can simplify the ingredient list by only choosing a couple types of root vegetable. Most of the other ingredients are pantry staples, so don’t be intimidated!






The Perricone Anti-Inflammatory Diet







23 Ways To Getting Rid Of Inflammation and Joint Pain – Saturday Strategy





David Wolfe on Inflammation








Michael’s Naturopathic Programs Xtra Recovery W-Zymes


Proteolytic enzyme support formula for muscle excursion, Supports joints and tendons in both athletes and the elderly, Support’s the body’s natural inflammatory response.




The Inflammation Solution: When Everything Works and Nothing Hurts


What “it is” is in your body? You will find the solution to your inflammation problem in this book. Enjoy not only a trusted science made a a confusingsimple and fun approach, but also sit back and smile.a complex medical problem like inflammation, Dr. Sears writes with the intent: “If you laugh, you will learn – and heal.” Join in as you take a trip through the hurts in your body and learn how to heal them: – Why you hurt, how you heal – Enjoy the Six-S anti-inflammatory diet – Help your body make its own medicines – Handle stress – Raise a less-inflamed child – Stay lean, and less inflamed – Eat gut-friendly foods – Ease hip, back and knee pain – Enjoy a smarter and less-inflamed brain – Use more self-help skills and fewer pills




The Anti-Inflammation Zone


What do these devastating illnesses have in common? All three have been linked to silent inflammation, a condition that occurs when the body’s natural immune response goes awry. Silent inflammation can continue undetected for years, continually assaulting the heart, arteries, and even the brain — and you will not even know it.

New research confirms that obesity is a primary cause of silent inflammation. And inflammation is the smoking gun that links excess body fat to today’s epidemic rise in heart disease, cancer, dementia, and countless other health threats. Although the science of this relationship is complex, the bottom line is simple: If not detected and reversed, silent inflammation will devastate generations of Americans and bankrupt an increasingly stressed health care system. The medical establishment appears to be ignorant about this problem, politicians don’t talk about it — and yet virtually everyone in the country is affected by it.




The Inflammation Diet: Complete Guide to Beating Pain and Inflammation with Over 50 Anti-Inflammatory Diet Recipes Included



Inflammation has been called the “silent killer, greatly” and it has been linked to a wide variety of illnesses including heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, and cancer. Often, the root of chronic inflammation is in the foods we eat. The Inflammation Diet: Complete Guide to Beating Pain and Inflammation will show you how, by making simple changes to your diet, significantly reduce inflammation in your body and reduce your symptoms and lower your risk of chronic disease. The book includes a complete plan for eliminating inflammation and implementing an anti-inflammatory diet: • Overview of inflammation and the body’s immune response – what can trigger it and why chronic inflammation is harmful • The link between diet and inflammation • Inflammatory foods to avoid • Anti-inflammatory foods to add to your diet to beat pain and inflammation • Over 50 delicious inflammation diet recipes • A 14-day meal plan Take charge of your health and implement the inflammation diet to lose weight, slow the aging process, eliminate chronic pain, and reduce the likelihood and symptoms of chronic disease.












Spring and your body wellness







Hello, everyone, we wish to thank you for your support, likes and, shares. On week 290 we are sharing spring according to Chinese medicine, this information has helped me and my family enter Spring in a smooth and balanced way. This is a very well researched post, we have videos, exercises, food recipes and, herbs to support you and your family to stay in harmony with this season that I personally love so much.  Enjoy and don’t forget to share and like, it helps us to keep going. We wish you health, happiness and ideal abundance for and family from all of us.


Here is a short yet very efficient video to support the Liver in Spring


5-minute Healing Sound Qi Gong Exercise For Your Liver!





According to http://www.itmonline.org

The liver is associated with wood. Wood qi is characterized by its upward momentum and its innate desire to be straight. As long as the flow of liver qi is not impeded, the blood vessels will remain open and unobstructed.
The liver is the organ that is in charge of storing blood. It also commands the ministerial fire (xiang huo). If there is sufficient blood, this fire will be warm but not fierce. As a result, the blood can circulate smoothly through the body’s three burning spaces; it will reach the pores, and every single place in the body will benefit from its warming and nourishing function.
Liver and spleen function together by assisting each other. However, people are always quick to point out that an excess of liver wood can injure the spleen earth, and thus have a detrimental effect on the proper digestion of food. But nobody seems to pay attention to the fact that a weak liver cannot circulate the spleen qi and thereby also cause maldigestion. Below, the liver connects to the Sea of Qi [lower Dantian, associated with the kidney], which means that the liver is closely associated with the body’s ministerial fire. It can utilize the power of this fire to produce earth. The food which enters the spleen and stomach relies on this power to be ‘cooked.’ This is what is meant by saying that the liver and the spleen function by assisting each other.
The liver relies entirely on kidney water to sustain it, on blood to moisten it, on lung metal’s clear nature and descending function to keep it in check, and on the generosity of the middle palace’s earth qi to nourish it.



The eyes represent the orifices of the liver.


When a person closes his/her eyes and falls asleep, the blood returns to the liver. From there it is transmitted to the eyes, and the ability to see results from this. When a person sleeps, now, the nameless fire within grows dim in order to revitalize. Although it may be impossible to refrain from sleeping altogether, it is advisable not to just let this energy dissipate for the mere sake of falling into a slumber.
Insomnia caused by a cold deficiency pattern of the gallbladder is accompanied by symptoms of restless thought and a sensation of extreme mental weariness. Excess heat in the liver will typically cause a person to sleep too much, resulting in the mirror of intelligence gathering dust and a deterioration of the root of good health. None of these conditions, obviously, are the result of proper nourishing of the liver and gallbladder nor an appropriate way of subduing the sleep issues.
The essence of sleep, after all, is the soul of the body. If you can manage to sleep without overdoing it, then the mastermind will be bright and alert. Not only will your shen qi be flowing freely and purely, but you will also not be disturbed by dreams. Every time you are overcome by a craving for sleep, blood rushes to the heart and the original shen is forced to leave its abode.

Spring photo 3-31-15

Spring is the liver time. 

‘The three months of spring are the period of commencement; heaven and earth are born, and all living things are flourishing. Get up early in the morning, walk around in the courtyard, loosen your hair and relax your body. By doing so you will generate mental strength and act in harmony with the qi of spring, thus following the way of nourishing life. If you live contrary to this principle, you will harm your liver.’ Everybody should be aware of this basic principle.
Emotions such as anger, embarrassment, or unexpected joy can also increase blood flow, causing the ears and face to turn red. In situations when less blood is needed, it is “stored in the liver,” which thus assumes a warehouse-like function. The actual storage of blood is done in the penetrating vessel, one of the eight extraordinary vessels that extend from the lower dantian to the head; this vessel is often considered to be part of the liver network. The liver is best compared to a managing clerk, who moves goods in and out of the warehouse as they are needed.
Just as important is the liver’s function of maintaining a smooth and uninterrupted flow of virtually all body substances (including qi, blood, jing, and liquids and humors). Proper coursing and draining, or lack thereof, is mostly reflected in the relation of emotions to qi and blood circulation and to the influence of the liver on digestive system functions:
Emotional aspect: the ancient Chinese observed that human emotions are largely governed by the heart network. However, they also concluded that mental well-being or various shades of depression have an association with the coursing and draining function of the liver. Only if the liver carries this task out properly can the body’s qi and blood flow unobstructed, and thus facilitate a feeling of ease, harmony, and peace. If for some reason the liver fails to maintain this state, depression (of liver qi) or pathological rising (of liver yang) may result. As the Qing Dynasty classic, A Treatise on Blood Disorders (Xue Zheng Lun), states: “The liver is classified as wood; wood qi is characterized by its determination to go straight to where it wants to go to; if it is not blocked or suppressed, the movement in the vessels will be smooth.”
Digestive aspect: since this moving function of the liver regulates the qi flow in the entire body, it influences the dynamics of the other organ networks, particularly the neighboring digestive systems. It assists the upward and downward flows of the spleen/stomach system (the stomach is to move the food mass downward, the spleen is to move the extracted qi upward), passes bile into the intestines, helps to transport food essence, and aids the unobstructed movement and metabolism of water. The Treatise on Blood Disorders says “Coursing and draining is an integral part of liver nature. Once food qi enters the stomach, it is entirely up to the liver wood to course and drain it. Only if this process is intact will grain and water transforms properly.”


According to traditional concepts, male physiology is mostly based on qi (yang), while female physiology is primarily based on blood (yin). Males tend to have an abundance of qi that they can afford to spend freely, while females have an abundance of blood that they can give away freely (as becomes evident from the menstrual bleeding). Liver function, therefore, has great influence over an important part of female physiology-menstruation.
The penetrating vessel and the conception vessel, are two pathways linked to the liver that are intimately involved with the transportation of blood. The penetrating vessel, above compared to a warehouse, is also called the Sea of Blood; and the conception vessel, as the name indicates, is credited with the function of nourishing the uterus and the fetus. Both the conception vessel and the penetrating vessel belong to the category of the eight extraordinary vessels. Both these vessels are involved in the liver’s ability to store blood; they set out from the uterus, and are also closely linked with the kidney channel.

The When one’s circadian rhythm is disrupted, sleeping and eating patterns can run amok connect the muscles to the bones. In accordance with the characteristics of the liver, they facilitate smooth and continuous movement. Because of this basic concept, some scholars have recently included the nerves. The proper functioning of the tendons relies entirely on their nourishment by liver blood.
The nails are considered the surplus of the tendons: as such, they are an exterior manifestation of the general quality of the tendons, and thus, liver blood within. Dry and brittle or extremely pale nail beds always indicate a poor quality of liver blood, while pink nailbeds and firm nails indicate a healthy state of liver blood.
Hair is also associated with the liver blood: it is called the “surplus of the blood” (xue yu). The rich liver blood of females is expressed in lush, long, and fast growing hair on the head; males have more facial and body hair, which is governed by the qi organ, lung. Dry and brittle hair can be an indication of liver blood deficiency, while hair that suddenly falls out (alopecia) is usually because of both deficiency of blood and impeded the flow of liver blood to the head, usually due to sudden emotional trauma.
The eyes are nourished by the essence of all five organ networks and thus differentiated into five organ-specific zones which may reveal important diagnostic information. The eyes as a whole, however, represent the opening of the liver and are thus considered to be more closely linked to the liver than to any of the other organ networks. “Liver qi communicates with the eyes,” states the Neijing, “and if the liver functions harmoniously, the eyes can differentiate the five essential colors….If the liver receives blood, we can see. The liver channel branches out to the eyes. Both liver qi and liver blood flood the eyes to maintain proper eyesight. A person’s eyesight may therefore also serve as an indicator for liver function.


Just as trees (wood) tend to unrelentingly pursue their upward quest for the light, the liver represents the innate will of the body/mind to spread outward. Just like qi and blood have to spread within the body to ensure physical survival, human shen needs to spread freely through the social environment to guarantee an uninhibited passage through life. Individuals with strong liver qi and blood are usually excellent strategic planners and decision makers: they know how to spread themselves into the world. Due to these qualities, they often make outstanding business managers. If, however, this tough and determined spreading nature of the liver is not in a state of harmonious balance with the softer side of liver wood-ease, smoothness, flexibility-the wood-endangering state of rigidity arises.
The Liver Loses Its Ability to Course and Drain: if qi gets stuck, the inhibited coursing action of liver qi immediately manifests in the form of mental and emotional symptoms; depression, the sensation of emotional pain, or crying are typical examples. If liver qi flares up and upsets the harmonious interplay between body and mind, outbursts of anger or pain and distention in the sides of the chest may result.Typical signs of a liver qi disorder implicating the neighboring spleen/stomach system are belching, regurgitation of stomach acid, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Liver Disharmony Reflecting on the Emotions and Mental Activities: a deficiency of liver qi typically causes a person to be indecisive and adrift, with a marked inability to plan ahead effectively. If gallbladder qi is deficient, the person will be fearful, have a panicky disposition, and have difficulty making decisions.primary symptoms are a tendency to get depressed; frequent sighing; impatient disposition and temper outbreaks; sensations of stuffiness; fullness or congestion in the chest, intercostal, or subcostal regions. Secondary symptoms include obstructed bowel movements; dry and distended eyes; feeling of something being stuck in the throat; self-doubts and crying; pain (especially intercostal and abdominal) that is characterized by moving, pulling, or penetrating sensations; in females; premenstrual breast distention; menstrual cramping and irregular menstruation. The tongue typically presents with a reddish body (especially at the sides) and a thin coating; the pulse tends to be wiry.
LIVER YIN DEFICIENCY herbs:peony (baishao), lycium fruit (gouqizi), ligustrum (nuzhenzi), gelatin (ejiao), tang-kuei (danggui), rehmannia (dihuang), cornus (shanzhuyu), ho-shou-wu (heshouwu), turtle shell (biejia), zizyphus (suanzaoren), biota (baiziren).
LIVER BLOOD DEFICIENCY Representative Herbs: tang-kuei (danggui), peony (baishao), gelatin (ejiao), ligustrum (nuzhenzi), cornus (shanzhuyu), cnidium (chuanxiong), zizyphus (suanzaoren), millettia (jixueteng).
Representative Formulas: Tang-kuei Four Combination (Siwu Tang); Tonify the Liver Decoction (Bugan Tang); Linking Decoction (Yiguan Jian) minus melia (chuanlianzi) plus peony (baishao).
Before making any desitions in suplements please consult your Health provider and a Certified Acupuncture practicioner.


Time for the organs and meridians

from: http://www.drterrywillard.com

According to Circadian rhythms (Often referred to as the “body clock”, the circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that tells our bodies when to sleep and regulates many other physiological processes. This internal body clock is affected by environmental cues, like sunlight and temperature. When one’s circadian rhythm is disrupted, sleeping and eating patterns can run amok) and the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) meridian clock can greatly influence our body and our mind. These rhythms tell a practitioner a lot about a person’s general health and challenges. One of the easiest places to see this is with sleep patterns. Many people complain about always waking at the same time through the night.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) meridian clock could give us great clues. If a person always wakes at 2:00 am, this is at the time of the Liver.

Not to be concerned, this doesn’t mean you have a serious liver problem; the word Liver is partly a translation issue.

The acupuncture meridians are an energetic system, or a kind of ‘electrical system,’ of our energy patterns. These meridians have often been said to be rivers of energy called Qi (pronounced Chee). The meridians might be in our body, but there is no specific anatomical part that makes them up. They are more like radio waves. The organ associated with a meridian, in this case, the liver, is not the cause of the meridian; the organ is more or less a physical artifact, of the Qi of the meridian. Simply, the Liver meridian’s energy pattern deals with much more than the physical organ of the liver. In Chinese Medicine, there are 14 major meridians that conduct the flow of Qi throughout the body. Twelve of these meridians make up the 24-hour clock, with 2 hours each. The energy is constantly flowing through all of these meridians throughout the 24 hours, with each meridian having a 2-hour period of time as the primary meridian.s resistance or blockages (like stress) that reduce the flow of energy. This resistance also causes an imbalance in the flow between meridians.

By looking back at the meridian clock, you may find some clues as to what is going on. Remember, the body never lies.

Each one of the meridians also has certain responsibilities. Following is a basic list of these attributes:

  • Stomach – Nourishment of others; nourishment from outside
  • Spleen – Nourishment of self in every way
  • Heart – Connection to your spirit; circulation of Qi (energy); heart and mind working as one
  • Small Intestine – Communication (speaking, listening); perception; truth
  • Bladder – When to use our resources; being controlling
  • Kidney – Reproduction and creating things in life; our resources
  • Pericardium (aka Sex/Circulation) – Intimate relationships; protecting your heart; healthy boundaries
  • Triple Heater – Non-intimate relationships; social aspects
  • Gall Bladder – Determination and decision making; action
  • Liver – Internal plans; the vision for life
  • Lung – Barrier (skin) to the outside world; understanding what is of true value
  • Large Intestine – Letting go of impurities (of emotions and beliefs, past experiences) ; holding on to what is of value


Recipes for the liver

from: http://www.tcmworld.org/

dandelion greens


Dandelion greens are ideal for supporting Liver health and for clearing toxic heat out of body and blood. Scallions and garlic also help to support Liver health. Try adding pine nuts or black sesame seeds to give support to the Liver’s mother, the Kidney. Adding spicy chili black bean sauce and sugar will help cut some of the natural bitterness of the dandelion greens.

• 2 cups of washed and chopped (2-inch pieces) dandelion greens
• 1 scallion
• 1 clove of garlic, diced (optional)
• Grapeseed oil for cooking
• Salt (to taste)
• Cooking wine (Chinese rice cooking wine or sherry is nice)
• Mushroom powder (optional)
• Chili black bean sauce (optional, also can use oyster, teriyaki, garlic, etc.)
• Honey (to taste)
• Toasted pine nuts (optional)
• Toasted black sesame seeds (optional)
Cut one scallion into 2-inch pieces. Heat a wok with grapeseed oil until very hot. Add a small pinch of salt. Add the scallion and garlic and cook, stirring, for about 10 seconds. Add greens. Sauté lightly, adding a splash of water if too dry. Add more salt, mushroom powder, and Honey (to balance the bitterness), to taste. Add a splash of cooking wine or stir-fry sauce to taste. Toss with sesame seeds or pine nuts before serving.



Taro root is harvested in the fall and is great to promote a healthy digestive system.The leeks will support your Liver while seaweed will help the Kidney.

• 1 cup of diced taro root
• 3/4 cup of leek, sliced thin
• A handful of dried seaweed
• 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil
• Salt to taste
• 1/4 teaspoon of sesame seed oil (optional)
Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil. Add taro root, leek, seaweed, and salt. Allow mixture to boil for ten minutes. Add olive oil and let boil one additional minute. If you like the flavor of sesame oil, add a dash just before serving. Tip: make sure you have enough water boiling to allow the taro root space to move while cooking. Do not let the taro root get mushy.

lotus root


This delicious and crunchy food has been used for thousands of years to support Lung function as well as Liver function. Sautéed, juiced, or ground for tea, the lotus root is a great addition to your diet, especially in autumn.

• 1 lotus root
• 1 scallion
• Oil
• Salt
• Honey
• Fish sauce
• Chinese rice wine
• Water as needed
Peel the lotus root, cut in half lengthwise, and then slice thinly. Chop the scallion in 1-inch pieces, separating the green from the white portions. Heat the wok well, then add the oil and continue to heat. Add a pinch of salt and the white portion of the scallion. Stir in the lotus root and continue to cook for about 1 minute. Add the ½ teaspoon of Honey (or to taste), a splash of fish sauce, and toss well for 1 minute. Finish off by adding a splash of rice wine, toss and serve warm.















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Green Tea Sampler

Green Tea Sampler

A chance to broaden your discovery with the very best of green teas. Each sample makes about 8-10 cups of tea. This set includes:


gyokuro – Deeply sweet, aroma of freshly buttered greens – no grassiness or harshness. Soft with a balanced, delicate finish.
jasmine chun hao – Sweet perfumy cup, notes of warmed sugar, slightly toasty like a fresh biscuit. Light, refreshing and not overwhelmingly floral.
anhui emerald seed – Brews a light yellow cup with notes of toasted pumpkin seeds and delicate veggies.
dragonwell – Inviting, toasty aroma and sweet rounded flavor. Nutty, buttery texture, pleasantly dry finish.





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