Answer to the Facebook Holiday quiz:
Question: What’s the name of the period leading up to Christmas?
Answer: Advent
Happy Holidays to you, family and friends, thank you for all your support and encouragement. We are reaching the end of year 2015 and we are thankful for this amazing experience. Our intention is to bring you the reader what we conceive to be authority information.
On week 200 we are introducing Ruth Marxen, she is sharing an outstanding post on ACNE. This is a subject that I received questions about for years, and she is presenting one of the most comprehensive researches we have ever experienced, from studies to solutions and the reasons of the Acne syndrome. We love to take you on this journey so you can share it with people you know that have this challenge. It is a huge problem not only for teenagers but for adults as well.
Thank you once again from all of us at Isabel’s Beauty Blog.
Ruth Marxen
Hi. I’m Ruth, from Co-Shea Therapy and I have worked in the health and wellness industry for over 25 years. I initially trained as a beauty therapist, a massage therapist, an Amomatherapist and more recently, as an Art Therapist.
I started my personal journey into holistic health at an early age. I have always had an interest in maintaining and preserving my health and I see it like a bank balance for my future. Endeavoring to walk my talk has helped ignite my passion to develop my own style of holistic face and body therapy and to also create a unique skin care product range that is hand crafted with natural and organic raw ingredients. I also offer creative workshops that are educational, fun, practical and inspiring.
Travel/ working experiences have been priceless, enhancing and expanding my personal understanding of the greater world we all live in. I realised from an early age that offering my time and services were of great benefit, not only to the different organisations I volunteered for but also for my own self growth. Working as a volunteer in NGO’s for disadvantaged children, physically and mentally handicapped individuals and in other community organisations has helped deepen my level of empathy for the plight of those less fortunate than myself. Offering my products and services for fund raising events has also helped assist me in the building of the community spirit around me which is vital for my existence.
Like us all, I have had my challenges in life. During these times I have found my creative outlet to be a source of great inspiration and self development for me. Connecting to my creative feminine voice has stimulated the birth of the subconscious part of me through my intuition and my heart energy. It gives me leverage to know and speak my divine truth. Just as important is the male part of myself. By honoring and connecting both the male and female energy within me, I see this almost as creating a sacred marriage which allows me to have a better relationship with myself and my world around me.
If I were to give advice to myself as the younger business woman I would encourage her to develop a strong, supportive community of like minded people around her, to delve into her creativity on a regular basis, to feed herself holistically with nourishing foods, to be kind and gentle with herself and to know that to fail is the opportunity to learn. Nobody really has an overnight business success story as it’s often a mix of trial and error that gets us to a point of success. By believing in yourself and be prepared to constantly evolve into the person you are today, you manifest the life you were born to live.
Visit her site:
Understanding the role of the skin and acne.
Pimples, cysts and blackheads are caused by having either blocked and infected hair follicles or sebaceous glands on the skin which can turn red, infected and inflamed. The sebaceous glands are situated on the face, neck, shoulders and back. Hair follicles are all over our body which means that inflammation can be present on the face as well as other parts of the body like the arms and legs. Inflammation is caused by a variety of things such as using the wrong skin care products, not cleansing the skin, having over active bacterial activity on the surface of the skin, not eating correctly, not getting enough sleep or exercise, genetic makeup, hormonal imbalances or having lots stress and anxiety in life. There is often many reasons why the pores become inflamed and it is often very individual, differing from one person to the next.
Help Your Skin Function – Stop Impairing It!
Root causes of Acne inflammation and what you can do to prevent skin inflammation
Simple Basics: The internals. What foods are best to avoid acne breakouts?
As they say, what you put in, comes out one way or another. The skin is the largest organ of the body; it lives and breathes and forms the outside structure of the body. Eating healthy, nutritious food and drinking plenty of fresh, filtered water is the first step in helping to clear the skin from the inside out. Most of the modern day foods eaten today are acid forming in the body. If you want to see changes in the PH (refers to the acid/alkaline balance) of your body your diet should ideally consist of 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods during the initial healing phase. To maintain the health of the body, it is recommended to have a diet of 60% acid and 40% alkaline foods and drinks.
Read more about PH diets to give you beautiful skin in this article .
What foods to include and what to avoid?
Eat nutritious wholefoods that include fruit, vegetable, ancient grains, nuts, proteins, goods fats and easy to digest carbohydrates.
Try and avoid takeaways, convenience foods and foods high in salt, sugars and preservatives as they only aggravate the acne.
Limit consumption of acid forming foods. These foods include meat, dairy, butter, canned and processed foods, alcohol, tea and coffee.
Eliminate gluten grains, sugars (particularly fructose), cereals, potatoes, corn, rice, pasta, from your daily diet.
Don’t eat what your Grandparents would not have recognised as food and always read the labels.
Drink lemon or cider vinegar in warm water first thing in the morning to help clear the digestive tract.
Supplement, supplement, supplement..
Your diet is good, you drink loads of fresh, purified water, you exercise and sleep well yet your skin still is congested with the acne virus. Supplement may be the thing missing from your daily diet. Minerals for vital, healthy skin include such things like Selenium, Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium and Silica. Skin health vitamins include A, C and E. The B vitamins are essentials for the nervous system and stress management. Most of us living in the modern world suffer from adrenal fatigue (linked to the nervous system) and often it goes undetected for ages. Essential fatty acids like Fish/Cod Liver/Borage/Flaxseed oils are fantastic for the skin, the joints and the organs of the body. Ideally these vitamins and minerals should be in the foods we eat but as our soils are becoming more and more nutrient dead, so are the fruit and vegetables we consume.
The very best Supplements for Acne.
Acne prevention vitamins and natural solutions to Acne
Supplements to help balance the Hormones and reduce acne
Root causes of Acne inflamation and what you can do to prevent skin inflamation
The Externals: Skin care rituals, routines and professional advice to help naturally get rid of Acne.
Daily routines and tips to help naturally get rid of Acne.
Lots of simple things in the kitchen cupboard are great for cleaning and re-balancing the oil production or hair follicle inflamation in the skin. Oatmeal, fresh fruits, cider vinegar, yoghurt and honey are some of the mainstays for treating you skin.
Making up masks with fruits like Papaya and lemon juice contain natural AHA’s that gently exfoliate the skin and rebalance the PH of the skin. The fleshy Papaya skin rubbed on the skin of the face/neck works well as an AHA exfoliant. Alternatively, making up a mask of 1 tbsp. each of lemon juice and oil and applying it to the skin for approximately 10 minutes also has a smoothing exfoliating effect on the skin. Beware of the tingling effect you may experience on you skin using this mask.
Oats are naturally cleansing and softening for the skin and can be ground firstly and then mixed with Greek yoghurt to make a soothing mask for the skin. Greek yoghurt has lactic acid in it and pro-biotics which also help calm the skin.
Honey is a great skin refiner and if you can source Manuka Honey then it is even better for its anti-oxidant and healing effects. Simply add the honey to the oat/yoghurt mask for its beneficial effects or apply honey to the face and then rub a half lemon over the face which produces the tingle sensation.
Essential Oils such as Tee Tree, Clove, Lavender, Rosemary and Geranium are great for rebalancing the skin and acting as an antiseptic. One or two drops can be used in the above masks but beware, the Clove oil is a skin irritant and it’s best to use this in the steam water, rather than applying it directly to the skin.
Steaming is a fantastic way to deep clean the skin. Simply fill the hand basin or a bowl with boiling water, add 1-2 drops of your chosen essential oils or herbs to the water and then lean over the steam with a towel over your head for approximately 5-10 minutes. Take some deep breaths and let the hot water do its effects. The steam is also great for decongesting the respiratory tract. Try doing this daily and then twice/three times weekly using one of the above masks on your skin.
Get your quota of sunshine everyday. Small amounts of sun allow the body metabolises vitamin D, another vitamin for skin health and the sun is a natural anti-depressant, making us feel good.
Swimming in the ocean is also fantastic as salt water is a natural cleanser for the skin.
The following websites will give you more tips:
How to naturally get rid of acne scars and age spots
How to get rid of pimples overnight
Skin Care routines: How looking after your skin will avoid acne breakouts.
Developing good skin care routines at an early age is a bit like cleaning your teeth. They are both routines that initially take some time to get down pat but with perseverance, they are well worth the effort in the long run.
Avoid the downward cycle of stripping the skin of its natural oil and moisture with harsh skin care products. That shiny, tight feeling may feel good to begin with but unbalancing the natural oil production of the skin only leads to the sebaceous glands producing more oil and the skin not having enough hydration which results in a dehydrated, greasy skin. The urban myth of not using moisturiser when you have an oily skin is incorrect. The skin needs some moisture and a treatment cream, whether it be an oil free skin cream or something else is a vital protective, soothing barrier. Experiment with tester products, read the labels and keep the routine simple. Interestingly enough, natural light oils such as Coconut, Argan or Rosehip Oils are very beneficial for an Acne skin but once again it is best to experiment.
For teenage/hormonal acne skins:
Cleanse twice daily with a gently foaming cleanser
Use an exfoliant 1-2 times per week. Don’t go mad with over exfoliating the skin as it can over stimulate the sebaceous oil glands to produce excess oil. It is important though to remove the dead skin build up on the surface of the skin as they can block the pores or the hair follicles. AHA and BHA exfoliants are beneficial to help remove the glue of a dead skin cell build up on the surface of the skin.
Use a soothing treatment cream for your skin type in the morning with a natural sun protectant.
Use a treatment cream or an oil on your skin a night.
Use a facial spray regularly to keep the skin hydrated.
Steam your skin daily or every second day.
Use a mask 2-3 times per week.
Use a mineral powder make-up as it offers sun protection and is matt on the skin. The facial spray can be used over the top of the powdered mineral make up to help ‘set’ the make-up.
Keep persisting with the routine even if you cannot see immediate results.
For Menopausal/hormonal acne skins:
Cleanse night and morning with a gel or cream cleanser.
Use a gentle exfoliant twice weekly. AHA’s and BHA’s are beneficial but also be aware of the skin thinning and the sun damage that may result from the overuse of acids on the skin.
Use pro-aging serums and eye products night and morning.
Choice of a day treatment cream with natural sun deflectors.
Choice of a nourishing treatment cream at night.
Pro-aging treatment Mask 1-2/ weekly.
Use a mineral powder make-up as it offers sun protection and is matt on the skin. The facial spray can be used over the top of the powdered mineral make up to help ‘set’ the make-up.
Have regular pro-aging salon treatments.
Seek Advice and Treatments from the professionals
Invest in regular professional facial treatments. Your therapist will be able to recommend how often you have treatments, all dependent on the needs of your individula skin type. Microdermabrasion is not recommended on acne cysts or open pustules yet is great for cleaning up a blackhead prone skin. Laser treatments are great for acne scar removal. Many skin care houses offer specific Acne facials/products and a professional beauty therapist can assist with advice in this matter. A Holistic Dermatologist will offer a number of different treatments for Acne skin care.
Co-Shea Therapy and Skin Care.
Professional advice from a Beauty Therapist regarding acne salon treatments.
Basic Skin Care tips
Do Chemical Peels work for Acne sufferers?
Dermatologist advice for Menopause acne
Naturopaths and other health professionals
Internal Gut Health: How pro-biotics in your diet can naturally assist in preventing acne.
More and more research is beginning to suggest the health of the micro-organisms and bacteria that live in and on us has a huge impact on the natural health of the skin. The gut bacteria is being referred to as our second brain because our immune system relies heavily on the good gut bacteria in our intestines to maintain holistic health. Feeding our bodies the wrong types of foods as mentioned in the earlier section of this blog, only heightens the bad bacteria in the gut and this can have a powerful effect on the health of the skin. How do you address this issue?
If you suffer from severe acne, you could have test done by a nutritionist to determine if these bad gut bacteria and parasites are present in your intestines and are in turn affecting you general health and the health of your skin. The nutritionist will recommend the correct herbs or medicines for you to correct this.
Taking pro-biotics daily in the form of fermented foods and drinks can also help address the cultivation of good bacteria in the gut. Fermented drinks include things like Milk Kefir, Komboutcha and Water Kefir. Fermented foods include things like Sauerkraut, Kim Chi and Miso.
Clear Skin starts with a Healthy Gut
How altered gut function affects the skin
How exercise can help with Acne.
Exercise not only makes you feel better, it also boosts the circulation, removes toxins from the body system through sweating and improves the condition of the skin. The key to exercise is to find something that you enjoy doing and make a regular commitment to do it. Maybe it’s a team sport, or it could be yoga, gym work, exercising in nature or dancing.
There is a close correlation between the state of the mind, hormones, dealing with daily stress levels and the health of the skin. Acne symptoms often have a vicious cycle within the body. If we are unhappy with the way we look because of the acne we often have low self-esteem which may lead to negative self-talk, depression, bad emotional eating habits and an imbalance in the hormones which leads to more skin breakouts. Exercise is something that lifts the mood, tones the body and generally makes us look and feel better if done regularly.
We are designed to be creatures on the move but because of our modern day lifestyle we sit way too much which is unhealthy for our holistic health. By getting out and doing, we are doing our whole body a favour. Having a sauna after exercise is also great for removing toxins from the body and improving the health of the skin.
I’m going to play Devil’s Advocate now. For every plus side in life, there is also a negative. Exercise is fantastic for removing toxins from the body, helping to make you feel good, promoting the circulation and helping to regulate body weight. For those suffering from acne the type of exercise you choose to do can have adverse reactions on your skin. My advise is to choose your exercise carefully and weigh-up all the positives of regularly exercising because they can often out weigh the negatives.
Exercise tips for the condition of the skin
Benifits of exercise on an acne skin
Happiness Pursuits: How doing things that bring us joy can improve the health of the skin.
Happiness means something different to all of us. To me happiness pursuits are like rays of light in my life that help keep me buoyant. The acknowledgment that daily stress causes many health issues in our lives is not a new one yet linking chronic acne to individual stress levels is investigative research that is helping acne sufferers understand why they suffer from acne. In the past, antibiotics for the skin or anti-depressants for the mind were perscribed to balance the acne condition in the skin. There is now a growing interest to investigate the root cause of the stress which causes acne and to act on that rather than offering the blanket solution. Hormones, stress and emotions are so interlinked. Finding self-esteem in practicing things like mindfulness, positive self-love talk and learning to be more content and peaceful in life are some of the pursuits of happiness that help rid the skin naturally of acne.
Could your thoughts be preventing you from healing your acne?
How Happiness Equals Gorgeous Skin and Prevents Acne
Cultivate Gratitude for Health
Sleep: How a good night’s sleep improves the skin and helps naturally get rid of acne.
It’s not an old wife’s tale, beauty sleep is something that is real and necessary if you want to have healthy, glowing skin. Lack of sleep leads to a rise in cortisol in the body which can lead to adrenal fatigue and other hormonal imbalances in the body. As you know, the health of the skin is so inter-related with hormones and the emotions. It’s suggested that more sebum is produced in the sebaceous glands when we don’t have enough sleep.
Detaching yourself from your mobile or other wifi devices at least an hour before you go to bed helps wind the body down for sleep. Ideally not having your mobile device by the bedside also helps the body relax as the wi-fi band is not interfering with the body’s energy.
Can Sleep Deprivation Lead to Acne?
Wifi Influences on Sleep Patterns
Revive Acne Light Therapy Handheld System
Revive Acne Light Therapy™ Handheld System. Deliver non-UV light spectrum that targets and destroys bacteria residing within skin. Support the reduction of Ance flare ups and other bacteria related skin ailments.
Eminence Organics Clear Skin Probiotic Cleanser
Clear Skin Probiotic Cleanser from Eminence Organics brings balance to even the most difficult skin types. With potent cleansers and natural botanicals that remove the causes of acne, breakouts, and blemishes, this cream gel clarifies the skin for a clear, gorgeous complexion.
Eminence Organics Clear Skin Starter Set
Eminence Organic’s Clear Skin Starter Set is a one month supply of everything you need to clear up your skin and get rid of that nagging acne. With unique formulations that target and neutralize acne causes, you’ll experience less breakouts and blemishes while getting a gorgeous complexion.
Ilike Organic Skin Care Sulphuric Whipped Moisturizer
Ilike Organic Skin Care Sulphuric Whipped Moisturizer absorbs excess oil and prevents clogged pores to promote long-term clear skin and reduce the frequency of breakouts.