Oxygen for Health and Skin



Oxygen skin banner



The role of oxygen on our skin and overall wellbeing from Sheldon Saul Hendler, M.D.,Ph.D
What’s happening here is that there are two different physiological actions – oxygenation and oxidation – that are easy to confuse because they sound so similar.

Oxygenation = Tissue Revival


Oxygen on and in the skin, as for other tissues in the body, oxygen is essential to the health and maintenance of the cells.
“At peak vitality, a cell breathes, communicates, grows, and reproduces. The common denominator in these vital functions is the process of oxygen consumption, a sign of a good metabolic activity.”
It not only aids in cell repair, but keeps foreign substances out the body that could potentially be very harmful. This is due to the fact that, “all hostile microorganisms prefer lower oxygen levels than the body’s cells require to remain healthy.” Raising the oxygen levels in the blood not only further purifies the cells, but destroys dangerous pathogens






“Of all the essential nutrients needed by the human body, oxygen is the one we must have on a moment to moment basis. We can’t live without it even for a few minutes, yet, this is the one nutrient most people don’t associate with deficiency issues. Nothing could be further from the truth.Most people have developed poor breathing habits, thus further restricting oxygen intake.When we think, stress and go go and live in an anxiety ridden life we FORGET to breath, I learn this in meditation many years ago and I am more conscious every day, I pay attention to my breathing, the reason being is that I found my self with several issues related to this behavior, for one my diaphragm was compromised and my digestive system was well involved by this, not to mention my PH balance !!!!!, yes you got that right WOW what a realization since I became conscious of it. My whole system not only relaxed, my digestion improved from 20% to 100%, my stress management is online, and I promised my self that I would share with people that wish to improve their overall wellbeing so they can benefit and share it with others. Without proper oxygenation our systems deteriorate rapidly, and oxidation sets in, consequently not only our Skin but the over all wellbeing is compromised.

Oxygen concentrations in and around major cities have been measured as much as 30% below normal. That means that each breath brings in less oxygen.


From: http://www.breathing.com/articles/oxygen-benefits.htm  Mike shares

So why is it that something that is so simple to do, that requires no other tool other than our own bodies is so neglected. My theory is that we have been programmed to believe that nothing as simple and easy as breathing could possibly make that much of a difference.








Oxidation = Tissue Decay


Oxidation, however, is the decaying process that occurs when cells metabolize oxygen. An apple turning brown, steel turning rusty and skin showing sun damage and pigmentation are all signs of oxidation. While oxidation is natural and vital to cell turnover, 1% to 2% of cells get damaged in the process and turn into free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecular particles and can trigger a cascade of molecular instability. In front of your mirror, this translates into progressively worsening lines, wrinkles, age spots and tissue laxity.
That is why antioxidants neutralize and mop up these harmful, aging free radicals. Antioxidants can be delivered to skin in two ways; topically in products such as serums or moisturizers, or internally as food or supplements.I always start from the inside out. Fresh produce such as berries and leafy greens are particularly antioxidant-rich. A general rule is that the brighter the color of the plant, the higher its antioxidant concentration. As for supplements, I particularly like those containing the antioxidant pycnogenol (but remember, you have to take it religiously each and every day for continuous rejuvenation.)

The following recommendations are shared from http:// www.everydayhealth.com/skin-and-beauty/best-antioxidants-for-your- skin.aspx by Jennifer Linder, MD, an assistant clinicalprofessor of dermatology at the University of California at San Francisco.“

Green Tea

What it is: Green tea extracts are derived from the Cammelliasinensis plant; you may also want to drink tea brewed from the plant for internal benefits. Green tea contains a number of powerfulpolyphenols, one of wich – epigallocatechingallate (EGCG)- it contains in large quantities.
How it works: Research has shown that when EGCG is applied befor or immediately after UV exposure, it helps correct cellular changes caused by damaging UV rays. It can also quench hydrogen peroxide radicals and cause dangerous skin cells to degrade, says Dr. Linder





A new minimally invasive mesotherapy technique for facial rejuvenation.

What it is: Idebenone (pronounced E-d-buh-known) is amore stable relative of the antioxidant coenzyme Q10.
How it works: Idebenone penetrates better than coenzyme Q10 and offers protection from the oxidation caused by free radicals. It also protects skin cell from the damaging effects of UV rays.
Idebenone does not self-oxidise like CoQ10 in situations of hypoxia (lack of oxygen) – it continues to prevent free radical damage and helps maintain normal production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP); Idebenone is a significantly more powerful antioxidant than CoQ10;This product I try personaly after much research, is of a great integrety and the company offers great support, impeccable attitude and first class products I highly recommend checking their website.





 This Supplements can be purchaced at: hbc Protocols 

1-800-497-3742    http://hbcprotocols.com



before and after 1

before and after


Links to studies:

A new minimally invasive mesotherapy technique for facial rejuvenation



Idebenone: a new antioxidant – Part I. Relative assessment of oxidative stress protection capacity compared to commonly known antioxidants.


J Cosmet Dermatol




What is it; This oldie but goodie antioxidant is a polyphenolic compound found in grapes, berries, cocoa, and many other products.

How it works: Studies show that resveratrol confers great benefits when applied topically. When you apply resveratrol before sun exposure, it reduces the production of damaging free radicals and other sun related skin damage, says Dr Linder.





Vitamin C

What is it: This familiar powerhouse vitamin is an essential antioxidant for the body inside and out, is critical but is not produced by the human body.For this reason, it is beneficial to add vitamin C to your daily regimen, Dr Linder says.It comes in a number of forms, but the purest version – the version worth your hard earned money is ascorbic acid.
How it works:Off all the antioxidants, vitamin Cis the most researched, demonstrating its benefits for skin and general health. This powerful antioxidant has proven anti-inflammatory, collagen building, and sun protection benefits, Dr Linder says.

Shopping Tip:

As mentioned before, look for ascorbic acid. It is best to look for a product packaged in a dark small mouthed container that block the air entry as much as possible, because vitamin C is sensitive to light and air.
My self I prefer to purchase the ascorbic acid in powder and I mixe it with good quality water and I apply it to my skin so no much chance for spoiling it.


Yoga Meditation Exercises : Alternate Nostril Breathing for Meditation



Deepak Chopra – Breathing Exercises For Sleep Meditation 


What does pH have to do with skin?



pH photo


Talking about pH level takes us back to seventh-grade science class. Unfortunately, there must have been an oversight in the PH lesson plan because the topic of pH- balanced skin definitely wasn’t stressed enough. Why exactly are we discussing pH levels? Because, according to the reports of more than 130 clinical studies, achieving the perfect pH is the secret to beautiful skin. “A study published in British Journal of Dermatology by Greg Hillebrand, PhD, revealed that patient’s skin which was too alkaline (their pH balance was too high) developed more fine lines and crow’s feet than those with acidic skin (their pH was balanced),” Dr. Nussbaum says.

1 The Ideal pH

There is an ideal number that leads to a lifetime of happy skin. “Balanced skin is achieved when skin maintains the ideal pH of 5.5,” studies reports confirm. “At this slightly acidic pH, the skin is optimized to seal in hydration, while protecting us from free radicals, pollution, and environmental irritants

 Unbalanced pH of Skin

How do you know if you’re off-balance? Generally, skin that isn’t behaving can be traced to pH problems. Many Studies show, that skin issues like eczema, redness, dry patches, acne, oiliness, psoriasis, and premature signs of aging all indicate that your skin’s pH is off-balance.

(AKA, When pH balance was too high) it developed more fine lines and crow’s feet than those with acidic skin (AKA, their pH was balanced).

2 If your skin is off-balance, Dr. Nussbaum says it’s because you’ve been too hard on it. Most likely you’ve been scrubbing too aggressively, using too much HOT water, and using harsh cleansers. Washing with Hot water (that’s anything warmer than lukewarm) strips your skin’s protective layer and dehydrates it , while showers longer than five minutes could also be depleting your skin’s moisture levels. Finally, if your cleanser is soap, alkali, and surfactant-free, you’re stripping your skin’s acid mantle, which causes pH to rise. Most soaps are ALKALINE !!! Definitely not the right PH for skin and on top most of them leave a coating that doesn’t allow your skin to breath, lets not forget that skin is ruled by the lungs and needs to do just that, aside from eliminating toxins and keeping moisture balance, so consequently when the skin is suffocated it can not possibly do its work in an optimum way. Researchers have also discovered that traditional soap (which is alkaline, not acidic) strips the skin’s acid mantle and causes skin pH to rise, making skin susceptible to outside (allergens, irritants, weather, infection) and internal (stress, hormones) factors that trigger skin inflammation. Soaps may seem innocent, but traditional soap bars can have a pH of up to 9, leaving skin with a dry, tight feeling. Hot water is also irritating to skin’s protective barrier, and without proper hydration following exposure, skin is left vulnerable to damage.

3  Instead, use ultra-mild gel cleanser that’s soap and alkali free, and cleanses and moisturizes all in one while adjusting skin to its ideal pH of 5.5. Wash your face with lukewarm water, and pat dry with a soft cloth instead of scraping skin with an abrasive towel.

4  On the Body use refreshing and invigorating formula designed to wash away dirt and debris whilst maintaining the skin’s moisture levels and correct pH balance. Made with gentle cleansers derived from Coconut and skin- softening agents; Aloe Vera Gel and Jojoba Oil, skin is left soft and smooth.The SKIN goes all over the body as well people!!! For some reason people seem to think of treating skin on the face with gentleness and the body gets left out.

5 Use at-home peels, in moderation: Glycolic peels can help the skin maintain acidity, while also providing exfoliating benefits. To avoid irritation and too much acidity, opt for peels or masks with a neutralizing ingredient like seaweed, which regulates the pH of Glycolic and Kojic acids to deliver the brightening and exfoliating benefits while eliminating the risk of sensitivity. Use only at the dermatologist recommended intervals and stop immediately if your skin becomes dry, red or flaky.( all in moderation, the tendency is to think more is better. I don’t think so in fact I know so).






One more Tip and a crucial one that we don’t usually connect to is FEED your skin from inside out. After all, the inside is what makes it, so give it the proper materials to do so.Feed your face with alkaline greens: Keeping your insides slightly alkaline helps keep your skin in balance. Incorporating green vegetables and vegetable juices into your diet over several weeks will aid digestion, boost immunity, AND improve skin. If your diet is too acidic, signs of deterioration may surface as your cells won’t be getting enough minerals and oxygen.

The accurate expectation of balanced skin.According to Scientist and extensive research, your skin will appear healthier overall. It will look and feel adequately moisturized and have a healthy glow, which is ultimately what we’re all hoping for. Our skincare products will deliver, isn’t that what the ultimate outcome is we desire ?. Once balance is restored, your products will work better too. “You want to apply your moisturizers to a surface with the right pH so they can actually WORk”


Chart from: http://www.rense.com 

More Ranked Foods: Alkaline (pH)  

to  Acidic (pH)

  Alkaline:  Meditation, Prayer, Peace, Kindness & Love   Acid:  Overwork, Anger, Fear, Jealousy & Stress
  Extremely Alkaline Forming Foods – pH 8.5 to 9.0   Extremely Acid Forming Foods – pH 5.0 to 5.5
  9.0  Lemons 1,   Watermelon 2  8.5  Agar Agar 3, Cantaloupe, Cayenne (Capsicum) 4,
Dried dates & figs, Kelp, Karengo, Kudzu root, Limes,
Mango, Melons, Papaya, Parsley 5, Seedless grapes
(sweet), Watercress, SeaweedsAsparagus 6, Endive, Kiwifruit, Fruit juices 7, Grapes
(sweet), Passion fruit, Pears (sweet), Pineapple,
Raisins, Umeboshi plum, Vegetable juices 8
  5.0  Artificial sweeteners 5.5  Beef, Carbonated soft drinks & fizzy drinks 38,
Cigarettes (tailor made), Drugs, Flour (white, wheat)
39, Goat, Lamb, Pastries & cakes from white flour,
Pork, Sugar (white) 40  Beer  34, Brown sugar  35,  Chicken, Deer, Chocolate,
Coffee 36, Custard with white sugar, Jams, Jellies,
Liquor 37, Pasta (white), Rabbit, Semolina, Table
salt refined and iodized, Tea black, Turkey, Wheat
bread, White rice, White vinegar (processed).
  Moderate Alkaline – pH 7.5 to 8.0   Moderate Acid – pH 6.0 to 6.5
  8.0  Apples (sweet), Apricots, Alfalfa sprouts 9,
Arrowroot, Flour 10,  Avocados, Bananas (ripe),
Berries, Carrots, Celery, Currants, Dates & figs
(fresh), Garlic 11, Gooseberry, Grapes (less sweet),
Grapefruit, Guavas, Herbs (leafy green), Lettuce
(leafy green), Nectarine, Peaches (sweet), Pears
(less sweet), Peas (fresh sweet), Persimmon,
Pumpkin (sweet), Sea salt (vegetable) 12, Spinach 7.5  Apples (sour), Bamboo shoots, Beans (fresh green),
Beets, Bell Pepper, Broccoli, Cabbage;Cauli, Carob
13, Daikon, Ginger (fresh), Grapes (sour), Kale,
Kohlrabi, Lettuce (pale green), Oranges, Parsnip,
Peaches (less sweet), Peas (less sweet), Potatoes
& skin, Pumpkin (less sweet), Raspberry, Sapote,
Strawberry, Squash 14, Sweet corn (fresh), Tamari
15, Turnip, Vinegar (apple cider) 16
  6.0  Cigarette tobacco (roll your own), Cream of Wheat
(unrefined), Fish, Fruit juices with sugar, Maple
syrup (processed), Molasses (sulphured), Pickles
(commercial), Breads (refined) of corn, oats, rice &
rye, Cereals (refined) eg weetbix, corn flakes,
Shellfish, Wheat germ, Whole Wheat foods 32,
Wine 33, Yogurt (sweetened)6.5  Bananas (green), Buckwheat, Cheeses (sharp),
Corn & rice breads, Egg whole (cooked hard),
Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Oats, Pasta (whole grain),
Pastry (wholegrain & honey), Peanuts, Potatoes
(with no skins), Popcorn (with salt & butter), Rice
(basmati), Rice (brown), Soy sauce (commercial),
Tapioca, Wheat bread (sprouted organic)
  Slightly Alkaline to Neutral pH 7.0   Slightly Acid to Neutral pH 7.0
  7.0  Almonds 17, Artichokes (Jerusalem), Barley-Malt
(sweetener-Bronner), Brown Rice Syrup, Brussel
Sprouts, Cherries, Coconut (fresh), Cucumbers, Egg
plant, Honey (raw), Leeks, Miso, Mushrooms, Okra,
Olives ripe 18, Onions, Pickles 19, (home made),
Radish, Sea salt 20, Spices 21, Taro, Tomatoes
(sweet), Vinegar (sweet brown rice), Water ChestnutAmaranth, Artichoke (globe), Chestnuts (dry
roasted), Egg yolks (soft cooked), Essene bread 22,
Goat’s milk and whey (raw) 23, Horseradish,
Mayonnaise (home made), Millet, Olive oil, Quinoa,
Rhubarb, Sesame seeds (whole) 24, Soy beans
(dry), Soy cheese, Soy milk, Sprouted grains 25,
Tempeh, Tofu, Tomatoes (less sweet), Yeast
(nutritional flakes)
  7.0  Barley malt syrup, Barley, Bran, Cashews, Cereals
(unrefined with honey-fruit-maple syrup), Cornmeal,
Cranberries 30, Fructose, Honey (pasteurized),
Lentils, Macadamias, Maple syrup (unprocessed),
Milk (homogenized) and most processed dairy
products, Molasses (unsulphered organic) 31,
Nutmeg, Mustard, Pistachios, Popcorn & butter
(plain), Rice or wheat crackers (unrefined), Rye
(grain), Rye bread (organic sprouted), Seeds
(pumpkin & sunflower), WalnutsBlueberries, Brazil nuts, Butter (salted), Cheeses
(mild & crumbly) 28, Crackers (unrefined rye),
Dried beans (mung, adzuki, pinto, kidney,
garbanzo) 29, Dry coconut, Egg whites, Goats
milk (homogenized), Olives (pickled), Pecans,
Plums 30, Prunes 30, Spelt
  Neutral pH 7.0  Ñ  Healthy Body Saliva pH Range is between 6.4 to 6.8 (on your pH test strips)
  Butter (fresh unsalted), Cream (fresh and raw), Margarine 26, Milk (raw cow’s) 27, Oils (except olive),Whey (cow’s), Yogurt (plain)
NOTE:  Match with the numbers above.

1. Excellent for EMERGENCY SUPPORT for colds, coughs, sore throats, heartburn, and gastro upsets.
2. Good for a yearly fast.  For several days eat whole melon, chew pips well and eat also.  Super alkalizing food.
3. Substitute for gelatin, more nourishing.
4. Stimulating, non-irritating body healer.  Good for endocrine system.
5. Purifies kidneys.
6. Powerful acid reducer detoxing to produce acid urine temporarily, causing alkalinity for the long term.
7. Natural sugars give alkalinity.  Added sugar causes juice to become acid forming.
8. Depends on vege’s content and sweetness.
9. Enzyme rich, superior digestibility.
10. High calcium content.  Cornflour substitute.
11. Elevates acid food 5.0 in alkaline direction.
12. Vegetable content raises alkalinity.
13. Substitute for coca; mineral rich.
14. Winter squash rates 7.5.  Butternut and sweeter squash rates 8.0.
15. Genuine fermented for 11Ú2 years otherwise 6.0.
16. Raw unpasteurized is a digestive aid to increase HCL in the stomach. 1 tablespoon, + honey & water before meals.
17. Soak 12 hours, peel skin to eat.
18. Sundried, tree ripened, otherwise 6.0.
19. Using sea salt and apple cider vinegar.
20. Contains sea minerals.  Dried at low temperatures.
21. Range from 7.0 to 8.0.
22. Sprouted grains are more alkaline.  Grains chewed well become more alkaline.
23. High sodium to aid digestion.
24. High levels of utilizable calcium.  Grind before eating.
25. Alkalinity and digestibility higher.
26. Heating causes fats to harden and become indigestible.
27. High mucus production.
28. Mucus forming and hard to digest.
29. When sprouted dry beans rate 7.0.
30. Contain acid-forming benzoic and quinic acids.
31. Full of iron.
32. Unrefined wheat is more alkaline.
33. High quality red wine, no more than 4 oz. daily to build blood.
34. Good quality, well brewed – up to 5.5.  Fast brewed beers drop to 5.0.
35. Most are white sugars with golden syrup added.
36. Organic, fresh ground-up to 5.5.
37. Cheaper brands drop to 5.0, as does over-indulgence.
38. Leaches minerals.
39. Bleached – has no goodness.



Video contributed by David Wolfe

at: http://www.davidwolfe.com/




Some great skincare products



Eminence Organics Mineral Cleansing Concentrate




Eminence Organics Eight Greens Youth Serum


Sharing love from around the world



WereldBolKind_83509516 [Converted]



From: http://www.novareinna.com/festive/valworld.html




During the Australian gold rush period, miners who were suddenly in possession of money from the new-found wealth of the Ballarat Mines were willing to pay a princely sum for elaborate valentines and merchants in the country would ship orders amounting to thousands of pounds at a time. The most extravagent Australian valentines were made of a satin cushion, perfumed and decorated in an ornate manner with flowers and colored shells. Some might even be adorned with a taxidermied humming bird or bird of paradise. This treasure, contained within a neatly decorated box, was highly valued, being both fashionable and extremely expensive.



Austria has some rather obscure courtship customs that may or may not be associated with Saint Valentine’s Day. Nonetheless, it is customary for a young man to present his beloved with a bunch of flowers on February 14.




 United States

In the United States of America, there have been many varieties of cards given over the course of the years, some of which have often been rude or even quite cruel in their humor. In the times of the Civil War, cards were flagged with rich colors accompanied by patriotic and/or political motifs. Early American valentine cards were especially lithographed and hand-colored, beautiful and distinctive in design, produced with intricate lace paper and decorated with such ornaments as beads, sea shells, cones, berries and all manner of seeds. Cards were also available decorated with seaweed or moss, in addition to dried and/or artificial flowers, all of which were attached to a string which was pulled and could then be suspended, thereby creating a three-dimensional picture. Many early American cards were imported from abroad, given the poor quality of American paper at the time which was not particularly suitable for embossing. Today, American children usually exchange valentines with their friends and there may even be a classroom party.



The poets of Britain have probably penned the majority of the best-loved romantic verses associated with Saint Valentine. Different regions of the nation celebrate their own customs to honor this day, although the sending of cards and gifts of flowers and chocolates is standard procedure throughout the entire country. One uniform custom is the singing of special songs by children, who then receive gifts of candy, fruit or money. In some areas, valentine buns are baked with caraway seeds, plums or raisins.



couple 2




The Danish valentine card is known as a “lover’s card.” Older versions of this greeting came in the form of a transparency which, when held up to the light, depicted the image of a lover handing his beloved a gift. One custom in Denmark is for people to send pressed white flowers called Snowdrops to their friends. Danish men may also send a form of valentine known as a gaekkebrev (or “joking letter”). The sender of this gaekkebrev pens a rhyme but does not sign his name. Instead, he signs the message with dots…one dot for each letter in his name. If the lady who receives the card guesses the name of the sender, then she is rewarded with an Easter Egg later in the year.




In France, a custom known as “drawing for” once occurred. Unmarried individuals, both young and not so young, would go into houses facing each other and begin calling out across from one window to another, pairing-off with the chosen partner. If the young man failed to be particularly enthralled with his valentine, he would desert her. As a result, a bonfire would be lit later where the ladies could burn images of the ungrateful sweetheart and verbally abuse him in a loud tone as the effigy burned. This ritual was eventually abandoned since it left much room for nastiness, ridicule or even outright malice and the French government finally handed-down a decree officially banning the custom. Elegant French greetings cards known as cartes d’amities, which contained tender messages, were given not totally as a Valentine but chiefly as a result of a fashion which was popular in England at the time.






In Germany, it has become customary for the young man of a courting couple to present his beloved with flowers on February 14. Valentine gifts in Germany are usually in the shape of love tokens, complete with endearing messages. However, these are not distributed solely on Valentine’s Day, but on any occasion. Even early German baptismal certificates or marriage certificates were considered at one time to have been valentines, but were more likely simply decorative and pictorial documents which contained lovely verses.


In Italy, Valentine’s Day was once celebrated as a Spring Festival, held in the open air, where young people would gather in tree arbors or ornamental gardens to listen to music and the reading of poetry. However, over the course of the years, this custom steadily ceased and has not now been celebrated for centuries. In Turin, it was formerly the custom for betrothed couples to announce their engagements on February 14. For several days ahead of time, the stores would be decorated and filled with all manner of bon-bons.



couple japan



In Japan, Valentine’s Day is celebrated on two different dates…February 14 and March 14. On the first date, the female gives a gift to the male and on the second date…known as White Day and supposedly introduced by a marshmallow company in the 1960s…the male has to return the gift he received on February 14. Thus, strictly speaking, a Japanese female has the luxury of actually choosing her own gift. Chocolate is the most popular gift in Japan. However, since most Japanese females believe that store-bought chocolate is not a gift of true love, they tend to make the confection with their own hands.



The traditional gift of candy takes place in Korea on February 14, but only from females to males. There is another special day for males to give gifts to females and this is celebrated on March 14. Very similar to the custom in Japan, March 14 in Korea is known as “White Day.” On “White Day,” many young men confess their love for the first time to their sweethearts. For those young people who have no particular romantic partners, the Koreans have set aside yet another date…April 14, also known as “Black Day.” On that date, such individuals get together and partake of Jajang noodles, which are black in color, hence the name of the day.





In Scotland, Valentine’s Day is celebrated with a festival. At this festival, there is an equal number of unmarried males and females, each of whom write their name (or a made-up name) on a piece of paper which is then folded and placed into a hat…one hat for the ladies and one for the men. The females then draw a name from the hat containing the men’s names and vice versa. Of course, it is highly likely that the two drawn names will not match, in which event, it is usually expected that the male partner with the female who selected his name. This rite having been completed, the company split up into couples and gifts are given to the ladies. The females would then pin the name of their partner over their hearts or on their sleeves. A dance often follows and, at the end of the festival, it is not unusual for marriages to take place. According to another Scottish custom, the first young man or woman encountered by chance on the street or elsewhere will become that individual’s valentine. Valentine’s Day gifts in Scotland are frequently given by both parties in the form of a love-token or true-love-knot.





In Spain, it is customary for courting couples to exchange gifts on Valentine’s Day and for husbands to send their wives bouquets of roses.



Valentine’s Day is celebrated in Taiwan on February 14, but there is also a special Valentine’s Day on July 7 of the lunar calendar, based on an ancient Chinese folktale (**). Both dates are equally as important. Many men purchase expensive bouquets of roses and other flowers for their sweethearts on these days. According to Taiwan tradition, the color and number of the roses holds much significance. For example, one red rose means “an only love,” eleven roses means “a favorite,” ninety-nine roses means “forever,” and one hundred eight roses means “marry me.”



View How People around the World Celebrate Valentine’s Day on Howcast








What’s love got to do with it?

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older couple


Happy is the moment, When we sit together with two forms, two faces, yet one SOUL. You and I!

~ Rumi


15 Things to understand about love

from: http://www.cosmopolitan.com


1. No love is perfect. It has its highs and its lows — and some of them are very high, and very low — but the lows are not a sign of weakness or that you shouldn’t be together. Rather, they’re something that brings you closer to each other.

2. Sometimes you just need to hold your partner’s hand or give them a hug, and not ask questions or give them any advice. Just knowing that you’re there is more comforting than words.






3. You can be mad at someone and still love them senseless. Getting mad at someone doesn’t forecast the end of your relationship, it just means you’re humans who have feelings and screw up from time to time.

4. Someone can come from a broken family or make it through a tough childhood, and show no trace of it. This doesn’t mean they have skeletons hiding in their closet that you’ll stumble upon one day, it just means they’re not who they grew up around.






5. Alone time together is sacred. You reach a point in your life when you’re so busy you feel like you don’t ever see each other, much less get alone time together when you’re doing something other than sleeping.

6. Just when you think you can’t love someone any more than you already do, something happens to bring you closer. It might just be a really hilarious joke that only you two would find funny or taking the next step in your relationship, like moving in or getting married, but passion doesn’t have to fade.

7. Compromises are worth it. Because at the end of the day, nothing beats being with the person you love, even if you have to do something you wouldn’t otherwise do to make the relationship work. Because their happiness makes you happy.

8. Communication solves all problems. You can’t expect anyone to read your mind, even your soul mate. And your soul mate will always be able to tell if you’re upset, so you know it’s better just to tell them why instead of leaving them guessing.

9. A whole day with nothing to do but hang out with each other is the hands-down best. This is why honeymoons are the best best BEST best.



rubby ossie embrace



10. Cuddling with the person you love will always make you feel better. Nothing beats crawling into the arms of the person you love. Even sometimes when you think you just want to be alone, your partner will scoop you up to comfort you and you’ll feel instantly calmed.

11. When you really love someone, you realize you can totally lay bare your insecurities to another person. Even when they feel so personal you never expected to discuss them with another soul. And you feel more secure as a result.

12. When your partner wants to do stuff without you or needs alone time, that doesn’t mean you’re in a fight or things are bad between you two. You know that maintaining lives independently of one another’s is healthy. And chances are, when he’s off with his friends, he’s talking about how wonderful you are.






13. You don’t have to share the same friends for your relationship to work. You just have to be respectful of the people your significant other values.

14. Emotional intimacy and physical intimacy feed each other. It’s a never-ending cycle that brings you closer and closer together, and you feel like you can’t have one without the other.

15. Your soul mate will make you a better person. You’ll want to be kinder, more understanding, more supportive, and more empathetic not just to be the best significant other you can be, but because your S.O. inspires you.




Cupids Arrows



The Meaning of Cupid

from: http://www.romanceclass.com


While not a real person, Cupid was the God of Love to ancient Romans, and many Italians believed in his powers. Even in the modern world, references to Cupid and his bow and arrows of love are found everywhere on Valentine’s Day.

Cupid was not initially the cherubic, happy little angel that we think of today. In his original incarnation, he was a very mischievous, sometimes dark god of love and desire who enjoyed matching ‘odd couples’ and seeing how they worked out.

Cupid eventually fell under his own spell of odd matches. He fell in love with Psyche, a mortal. In the Greek language, Psyche means “butterfly” and also means “soul”. In many ways, what Psyche goes through is symbolic of the path of each woman’s soul in life.

Cupid had actually been sent by his mother, Venus, to punish Psyche for her beauty. Instead, he was captivated by her. He arranged to have her brought to his mountain home to live with him, but he hid his identity from her, only visiting her at night. Their time together was so tender and full of gentle talk that Psyche fell in love with Cupid, without ever seeing him.

Psyche’s jealous sisters were angered by her wealth and love, and convinced Psyche that her lover must be a monster to so hide himself. The sisters persuaded her to sneak up on him after he left her one evening, armed with a knife. He awoke and saw her there, and said sadly, “I inflict no other punishment on you than to leave you forever. Love cannot dwell with suspicion.”

Psyche realized how foolish she’d been, and decided the only way to be with Cupid again was to go talk to Venus and ask for her blessing. Venus was delighted at having Psyche kneeling down before her, and set forth many tasks for Psyche to perform to prove her worthiness. Each task was more than Psyche thought she could manage, but in each case a God stepped in to assist her. Finally Psyche and Cupid were allowed to be married. They were very happy together, and had a child, named Pleasure.

Bring cupid into your life by drawing hearts with arrows in them on the steamy morning bathroom mirrors, or by signing your letters and notes with the symbol!


Valentine’s Ideas to do with your love ones, don’t miss these fantastic choices are one of a life time experiences.

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